Tuesday, February 1, 2005
i feel so dead
sorry its been so long since iv posted, im always saying that now...iv just got so much going on...anyone have any remedy for exhaustion besides mass amounts of caffine and really long naps? im trying to lay off the caffine so lately iv been sleeping like everywhere, if u have any helpfull hints, please let me know
sincerely exhausted ^^::
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Well what do you know...
Well what do you know...I'm at Emily's house once again this saturday. Doing what you may ask, oh, just the usuall, calling and bugging Ben and Ronnie, playing DDR, watching cool old movies like "The Shining" The two little ghost girls and "Tony" were just a little too creepy. ::shivers:: "Come play with us, forever and ever..."
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Sorry i havent posted like all week, been busy like crazy, i was gonna try last night but the fuckin jackass that is my moms bf decided it was about time for me to get in trouble for something pointless again so a battle went down...im not sure if im even supposed to be on now, but screw it, i dont really care. im already in trouble no harm in doin this...anime tonight, yay! life might be worth living after all...
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
the library...
i am at the library, suprise suprise ::rolls eyes:: obviously i havent been whisked off to des moines yet...i have about 5 min of free time, yay for me! this class should be interesting...watch ill be the youngest one there, the class im taking is for teens 13-17 i think...o well, guess ill just have to wait and see, right...
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Monday, January 24, 2005
sorry i didnt have time to post today...i was waaaaaaaaay to busy, i doubt ill even have time to use the computer tomorrow...i wont actually get home till after eight thirty, that is goin to royally suck...any suggestions on what i can do not to make it all suck?
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Sorry I havent updated all day, I'v been kinda tired, I had church then I went to the mall with a bunch of people and wreaked mayhem causing chaos to the masses...it was great...were such an evil little crew ^^ It was really fun though, I know I enjoyed it! I'll talk to you all lata!
Peace ^^
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Woohoooooo!!!It's finally Saturday!!! I am so dead couldn't wait to sleep in today, now sleeping in for me is waking up at 9:45, pretty pathetic, I had Tae-kwon-do this mornin, as you all probably know. My mom said she's gonna take me to the mall today, I need to buy a new pair of pants to replace the ones I covered in pain yesterday. Those will always be my fav. jeans though...anime tonight, yay! But as for the rest of the day, i'll probably just hang around here.
Quote of the day-"He who controls ramen, controls the world"
peace ^^
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Friday, January 21, 2005
I don't know...
Nothin really happened today, i got to turn into me mad artist self and work on that backround for the play i was tellin u bout. man...i get messy when i paint, i kinda zone, and the paint just gets a mind of its own,its kinda scary. i get this really weird alternate ego i think when i paint, its really chaotic and evil, and yet so much fun. i got paint all over my jeans, but i kinda like em better this way...it was fun! but other than that i dont really know what to write, nothin really worth writing happened...
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
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man, i dunno what to write today...nothing really happened, i did get to paint for about an hour or so on some scenery for a play...im gonna work on it for another few hours tomorrow, i just dunno what to write, ok heres a question for everyone...How did you meet and fall in love with who ever you are with now (if you have fallen in love with someone)
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