Thursday, December 1, 2005
Nothing is colder than the dark depths of my MiNd
well...maybe one thing is...FUCKING SNOW!!!!!AHHHHH IT FREAKING SNOWED AGAIN LAST NIGHT!IT SNOWED A LOT TOO!! Y.Y i dont hate snow....I FUCKING LOATHE IT! ::feels much better:: ahhh, tehe ^^ its nice while it snows because its all dark and freaky lookin...then it stops, and its cold,n wet...n bright ::whips out sunglasses:: AAAAhhhhhhhhhh
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ::wonders who else recognises the family guy quote...:: that hurt....u know how sometimes u try to oben a like a soy sauce bottle ::yes it was soy sauce in this case:: and its like cemented shut...yea...i just did that after our mother was all like "i have spaztic hands! help me!" so i was all, "i am ninja, i can do anything, now give it." and after about 5 min of struggling, and no skin left on that part of my hand between my finger n thumb...VICTORY IS OURS! LOL! seriously though, it hurts T.T dont you hate it when that happens? hmm what else happened in our fantastic life today...not all that much, i kept like seeing this really hott guy from my art class who sits one seat away from me ::drool over the aaron lads picture:: and everytime i would see him he would like stare at me like, n smile n i was like..."...::drool::..." ::he wears axe too....heheheheh:: but yea, o that and i had a western civ. test....o dear god that was hard T.T the "Pax Romana" is great and all ::i <3 Nero the crazy bastard, he was like my fav emperor:: but with all the flavian and julian and five good emperors and all the dates it was just like ahhhhhhh and coming from me u know it had to be bad, because his tests are always hard and i always ace them, but this one was like hell on earth, and mr. thorton is notorious for his uber hard tests. i actually struggled a bit on it, so im a lil worried, but i have like 120% in the class, soooooo i should be ok...tehe! and uhhhh i think that was about it, but hey speak of the devil i have an assload of western civ and other various subjects of homework to work i shall speak with you no more! ::throws down that majik smoke powder stuff where u dissapear:: *trips over own feet and starts coughing, crawls slowly and suspiciously out of view...* btw, what do you guys think about the new colors n stuff? i think they came out pretty well ^.^.
'Quothe the Raven"Nevermore"'
*Devils Little Sister*
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
allo allo
why allo there everyone. hows everyone doing? nothing too eventfull happened with me today. i hung out with some people for a while after school n screwed around for a while. it was great fun. i had like four different people fighting over who was my luver first ::its a joke between me n my female friends, none of us are gay, but its just fun:: it was really funny. then like one of my friends, maddie to be exact, was like, "come sit on my lap!" so i did, then this really cute guy who was sitting next to her was like, "ooh thats hott" i think his name was jordan. then he was like "im joining in!" so he sat on my lap, and didnt get up, and did i mention i looooove the smell of axe....and he was wearing it, so i was just like in extacy ^^ lol. god that stuff smells good. haha. ::total dork:: well, now my next quest is to find out who the beautifly smelling jordan lad is...then see if i can catch meself a new bf ^^ i think he was a junior too ^^ wish me luck on my perilous quest of finding out more about this lad.
*Devils Little Sister*
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
w00t Tis our bday today ^^
yup, today is meh birthday ^^. was fun. thnx to all those who sent me cards n such ^^. i had fun today, it was like everyone had to be nice to me, i am very tired of hearing the song happy birthday though, u can only hear it so many times untill ur about to spaz on someones head, lmao!!!! ya, fav gift i got though had to be the all know the travelocity gnome i assume, well, ya, im like obsessed w/him as strage as that may sound. i mean come on its the freakin coolest thing ever, a gnome with a british accent, whats not to love! ya im a sophmore, and we turned 15 today, no i didnt skip a grad to all who are about to ask ::dealt with that all day:: we moved from jersey when i was little n the cut off date for school was in like dec. rather than like sept. out here, so ya, i was a year younger than everyone in meh grade. ^^ lol well thats enough of my babbling, how was everyone elses day?
*Devils Little Sister*
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Monday, November 28, 2005
::dancing in the rain:: WHEEEEE
Oh how i love dark damp days where its cloudy and just rains, lol. no better days for edgar allen poe and machiavelli i say ^^. now dont get me wrong, we all know im not emo girl here, im just dark ^^. so my day wasnt all that bad, u know the usual stuff going on in school...omg, were doing cpr in pe though...that is funny. my group ::me emily stoll and mel ::what is that chicks last name...:::: are so over dramatic about it, the teacher gets so pissed but then cant help but laugh because its so funny...we were doing adult cpr today, and i was like "Liiiiiiiiiiiiive Damn it! You cant Die! You have too much to live for!!" while im shaking the faceless torso by the shoulders...o good times. o ya...bad news...i lost my freakin usb drive...ya that kinda fucks me over for quite a bit, i had a lot of shit saved on that...seriously not good. because it was in my pencil bag...which i lost....about a week ago and have yet to find...things aint to great around the homefront either, mother acting like a freakin psychotic bitch, eh what else is new right? shes making hitler look like ghandi right now though...omfg, i seriously want to just up n move out, but heh, no where to go, so im stuck here...ah well, ill just have to stay in the wonderfull confines of my rooms for the next three year, then im legal! Huzaa! and i can leave fo'evaaaaaaa muwhahahaha....::feels much better:: tehe, im also a little tweaked out on coffee, that was like all i had to eat coffee coffee, i have no time for food, or sleep, woohoo! well i gtg work on my machiavelli report ::huggles "The Prince" because im a freak ^^;;::
*Devils Little Sister*
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
hi guys, im back...i was actually back yesterday, but i was feeling much too lazy to how was everybodys thanksgiving btw? mine was pretty good, u know the usual, ate untill i thought i was gonna be sick then went and layed down belly up and watched "Curb Your Enthusiasm" with my stepmom, the show isnt that actually reminds me of "Arrested Development" a lot...because there's always money in the banana stand....lmao! yea yesterday mornin i went shoppin with meh stepmom...jesus...shes the worst person to shop with, i have never known someond to take so long in a dressing room....i did get some new shit though, went to hot topic, go figure, got some new black lipstick, this really hott choker its like velvet in the middle and all ruffly n lacy on the i love it. o and i got a naruto tshirt. then of course i headed straight for barnes n noble and got a few new manga...
Juvenile Orion 1
Kanpai 1
Devil May Cry3 1
im beginin to think iv got a serious thing for dante from Devil may cry...i dont know what it is about demons guys with guns n long hair...but omg....^^ tehe Kanpai was really cute too, woof ::u know what woof refers to if uv read it::. all i can say about Juvenile Orion....::buckets o'drool overflowing:: BISHOUNEN EVERYWHERE!!!!! ::molest molest:: i swear like 98% of the guys in that book are bishounen! omg its hott! lol! so ya...heh, whats new whit u guys?
*Devils Little Sister*
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Monday, November 21, 2005
"Time Marches On, For Whom The Bell Tolls!" ::headbang to some Metallica with me, you know you want to::
hey everybody whats up? im pretty perky today...i wonder if its from all the caffne iv had today!!!! woooooooooooooo! okay well now that iv gotten that outta my system...who watched the new GITS SAC 2nd Gig? omfg i looooooooooooove GITS sooooooo much, Motoko kicks serious ass. lol, man, im all like excited n stuff, tomorrow at exactly 2:15 our whole 5 day thanksgiving break starts. for me that means, goin up to ames to see my dad, and getting loaded down with b-day presents ^^ my birthday isnt till the 29th, but we usually just combine the two holidays, so its always fun. What do you all do during ur breaks?
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
well good news folks, were feeling a lot less emo and depressed this mornin n such...still feelin kinda sucky though, u know...yea i had to babysit last night..oooo that house creeps me out...seriously, its kinda old n stuff, and like i was upstairs with the baby, and it was makin all these weird sounds n stuff, so i was just like o its just the wind...well i got up to look out the window, and heh..the wind wasnt all...and from all the creaks n groans of the walls, i thought we were haveing like gale force winds...then the baby wakes up again and before i even get a chance to do anything, she starts screaming as loud as humanly possible, pointing to the closet thats about 7 feet away, and no matter what i would do, she couldnt be consoled...and no matter where in the house i took her, she just kept screaming and pointing in the direction of the closet.::now keep in mind the closet was closed, except for a like crack, so its not like she could see something she wanted, and besides the dark, so she wouldnt have been able to see even if the closet was open.:: she eventually tires herself out and falls asleep in my arms, so i go back upstairs, and as soon as we pass the closet, shes up and screaming her ass off and pointin at it again, and then we went through the whole rutine was seriously creepin me out ::it was also around like 3 in the mornin, if any of u saw the exorsism of emily rose, u know the significance of 3am::...i was seriously like freaking was uber creepy...
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Friday, November 18, 2005
iv given up almost all hope for humanity....
well in case u guys havent noticed by now ::by u guys i mean my peeps who have been readin me posts since my earl days...:: u know im kinda manic so sick of everything right now. im just so damn sick of the world, and being a human being. humans are so ignorant and dumb, all we care about is self indulgence and worldly pleasures...
to put it simply
**I hate myself**
***and I WANT TO DIE***
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
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jesus h. christ....ok ok, ya, not exactly a great day today, i mean it basically all sucked ass up untill a few hours ago...ok in school...i failed my bio test, i dont think it could have gotten any harder...i freakin hate genetics....then i got like no work done in art because my wrist was killing me ::the back story on that being on i dislocated it on tuesday in tae-kwon-do...yea...kinda hurts...:: and third hour, were doin cpr in pe...whoohoo, that was quite painfull, with my arm n all...then fourth hour rolls around, japanese wasnt so bad today, we all kinda miss kanai senseis scaryness, though yuu-chans unbelievable cuteness is a nice change. i need to go on, i mean come on its math, its suckiness goes with out saying. then western civ, i absolutly looooooooooove that class, its so much fun, but yea, we had a project to do, that neither riley nor i found much info on, and we almost volunteered to go tomorrow, but we decided to go on monday, so i get to spend the weekend working on that...o well, at least its an interesting topic....ahhhhh and now we get to seventh hour...intro to digital graphics, to put it simply, the network at our school hasnt been running nearly as efficiently as it should be, simply because the server was moved to another building miles, and miles away. that makes it very hard to actually use any programs like adobe illustrator, or even microsoft word...hell it took me twenty minutes, TWENTY FREAKIN MINUTES just to access my H-Drive! and to make matters worse...eigth hour, just when i think the computer torture has ended, noooooooooooo we end up goin to one of the labs and try to work on an assignment, but of course....THE FREAKIN NETWORK AND SERVER DONT WORK! BY THE TIME I GOT WHAT I NEEDED STARTED UP, THERE WERE EIGHT, *ONLY EIGHT* MINUTES LEFT IN FREAKIN CLASS! i swear our entire network system is just a lost cause...i hate it so much....u have no idea...i almost completely freakin lost it, im serious, my two friends i was sitting with were getting freakin scared, thats how pissed off i was, i was at that point where i was past mad, and just hysterical, i mean, i seriously could not stop laughing for like ten or fifteen minutes, my sides hurt so bad....
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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