Saturday, November 12, 2005
so tired...
omg i got up at freakin six for that test and didnt get done till 11 i was ready to kill someone! omfg it sucked ass so, well now that iv got that outta me system...^^ i watched Bevis and Butthead last night, cause im a totall loser, lol! it was fun though, imma go get me hair cut today, not sure how, i think i might do something a little shorter, but i unno we'll see what jaimes input is, shes my hair person, and jaime kicks ass! she is the coolest chick ever. if youve never gotten ur hair cut at a "Serenity" Aveda salon, u need to! it may cost an assload ::and by that i mean like 30 dollars a cut:: but trust me its completely worth it, every cent of it. im feeling rather develish today ^^ what havic can i wreak upon the masses at this moment in time....
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Friday, November 11, 2005
yea...nothing too exciting happened at school or anything like that today...yea just kinda bored, happy its the weekend though, but i have to get up early tomorrow to go take some freakin retarded test at meh school i have to get up at like 7 for it...normally i get up at six, but its still too early to be taking a test...yea...i saw sheppy today ^^ ::giggles:: tehe!i dont care what anyone says, hes a sweetheart ^^
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
tehe...omg, im such a horrible evil bitch...T.T, it was fun though...ok heres the story...ok u n ur bf/gf are having issues and so forth and u dont really talk for a while, so it kinda goes with out saying at one point, that yea, ur broken up...and ur really good friends with this guy/girl that u like, and they just got dumped by whoever...and u start hanging out with them...and u start like m/o with them...then their ex walks by and since ur technically not going out, his ex calls u a slut...even though, all u were doing was making out...yea that makes for an akward moment...that ever happened to anyone else...?
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
"I am cornholio, I have no tepe for my bumhole"
ah god! lol who watched "Bevis and Butthead Do America" this weekend?!?!? I havent seen that movie in so long!!! Its so completely retarded but so incredibly funny. in other news...i am exhausted...anyone else have the same feelin...omg life sucks right now. I cant wait till we get our wonderfull thanksgiving break, three whole days long...woohoo...that is the one reason Valley sux ass, our breaks our inhumanly short. O birthday is coming up ^^ its the 29 huzaa only like...::counts on fingers:: only 21 days left and counting!!!! lol im such a loser ^^ and u know u all love me for it ~.^ yeaaa...well lets see i cant think of anything horribly interesting to write about...uhhh one of my uperclassman friends had her mom bring in her dog today ::she didnt know where her mom was dropping her dog off, so she waited at one end of the school while i waited at the other...i dont even know her mom so i was all like "Maggie sent me to look for you and the dog because she didnt know where u were going to drop her off", and i was dressed like a freak today, so she kind of wearily glanced at me n was like was awkward ^^;;:: Lassie was a collie ::never woulda guessed that would ya?:: and she was so pretty! lol! Oh yea...this week seems to be a bad week for relationships...all of my close friends are having issues with their bfs/gfs, i wonder why...this includes me...anybody else find this really weird...
*DeViLs LiTtLe SiStEr*
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
btw guys if any of u out there are hardcore cosplayers like meh, im gonna be Alexiel at a con coming up, im having issues finding good pics of her outfits though, its like impossible to get an entire body shot, u know. and if u could also hook me up with patterns or somewhere i could get them ::not the best with a sewing machine without instructions...not sure why, been usin one for a loooooooooong time...anyway::i would be very appreciative.
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::twitch twitch::
O MY FREAKIN GOD...THE FREAKIN LADY NEXT DOOR, THE ONE I WAS BABYSITTIN FOR LAST NIGHT...DIDN'T GET FREAKIN IN UNTILL 1:30 IN THE FREAKIN MORNING!!!!!FOR GODS SAKE, DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TIRED I AM!!!! I HAD TO GET UP AT FREAKIN 8 FOR GODDAMN CHURCH ::its oxymoron....:: and i didnt get to bed untill 2:30 because i had to shower!!! on top of that i think iv got some type of bug, i feel like i have the flu, but i dont have a fever and im not throwing up ::yet...::....but yea, im going to go pass out from exaustion...ill ttyl or tom DH...btw DH help me with ideas for postcards....
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Kill. Me. Now.
Babysitting the freakin brats next door...somebody i beg of you release me of this torture...KILL ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!! ::goes and grabs a spork, those of you who read the manga i made during the iteds know where this is going (cough dymond heart cough):: ill try n see if i can get me manga on me site sometime soon, but we make no promises....these brats still have two hours before they go to bed...i dont think imma make it...
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Friday, October 21, 2005
I get to go to Rocky Horror tonight at Billy Joes, hooray, itll be fun! ill explain more lata but if its the same in your town, u bring friends along and they have to go through virgin bringing along three....MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
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I get to go to Rocky Horror tonight at Billy Joes, hooray, itll be fun! ill explain more lata but if its the same in your town, u bring friends along and they have to go through virgin bringing along three....MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
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