I get to go to Rocky Horror tonight at Billy Joes, hooray, itll be fun! ill explain more lata but if its the same in your town, u bring friends along and they have to go through virgin treatment...heh...heheheh...im bringing along three....MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAA
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
yes...wait what...
dude iv got another cold...go figure, i switched over to cold pills this morning...sometimes i really think i am retarded...i have been like stoned out of my mind all day from the damn day-quil
or however the hell u spell it...dude seriously, u dont beleive me go ask dymondheart...dude..and i really didnt tell u me n ron were going together to hc chris? wow, coulda swore i did, yea were going out again ::obviously...:: but yea, im going to go wander around aimlessly, cause yea cold---meds...do stu--wha...
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Okay okay, sorry i havent uped in like forever...lol...iv been really busy, etc u know the usual...well homecoming was last night...it was so much fuuuuuuuun!! I had on this black like gothic lolita dress that had lace n sequins on it,it went just below my knees, uber sexy. my fishnets with the bows at the top ::not that u could see them:: and i had these uber cool boots, they were black and laced up the front, only they had like four inch heels so they looked like hooker boots, they are so cool, omg but im like cripled from them this morning u know...it was so great though, my bf came to pick me up, and was just like, whoa....then we got to the dance and people i didnt even know were coming up to me telling me how hott i looked and im just like, tehe! i even had some of my gay friends tell me i looked sexy it was so cool, i was like damn, i gotta start dressin like this everyday...i think my bf was gettin a little ticked at everybody hittin on me though, lol, it was great fun...o yea, and u all know emily, well yea...lets see where to start...she got her dress...and it was a nice dress, just not on her. dont get me wrong, i love the girl, but she really needs to lose some weight u know...she buys like all her clothes like *2* sizes too small, so she hangs out of all of them...and her dress.....it was just eew! plain and simple.like i said it was a nice dress...but it wasnt nice on her...it was a nice color red, and it kinda poofed at the bottom, but girl has a serious gut. and so whenever she would move it would all jiggle...kinda like jell-o or like gravy thats been sittin in the fridge for a few days u know...it was just plain nasty, and i dont understand how someone can look like that and not see that they need to lose weight...even me, i am the queen of freakin fast food i love it, but i stoped eating anything that even resembled it a good month before homecoming and lost like 10 lbs, in the last two weeks alone iv lost 4 lbs, so that i could fit in my dress and look good, now u have to keep in mind iv never been one of those anorexic/bulemic blonde whores that we all hav eat our schools, im one of those weird goth punk chicks who actually looks like a normal person, im not fat, but im not skinny either u know, but i still have enough sense to go on a diet...it just bugs me when people like that dont have enough sense to realize they need to cut down on their fast food and maybe exorcise u know...
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
w00t I say w00t!!!! HaHa! Guess whats happing in this crazed schitsophric's (<-im a horribly bad spellerer) psychopathic world!!!! ::does little happy jig and chant:; I GOT A DATE TO HOMECOMING LALALALA!!!! TEHE ::twitch spaz::twitch spaz:: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, so how about eVeRyBoDy ElSe??? who are u all going with?
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
wow...dude, its been...like forever....
seriously...dude i havent uped in so long...omg...i guess thats what happens though when u take eight classes a day and have like four or five hours of homework everynight though, lol. yea, i mean hell, i dont even eat breakfast or lunch, i survive of vitamins and coffee...seriously the only meal i have time to eat is dinner...that bad or what ^^ so hows school goin for y'all? good i hope. we have homecoming soon, i need to go buy a dress, lol ::runs over to The Atomic Garage:: so anyone else watch naruto on sat.? i dunno about u guys, but i was having uber spaz issues with the voice actors u know. i absolutly hate naruto's voice...ughhh the voice actors seemed so inexperienced u know...it just really bugged me...u know....ugh...
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
THE RANDOM PICTURE OF RANDOMNESS!!!!! ::oooooooh ahhh:: lol i love this picture im not sure who drew it, but i got it off of one of my friends gaiaonline journal, i cant help it, its just so funny ^^ i luv it! anbu whores, lol!
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
omg, im sorry i havent uped in so long, school started wednesday, and i already have several hours worth of hw to do every night T.T...my sleep schedule is all messed up still too from staying up till like three over the summer u know...so iv been uber exhausted and just havent been up the task of upping, u know....o man, so how is school goin for everyone else?
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Monday, August 22, 2005
well, that was the last weekend before school started....i had quite a few things planned for it too, shopping, dying one of my bff hair....sleeping....u get the idea...well, so much for fun, my weekend went right out the window, emily who was going to dye n bleach her brothers hair, while i did rons on sat. ended up having to go to her dads....and me well, i ended up getting nasty sick all weekend. i dun know what it was either, it was like a stuffynose/ i cant eat anything with out getting a horrible stomach ache or barfing my brains out....ughh it uber sucked. and yea, i go back to school wednesday, im in denial, i still have an assload of studying to do, but no time to do it...im screwed, soooo who wants to run far away with me so that we dont have to go to school anymore??
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
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ok...its been lets see ::counts on fingers:: around five days since i last washed my hair...cause i got it dyed.....well i washed it this morning w00t!!!!! it smells pretty like aveda now ::snorts hair:: nuthin else really new, i changed my dani backround, i like the mascara one better, that and i changed my avi. anybody else know the ratflail joke? go to www.vgcats.com and look through the artchives. scratch that...just read them all, they're uber funny i luv em!
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