Monday, August 15, 2005
Midori no kawai ha doko desu ka....
w00t lol, i dunno just felt like writin that....imma dork, lol went to registration today and got me schedule n all, im a sophmore i have no clue when my lunch is...typical, never do...oh and i officially have to start studying for school, which is an oxymoron, i know...but my hair freakin kicks ass!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh srry, i just cant get over its sweetness, but yea. after i got refistered, i went to emilys, then we registered her little bro, hell be in eighth grade. hes like our lab rat, its so much fun, we got him to shave off his mohawk, because he would never put it up, so now he has an emo haircut...and hes gonna grow out only that part, then when its really long, me n em are gonna help him and were gonna bleach it and dye it funny colors, then hes gonna gel it up like a unicorn horn, lol it will be so spazzy!
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
my hair kicks ass!!!!!
Well nothing went too terribly wrong this weekend, lol. Friday I helped on of my bff bleach her hair ::if u guessed emily, congratulations, u win a years supply of free air!::...that went ok....except we ran outta bleach...if ur planning on bleaching ur hair, here are a few tips...
~brush your hair before u do anything
~make sure ur in a room with REALLY GOOD VENTILATION
~always start from the bottom of your hair, and work your way up.
~check the consistancy of your bleach, make sure no part of it is powdery, it should be smooth and cream like
~work in small sections
well that was my bleach tutorial...i also had my hair done this weekend, i spend like four and a half hours getting it done at the salon, it was insane...u know how a while ago i told u it was blue, about six months ago it was anyway, since then it had turned a funny green color...and it was a funny green color since around the end of march begining of april...well i got it cut and styled this weekend and i also got it dyed. my hair obviously had to be bleached, at least 98% had to be i had 40 VOLUME BLEACH in my hair for three hours. 40 volume is the strongest u can get, its only supposed to be in ur hair for like 10 min because its so strong...well three hours later when we went to check on it, hopeing the green was had only turned a minty color....well another hour or so later, my hair was FINALLY DONE. i had it cut short, way shorter than my usual, but in a similar style as the last one, very grundgy and uneven looking. lol. the it had been dyed black....heres where the bleaching comes in...with like neon red highlights everywhere...IT KICKS ASS!!! i love it so much! omg it is so cool, im still spazzing over, anyone else do anything freaky to their hair before school?
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Friday, August 12, 2005
hallo ^^
allo allo everybody hows u all doin zis fine day? im pretty good, im goin through another spazzy Dani Filth craving!!! Yay for Cradle of Filth!!! any of u listen to Cradle?? if so how long u been a fan? and u know anywhere i can get a cradle poster/flag?? i cant find em anywhere....T.T....i need more dani filth!!! btw, u like my backround....its Dani tehe ^^
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Monday, August 8, 2005
omg, if u remember a little while back i told u i had gotten the new harry potter book..."Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" and i was about halfway through or so...well i ended up having to put the book down for a little while, ok more like a few weeks...butlast night i decided to pick it up and start reading again. well as i fell asleep reading it i had three chapters left...and i read them this morning....let me correct myself...i sobbed through them...i dont want to say anything about what happened, in case any of u are reading it...but still, it was so sad wasnt it!!!??!?!?!?!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
bleah...tis all i have to say...
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Friday, August 5, 2005
hi peoples!!!
lol, hi guys, hows all doin? not to much happin today, just did a little back to school shoppin at the mall, u know. and normally, that would have been fun...buuuuuuut, i was with my mom ::duh, im broke:: and im normally fine with that...and i continue dot dot dot...we were in Hot Topic, my fav store ever, and as of late i have noticed that a lot of hott guys ::and by hott i mean, i would crawl through glass on my hands and knees at the opportunity to go out with them:: well i was lookin for a cd and doin that thing that people do when they start to get agitated, u know kinda sigh loudly and curse...well i was doin that and this totally freakin smokin hott guy who worked there came up to me and was like, "i take it u cant find the cd u want" and i was like "heh, no" and then he asked me what cd i was lookin for and i said Flogging Molly, and he asked me what album, and i said Drunken Lullabys, and we got into this whole conversation...and he was obviously older than me...::im only 14 but ill be a sophmore this year, he looked like he was about 16...:: but i was just like, i dont care, hes hott...well evidently my mother saw him talking to me and decided there would be no chance in hell of us ever talking again due to the fact that id be to embarassed to ever see him again and she dragged me off...and thats basically the story....yea...kinda pissed.......T.T ::sobbing:: what am i talking about he was freakin hott!!! ::runs away crying::
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
man i gotta startin postin regularly again....people r ditchin me, not good ^^;;
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
omg, to those of u loyal to me pathetic sorry i havent been updating for like a week! iv been so busy with everything going on!! two birthdays within two weeks of each other, school, painting my rooms, school, friends, school, not to mention babysitting next door for the three kids ::the baby is teathing T.T:: so im just like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! and trying to sleep my way through it all u know ^^;;
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
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sorry i havent been uping as regularly as usual u guys!!! ^^;; i keep going out during the day with no regard to myo. im such a horrible person arent i!!! well i did acomplish one thing at the mall, i got a coffe ::yay starbucks:: and of course a new manga. iv taken to reading a lot of shojo lately im not entirly sure why...maybe its because ever girl can relate to one character or another...but anyway, i got Doubt...i first read a part of it in a Sneak Peek that i got from the two sophmores in my japanese class ::thanx emily and lisa:: and i picked it up today, and its really good. it actually rivals my other favorite manga for the past two years or so, Hana Kimi. i would totally recomend this to u if u like shojo, and even if u dont i would still say give it a try. its definetly worth the whole $10.....
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