Sunday, June 26, 2005
that party last night was great!!!so much uber fun!(see yesterdays post) i couldnt sleep cause everytime i shut my eyes i would either see thane humping the tree or pickle shaveing his legs! lol! seriously i was up till like three or four just laughing!!! it was so great! anybody else have any funny party stories to tell!?
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
sorry its taken me so long to up today, i slept really late cause i had to babysit till like one or two in the morning last night then i had to get ready and go to a party till like well, now ^^, it was so much fun, we shaved part of thanes legs, he was so mad!! but it was so funny!o man, cant wait to mock him during the school year, lol, we also got him to hump a tree!!!
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Friday, June 24, 2005
hey, guys, sorry i didnt update yesterday i ended up going to my dads wed. afternoon so that i could "dog sit" for his retarded dog while he was out of town for the day er so, yea it was dumb, but i did learn something, sun tan lotion can go bad...i was outside i figured, hell im here im bored its nice n hott out, ill get a tan, well the fricken sun tan lotion was a bit too old i guess and my stomach is fried, and a little part of my legs, very painfull at the moment, take my advice, always make sure ur sunscreen is new...
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
man im tired today...was at the mall for a while yesterday did the usuall, got some coffe, bought new manga! woo, i got Angel Sanctuary 2 and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles 3 ^^. We also got our Bo's last night in tkd, dude they're fricken huge, they're like 6 feet tall, im only like 5 2ish, so was really hard too...we spent an hour only working on a few basics and it was so hard with all the spinning and flipping n crap...omg, it was evil! but really fun. then of course i did the usual and stayed up till oneish watching me some anime ^^ oh yea, when i was at the bookstore in the mall we met this coolio chick named morgan, she's an otaku AND she works at Hot Topic! SCORE, can we say DISCOUNT!!! lol anyway that was fun, but yea thats really all that went down, what did ya'll do yesterday?
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I dunno but im feeling rather cheery today, maybe its because i have tae-kwon-do tonight and we get our bo tonight...i dunno, it might just be the new Jimmy Hendrix cd i got, wooooo!
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Monday, June 20, 2005
YAY! I GOT NEW MANGA THIS WEEKEND! i got the box set of the first three Cardcaptor Sakura gns!!!! i also was given tarot cards! its a lot harder than you would think to learn all the stuff u need to know about em....
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Friday, June 17, 2005
okay, come on u guys no one told me which backround they like better, come on i need help here! fine ill leave this one up for a while then well change back to the other one, okay!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Here's my other Hyde backround, which one do u think i should keep, i really like the other one too...and to clear up some things from yesterday, a bo staff is like a big long stick it's basically a wooden staff, so yea...^^
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
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wow...i must have been really tired, i slept till 11:30 today! lol! We should get our bo's next tuesday in tae-kwon-do, woohoo,did i tell u all that we were going to start training with them in the advance class?? im all excited ^^
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