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myOtaku.com: hieisfireerika

Friday, March 4, 2005


WOOHOO~! It's finally the weekend!! Can you all guess what imma be doin>? Heres a quiz to see how well u really know me...

~Will I be...

A.)Laying around and doing nothing like ever other teenager in this godforsaken state they call Iowa which is obviously code for HeLl.

B.)Make moonshine with my leprechan Jim ::you know u want too::

C.)Going to Tae-Kwon-Do, come home, shower, ddr, watch some anime, go to emilys house and spend the night there while playing ddr and watching monty python and taunting people over the phone (i even have my own toothbrush there now),raiding her fridge and eating any deli meat we can find (were weird like that), and playing that wonderfull archery game on albinoblacksheep.com with her little brother we call Spunky, and playing grand theft auto and using the tank cheat and going on rampages and blowings stuff up for like hours on end...

~You have been given your choices if you wish to know which answer is correct and what your prize is, please come back tomorrow!~

CrAzY hIpPiE out^^

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