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myOtaku.com: hieisfireerika

Sunday, April 10, 2005

   Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday to you....EMILY!!!! Today was emilys b-day, last night when i was at her house ::gasp suprise:: we brought her a big cookie and a bottle of spray whip cream, then i gave her her present. i got her this little tube of bright pink lip gloss, and i put it in a hot topic bag, then i duct taped the bag shut.i then proceeded to put the bag in a large box. then i went to the recycling bin and loaded it up with newspaper and old magazines to make it heavy so she would think she got something good. after that, i then duct taped the box so that it was physically impossible to open it with out struggling for a half hour with scissors, after she got through all that, she was just like..."this is it?" and i was just like " yea" as we all proceeded to laugh for around 5 min...o and i redyed my hair it goes BALOOO!!!

TrIpPy HiPpIe OUT^^

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