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myOtaku.com: hieisfireerika

Thursday, December 1, 2005

   Nothing is colder than the dark depths of my MiNd

well...maybe one thing is...FUCKING SNOW!!!!!AHHHHH IT FREAKING SNOWED AGAIN LAST NIGHT!IT SNOWED A LOT TOO!! Y.Y i dont hate snow....I FUCKING LOATHE IT! ::feels much better:: ahhh, tehe ^^ its nice while it snows because its all dark and freaky lookin...then it stops, and its cold,n wet...n bright ::whips out sunglasses:: AAAAhhhhhhhhhh
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ::wonders who else recognises the family guy quote...:: that hurt....u know how sometimes u try to oben a like a soy sauce bottle ::yes it was soy sauce in this case:: and its like cemented shut...yea...i just did that after our mother was all like "i have spaztic hands! help me!" so i was all, "i am ninja, i can do anything, now give it." and after about 5 min of struggling, and no skin left on that part of my hand between my finger n thumb...VICTORY IS OURS! LOL! seriously though, it hurts T.T dont you hate it when that happens? hmm what else happened in our fantastic life today...not all that much, i kept like seeing this really hott guy from my art class who sits one seat away from me ::drool over the aaron lads picture:: and everytime i would see him he would like stare at me like, n smile n i was like..."...::drool::..." ::he wears axe too....heheheheh:: but yea, o that and i had a western civ. test....o dear god that was hard T.T the "Pax Romana" is great and all ::i <3 Nero the crazy bastard, he was like my fav emperor:: but with all the flavian and julian and five good emperors and all the dates it was just like ahhhhhhh and coming from me u know it had to be bad, because his tests are always hard and i always ace them, but this one was like hell on earth, and mr. thorton is notorious for his uber hard tests. i actually struggled a bit on it, so im a lil worried, but i have like 120% in the class, soooooo i should be ok...tehe! and uhhhh i think that was about it, but hey speak of the devil i have an assload of western civ and other various subjects of homework to work through...so i shall speak with you no more! ::throws down that majik smoke powder stuff where u dissapear:: *trips over own feet and starts coughing, crawls slowly and suspiciously out of view...* btw, what do you guys think about the new colors n stuff? i think they came out pretty well ^.^.
'Quothe the Raven"Nevermore"'
*Devils Little Sister*

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