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Higlue Zetsumei
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| HiglueZetsumei
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'm prolly ganna have to go to the hospital
the reason for going to the hospital is my mom her right foot in the same spot where she had surery is swollen she cant touch her foot and we both decided that if the pain of her foot continues that we go to the hospital
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Friday, April 27, 2007
my could have gone better
lets see the first problem that happened today was when my index finger my ring finger and middle finger got slamed in a locker door and let me just say what i was screaming in my head OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
it really hert cause my friend has to slam her locker to close it and my fingers were in the way so ya i went to the nurse office after i got an ice pack for my fingers i can feel a pulse in them and them still hurt T-T all the lockers at my school hate me
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
today went a 'little' better
it was ok till english and asuka got on my nerves that was the only prob really she left english and she went to the office i guess and she tried to get me in trouble for saying sumthing that i never sadi it was someone else she makes me so mad
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im getting F***inw sick of this im tired of Donald harrassing me and my friends he back handed my friend in the face!!!!!!!! he is a BAKA ANA(ass-hole) he is such an ass-hole im ganna strangle him one these days i was still mad when me and my friends went to the principal's office and i gave the principal crud and i said shit to him and i got in trouble but to me slut is a hell of alot worse when he was talking to me i left the office and left school im not ganna deal with him either he hasent helped with any of my problems at the school the only one who actually helped me was the councler but i left school and i was only the front steps trying to calm down it didnt work i clled me mom on my phone and i left early
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Monday, April 23, 2007
this is a link to the guy whos harrassin me its his myspace but i dont know why im putting it on here i just thought some people would want to see what the ass-hole looks like pardon my french
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i hated today
I think people can see im mad im not mad at any of you im mad at some guy from my school for harrasin me im sick of them for treating me like im shit or sumthing
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
ok this video is F***ing funny these guys are so stupid
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
well todays the day
FINALLY the party for my little second cousin my mom just finished the poster we made for him it looks so cool maybe later after the party i can post pics of the party if any one would want to see the pics well ill post some anyways we have ballons on the poster and my mom let me blow two up one wasent put on it i have been actin like a cat battin it around lol its just so fun to me.....oh sorry i g2g we are goin to me cousins to drop off the poster well hit with a pm later
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Friday, April 20, 2007
I'm kinda in a good mood today ^^
I am pretty happy today cause tomarrow im goin my cousin Aaron's first birthday party his real B-day was the 18th but his parants want to have the party saturday oh wait he is my first cousin's son so i should say my second cousin silly me ^^' well I really have no more to say so if anyone wants to talk to meh hit me with a PM okays
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
what my bg loks like fully

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