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Real Name
Everyone calls me Pan, Satie, Sato or Tsuki...
A large list of fanfiction, many sketches, third-rank tech, Runner-up for Most Artistic in Senior Polls, voted 'Most Likely to Throw Cheese at You' by my friends...(I think...)
Anime Fan Since
2000-ish, after getting hooked on InuYasha (it was the ears....)
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Fruits Basket
Changes daily...although I always make sure to glomp the Kaiba Brothers!
Glomping Seto-chan & Mokuba-chan, writing, drawing, reading, teching, and being a complete nutcase
I don't like to brag, but people have told me I'm a good writer and artist
| Hikari No Tsuki
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Success and Surveys
I believe I have managed to please my readers today. I finally updated a chapter! Huzzah for Twelve Little Duelists! Chapter 5 is finally up and waiting for reviews!!
I took a survey today, out of it is.
thing abt.u/anime knowledge | Created by bloodyshadow and taken 10 times on bzoink! | username | Hikari No Tsuki | favorite anime | Yu-Gi-Oh! and Negima! | favorite bishojo | Sango or Nagase-san | anime loving friends | Sensei, Sango-chan, Coffey-san, Auro-chan, Rachel-san, and many others. | current food | Ice cream! (Yay...vanilla.) | current mood | Anxious | current hobby | Writing and drawing | current song | Behind Blue Eyes and Phantom of the Opera | current group | The Otakus and Knights of the Octagon Table! | current obbsession | Yu-Gi-Oh!, dragons, writing and contemplating life. | current longing | To complete my book (and have a new computer!) | current manga | Negima! Chobits, Ai Yori Aoshi and Tsubasa | current annoyance | Dogs...*hisses* | personality | Quiet, shy, as nonexistant as possible, subserviant | weaknesses | Giving speeches, being on film, large groups, people | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
I don't have much else to say...except, the other piece of mine that will be published has managed to get itself lost. Once I find it (if my cats didn't eat it) I'll put it up here.
Bye for now!
~Hikari No Tsuki
Yes, I did change the Fruits Basket theme to Chobits (Fruits Basket just wasn't working for me...)
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
New Theme!
Hooray! It's about time I put up a new theme. I decided on Fruits Basket because I just finished watching the series and I absolutely love it! Especially the Mabudachi Trio. Aya, Shii-chan and Haa-san are the best (although, I adore kawaii Kisa-san and Hiro-san). Hell! There isn't a character I can hate in the whole series, they're all great! I hope everyone likes the new theme. Next month it will change again.
As for my pieces to be published in the magazine. I have two of them with me (I'll find the other later.) These two are vignettes (a short piece with little or no plot).
Sleepy grass green eyes suddenly sharpened. Something tiny had shifted the long blades of dark green grass. The eyes-that-were-its-surroundings followed the rustling plants to a bare patch of dry brown earth. A minute tawny mouse scanned the dirt with shining ebony eyes. Emerald eyes widened in fascination as the mouse cleaned trembling whiskers with tiny pink paws. A brisk breeze blew from the watcher to the watched. The mouse rose with blinding speed to the very tips of its white toes, rosy nose quivering. The owner of the eyes of jade pounced. One life ended to allow the other’s survival. The game had begun and ended in a time as minuscule as the mouse.
Beauty or deformity? She pondered the question while watching the battle unfold. The butterfly or the spider? She raised hesitant, pale hands to the silver web, leaving them to hover indecisively over the butterfly as it struggled valiantly to escape the spider’s thready trap. Her hands twitched into claws as they moved toward the repulsive black spider. The butterfly was made of colors the rainbow would envy while the spider consisted of coarse black hairs and beady crimson eyes. Her eyes watered as she contemplated the predicament; save the butterfly and starve the spider, or feed the spider and kill the butterfly? Sympathy for the gorgeous or sympathy for the hideous?
For some reason, people had difficulty figuring out 'Game'. If you didn't know, it's about a cat hunting a mouse, simply.
Now, beckons me, as do my fanfictions (yes, I'm actually working on them...) so, farewell all!
~Hikari No Tsuki
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Publishing Power!!!
I'm in the greatest mood I've been in for quite some time! Today my creative writing teacher told me she wishes to publishes a few of my pieces in a magazine!! I was speechless, I didn't think anything I wrote was all that grand. It makes me so proud to think that others will be reading my work (but I'm also a bit nervous about it).
I have to cut this short, my time is up on the computer...I'll fix it up later.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Creativity Springs Forth Like Water From A Newly Cleaned Fountain
*rereads subject*...What was I trying to be...poetic? I dunno. But I'm in a really good mood right now. My creative writing teachers has told me I should consider full-time writing. I'm ecstatic! I love to write, but I never even dreamed I was remotely day I really should learn to listen to my beloved readers and reviewers. I always thought they were just being nice =^_^= Now they deserve extra hugs for their support and compliments. Believe me, every time I see my email subject say Review, I want to dance with joy. It makes my day when people send reviews! (I promise, wonderful readers, I WILL update as soon as possible, it's just difficult without a computer of my own...) *gives everyone huge hugs* I love ya all!
~Hikari No Tsuki
Please give me suggestions on a new theme for the page! (Obey the sparkly-ness of Shii-chan!!! He's so sexy!)
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Spring Break
Huzzah! Spring Break is only 3 hours away! I'm on the verge of breaking out into a matter of fact, I think I will! *does a little dance (Yes, Aurora, I did Sou's little dance...XD)*
Other news...uhm. I had to read a piece of my writing in front of my Creative Writing class. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, people said they liked it, so I stopped shaking and what not. *nervous laugh* As you can tell, I'm not fond of public fact, I'm not fond of speaking period. Typing is a completely different story. I'll type long as hell speeches, I'll just never read them...
Fanfiction Info: Working on each one a bit at a time. It's a slow process. I hope to be able to update something during Spring Break. My poor reader's are demanding my blood now if I don't put up new chapters. I'm just a little frightened by that. My poor Beta hasn't had any work whatsoever since she started working for me. I wonder if that's a good or bad thing. Heh heh.
In the next few weeks, I plan on putting up a new layout here. Probably an Invader Zim or Phantom of the Opera theme. Depends. Though, I am fond of the Seto/Mokuba theme currently up, one can get a bit overloaded on the kawaii. It's time for a change, ne?
Leave some comments on what my next theme should be! I love comments, guestbook signings and hugs!
~Hikari No Tsuki |
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Friday, March 11, 2005
Sleep Deprivation is Good for the Soul!
I haven't slept since my last post (at 3:30 in the morning) and it's now 7:30 and I'm getting twitchy =^_^= I'll be giggly all day now! Sleep deprivation does that to sister and I have been unable to figure it out. Everytime someone is lacking in sleep, they start laughing at everything and become purely insane. It's so great to watch! Especially when you're suicidal enough to gather a group of my psycho friends in one room for a New Year's Eve party with candy, cookies, soda and absolutely no's a wonder we didn't burn down the poor house. =O_O=()
I'm ever so slightly frustrated right now. I've been scouring the internet for chibi Seto and Mokuba pictures, and I've had little luck =-_-= If someone knows a good site, please PM me! I will be eternally grateful!
"Sleep is for the weakminded...and tired."
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HTML frenzy
Right now, I am forever in Yokobandit's debt! I've never found a more useful site for customizing my Otaku homepage! *hugs Yokobandit* You don't know me, but I love you!!!
On another note...It's about 3 in the morning here in good old South California. I can't seem to fall asleep. *shrugs* Oh well, more time to spend working on my fics, I suppose. My poor Beta...ever since she was hired (no, she does not get paid) I haven't had a single update for her to go over. I'm sorry, Hime-chan! I'll work my sad little tail off to get new chapters to you as soon as possible (note: I've been saying this for the past three months...)
Let's talk about school...O_O; Why? I don't know. Just because I can? Well, it's great being a Senior, no real academic classes and people respect you (even if you are only 5'2''...sometimes I wish I could talk with Hiei and Yugi about the pros and cons of being short.) ^_^ Sad thing is, my best friend is freakishly tall, so it makes me look even shorter! But I can't hate Sensei for that, it ain't her fault. Lol. I love Sensei, she's one of my Knights of the Octagon Table, after all! Gotta love the K.O.T.! ...That's it, I'm listing the whole crew here and now!
Sir Pan the Panness (Me, Tsuki)
Sir Spork the Sporky (My sister, Sango-chan)
Sir Squirrel the Squirrely (My buddy, Coffey-san)
Sir Spam the Spam Pirate (My best friend, Sensei)
Sir Bondage the Handcuffyness (My penpal/buddy/RPer friend, Aurora-chan [I luff jo0!])
Sir Hamster the Fuzziness (My little puppy follower, Lum)
Sir Seagull the Spazzy (Another buddy, Islama)
Sir Sausage the sausageness (Online friend, Miroku)
Sir Yin the Yangness (My brother, Hiro)
Sir Turtle the Turtle-ishness (My mum, Mommy)
Sir Sexi the Caffienated (Coffey-san's kick-arse mum)
Sir Kitty the Chaste (Hug-buddy, Katie)
Sir Lynx the Toasterness (My schoolplay friend, Ally) |
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Fanfiction Abuse Time! (Ch. 1 of Moulin RougiOh!)
Evening, ladies and gentlemen! I'm in a mood to post some of my fanfiction (namely the ones banned from for use of script-format) And I'm doing just that! Here's the first part of one of my more popular pieces, Moulin RougiOh!
Moulin Rougi-Oh!
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Moulin Rouge, but I do own my original characters. Plus my buddies own their charries too (I.E. Bondage, Spam, Squirrel, Spork, Sango and Aurora.)
Summary: The Yu-Gi-Oh cast has been mysteriously invited to the theatre, they all believe it’s to see a play...little do they know they are going to be forced to act out a musical to earn their escape from a group of nut jobs.
The Original Characters:
Tsuki- A Bishie Fanatic (and worshipper of Seto Kaiba and Mokuba) the one that is in charge of it all. Some of the crew members call her "The Master of the House" and the others call her "Ki-chan" or "The Ringleader Nutcase".
Sou- Tsuki's beloved boyfriend and kind of her servant....
Spork- The hyperactive squirrel demon. She and Squirrel are in charge of music.
Squirrel- Another hyperactive squirrel demon, Spork's bestest friend.
Bondage- A whip and handcuffed obsessed girl in charge of special effects.
Pan- A fox demon who wields a skillet. She is the stage director.
Spam- A ferret demon and a pirate. She is the Mistress of the Mighty Velvet (she's in charge of opening and closing the curtain....Pan gave her that nifty nickname.)
Dicen- A girl who is absolutely obsessed with Duke Devlin. She is Pan's assistant.
Roha- The medic.....she's pretty important considering all the accidents bound to happen.
InuYin and InuYang- twins (InuYin is the boy, InuYang is the girl). They greet guests at the theatre.
[Scene description, group actions]
Character name: (Action) Speech
Another Note:
The yamis are all separate from their Hikaris. The yamis are: Yami (Yugi's yami), Marik (Malik's yami) and Bakura (Ryou's yami).
Chapter 1: Getting the Part
Tsuki: Okay everyone, our guests shall be arriving soon. Take your places.
[Everyone runs around finding hiding spots, the door guards all stand behind the doors.]
Tsuki: (evil laugh) Its time for some fun! (sits in the front row seat of the theatre)
(Yugi, Yami, Joey, Tea, and Tristan walk toward the theatre. Each has an invitation in their hands.)
Yugi: So, how did we win these invitations to... (He reads the invite) "Greatest Musical Performance To Ever Appear In Domino City"?
Tea: (She glances around nervously)
Joey: Ah, who cares, Yug? We won them and they're free, that's all that matters!
Tristan: Hey! (He points ahead) There's the theatre! Hurry up guys!
(The gang picks up their pace, as they reach the door more guests arrive. Seto and Mokuba step out of a black limo. Serenity, Mai and Duke arrive from across the street. Ryou and Bakura appear from a back alley, closely followed by Malik and Marik.)
Joey: Gah! Kaiba?!
Seto: Don't tell me you're invited too, mutt.
Joey: Yea, I am.
Seto: (He rolls his eyes) I said DON'T tell me. Moron.
Joey: What was that?!
Seto: I thought dogs had good hearing. (He smirks)
Joey: (He is about to pounce on Seto when a young girl and boy appear at the door)
InuYang: Good evening. We are so...
InuYin: ...Glad you could make it. Would you please...
InuYang: ...Follow us. You are expected...
InuYin: ...By the Master of the House.
Duke: What does this Master of the House want with us? (He's a bit skeptical)
InuYin: You'll see.
[The guests follow the twins inside. The theatre is enormous, with rows upon rows of seats, and a gigantic stage occupying half the space.]
Ryou: Oh my, this theatre is quite large...(He's a bit daunted)
Mokuba: Where are all the other people?
Seto: I don't know...(He frowns)
Joey: (He laughs) So much for you being a genius!
Yugi: Joey, be nice. We're supposed to have fun tonight. Right, Tea? (He glances around) Where's Tea?
Ryou: (He clings to Bakura's arm) Malik and Marik are gone too!
[All the doors suddenly slam shut. Each door is guarded by three sinister squirrels, two rabid penguins, and a psychotic stegosaurus.]
Sou: (He is standing on the stage, dressed in a tux) Good evening. Welcome to Tsuki's Little Theatre of The Criminally Insane, err, Performing Arts. Tonight our show is a rendition of the musical "Moulin Rouge".
Joey: Yo! Butler boy! What's with the freaky animals watching the locked doors?!
Sou: (He gives Joey an annoyed look) You have all been invited here to perform for Tsuki and her friends.
Seto: What?! Why would we willingly perform for someone we don't even know?
Sou: (He looks nervous and scared) Because if you don't do what Tsuki wishes....
Tsuki: (She suddenly jumps up from her seat) So glad you could make it! I hope you all like acting! Because if you don't perform, you won't go home! (evil laugh, thunder and lightning) Whoa! Cool effects, Bondage!
Bondage: (from her special effects booth) You're welcome!
Tsuki: Alright folks. Backstage you go! Time to get ready for act one.
[The guests all go backstage, some willingly, some not so. A fox demon is waiting for them.]
Pan: Hiya! I'm Pan! (She hands scripts to everyone) Try to get as familiar with your parts as possible. Your costumes will be out in a moment.
Dicen: (She pops up out of no where) Who got the main role? Did Tsuki give my beloved Duke the role of Christian?
Duke: No...I got....The Duke.
Dicen: Oooh! Even better! (She clings to Duke's leg) I wuv you.
Duke: Uh hi there. (He glances around) Who got what roles?
Yugi: I got Toulouse. He's cool!
Seto: (cough) He'samidget(cough)
Joey: I'm the...Unconscious Argentinean?
Tristan: No way! I'm Duke's servant?!
Duke: HA! Bow to me!
Serenity: Oh, I got Satine. How fun.
Bakura: (evil grin) I got Harry Zidler.
Mai: -.-() I'm Nini, the whore.
Ryou: I role? (He hides the script behind his back)
Bakura: (He reads Ryou's script) Ha! You're the Green fairy!
Seto: Mokuba, what part did you get?
Mokuba: None. I'm in charge of refreshments. I asked Tsuki to give you a good role. Hope you like it.
Yugi: So, who's your role, Kaiba?
Seto: Christian.
Mai: Ha-ha, you're the penniless writer.
Duke: Aww, you're lucky, Kaiba!
Seto: How so?
Tristan: T.T Because Serenity is Satine.
Joey: (He reads ahead in script) He does WHAT with my sister?!
Seto: (He is also reading ahead) I do WHAT with the mutt's sister?!
Tea: (She suddenly appears) Hi guys!
Yugi: Tea! Where were you?
Tea: Oh, I was getting the costumes ready. That's what Tsuki hired me for.
Joey: Hired?
Tea: Uhh, yea. She hired me last week. I knew about this thing since then.
Tristan: And you didn't warn us?!
Tea: If I did, I wouldn't have gotten paid. I need the money for dance school!
Mai: (She mutters to Seto) Looks like Ms. Friendship and Loyalty betrayed her friends.
Seto: (He snickers) What a hypocrite.
Ryou: (He blinks) I just realized Malik and Marik are still missing.
[A loud crash is heard on the stage. The group peeks around the curtain to see what happened.]
Malik: Why did you drop that windmill on me?
Marik: It wasn't a real windmill, it's cardboard.
Malik: So? It was still a windmill! (He grabs a fire extinguisher and holds it above his head) On guard!
Marik: (He grabs a frying pan) Aha!
Pan: Hey, hey! No fighting, prop masters! If you cause anymore trouble, I'll call Isis and Rishid!
Malik & Marik: (They both drop their weapons) We'll be good!
Pan: (She grins) Thought so...
Bakura: So they were in on this too....
Joey: All right! Who else knew about this?!
Mokuba: I did!
Joey: (He is about ready to yell at Mokuba, but changes his mind when he catches the death glare from Seto) Err, anyone else? (He glares at the rest of the group)
Yami: (He slowly raises his hand) I knew. I'm in charge of lighting for the show.
Yugi: (Tears well up in his eyes) My own yami....
Yami: Yugi, don't cry. I'm using the money to buy yo-
Yugi: (He death glomps Yami) My own yami, a techie [this is a term used for stage crew]!
Seto: (He whispers to Bakura) Isn't he technically hugging himself?
Bakura: Yea, technically.
Dicen: (She has FINALLY released poor Duke) Okay, get ready everyone! We're about to start!
Pan: (She pokes her head around the curtain) Places! Yami get up to the lights! Mokuba, get the drinks and snacks ready!
Yami & Mokuba: (They both run off to their spots)
Pan: Yugi, you're on first. You better be good at singing. Seto, your part is coming up right after Yugi's. So get in costume. (She disappears)
Dicen: Don't disappoint the audience folks!
Joey: (He gulps) A-audience?
Dicen: (pulls back curtain to show the cast to audience members)
(Seated next to Tsuki is Aurora, holding a large banner saying "I HEART Malik and Marik! Woot!")
(Sango is giving Aurora evil glares while holding up her own sign "M4L1K 120XX012z!"[that's L33T for "Malik Roxzorz!"])
(Tsuki is smiling and hugging Mokuba while feeding him tons of candy and cake. She has a Seto plushie and a HUGE sign that reads "BOW DOWN TO SETO KAIBA! MASTER OF DUEL MONSTERS!")
Joey: Hey, I don't have any fans out there!
Dicen: Don't worry. Others will come. (She looks thoughtful) Kaiba is really lucky though.
Seto: (He raises an eyebrow) Am I?
Dicen: Yep, even if you screw up, Tsuki won't care.
Seto: (In a sarcastic tone) Hooray for me.
Pan: (She appears again) Let's go! We're starting now! (She drags Dicen away to oversee the show)
(The cast get into place, awaiting the signal to start.)
Well, that's it for the first chapter.
Note To Reviewers: I realize that this fic was taken off my account because it 'interacted with the readers' which turns out to be a violation of the rules, so, from here on out I am not excepting audience members. If you were once in the audience, I'm sorry I have to take you out, I really don't want my account frozen. The two characters, Sango and Aurora, are actually characters borrowed from my friends.
Another Note: Ignore the previous note if you are reading this on or
Mokuba: Please review, I'll love you if you do (puppy dog eyes)
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Numa numa!
Foosh! The Ch3353 Ph4nt0m returns to you foolish mortals! Just kidding, you're not foolish ^_^ It's been a while since I've last posted, kinda scary with my sudden reappearance, huh? Well, I've been sick with some vicious lung-thing that makes it kind of difficult to breath and important stuff like that. I've also been working my ass of on a book and keeping my grades up (we shall not speak of the fact that most of my time is actually spent playing on online RPG...) I have a question for anyone you can help!
P.S. I have a new AIM s/n. It's PhantomSongSatie (because I'm a huge Phantom of the Opera fan! "It's over now, the music of the niiiiiiiight!") |
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Come to me, precious crows!
Mu fu fu! I'm overjoyed right about now. Why, you ask? Well, I've begun work on what I hope will be my first book! It's called "The Caller of the Crows" and there's just too much to go into detail yet (plus, nothing is completely concrete currently). I've been working out most of the ideas for a few months now and it's about damned time I started typing it! Which I should be doing right now....toodles!
~Tsuki |
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