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Kingdom Hearts
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| Hikari Yamashima
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/16/07:
I promise i didn't do this on purpose!
Who's your naruto boyfriend? With pic's and long results!!
 Name:Midori ChicapotoAge: 14Boyfriend: SasukeBest Friend: NejiRank: ChuuninVillage: Stone, but lives in the LeavesAbout you: Your name means " green " You are excellent at and earth justu. Who are so intune with earth you can sense vibrations in the ground to predict an opponents move. You were so powerful that the village became frightened and so killed each other.You and Sasuke: You and Sauke first met when squad 7 was asked to escort you to Konoha. You autamatically hated him and he wasn't fond of you ( or so you thought ). Untill one day you were in the middle of a fight and he tackled you to the ground. Then he accidentally kissed you. After that moment you realized how you truly felt and soon after became his girlfriend.What everyone thinks of you:Squade seven:Naruto: " She's a show-off like Sasuke and think she's better than everyone else! ( Well she kinda is... ) Shut up!"Sasuke: " I love her. More than anything and would kill for her. She always hated me and yet... *looks at the ground and smiles*"Sakura: " SHE TOOK SASUKE-KUN! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY HE LIKES HER! SHE WAS ALWAYS RUDE!"Inner Sakura: " CHA! I WILL KILL THAT GIRL!"Kakashi-sensei: " *looks up from book* Midori is an amazing fighter and perfect for Sasuke. Although Sakura isn't taking it well... *looks at Sakura who at this point should be in a strait jacket*"Squade eight:Kiba: " She was quiet and never said hi. She seemed kinda' rude."Akamaru: " Bow-wow... { My puppy cuteness has no effect on her... )"Shino: " She doesn't want to squish my bugs, but doesn't care if she does... she's very emotionless."Hinata: " She seems lonely and doesn't really talk much... I feel bad..."Kurenai-senei: " Quiet and rude... also an excellent fighter. Just what I'd expect."Squade ten:Shikamaru: " She's the only one who has ever come so close to beating me in shoji... otherwise she's like everyone else... troublesome."Chouji: " *munch munch* She's rude! *munch*"Ino: " She took my Sasuke { everyone: he was never yours! } Well he would have been! ( In your dreams! )"Asuma-sensei: " She is lucky to be a good fighter. Otherwise Ino would have charged at her."Gai's team:Neji: " I was one of her only friends. I was going to ask her out untill Uchiha did..."Rock Lee: " She never made fun of me. ( She never even talked to you. ) So even when she saw me she din't! ( *sigh* )"Tenten: " She seems rude, is kinda nice when you get to know her. I'm happy for her and Sasuke."Gai-sensei: " She would have turned out so much better if hatred didn't spoil her youth."Sand nins:Gaara: " Her eyes are like mine... I wish to fight her one day."Kankuro: " She seemed rude and always thought she was better."Temari: " I agree Kankuro, but after seeing her fight I see why."Baki: " Tough girl... seemed hard to beat."Sound nins:Dosu: " She is good at fighting, but I could be her."Zaku: " Her weakness seems to be sound... perfect."Kin: " She's tough and doesn't care about anyone... she will go far."Orochimaru: " Dear Uchiha's girl. She might come in handy."Others:Lord Hokage: " She never showed respect for anyone... actually she never showed any emotion."Iruka-sensei: " Naruto mentioned her once... seems perfect for Sasuke."Jiraiya: " If she's Sasuke's girl we should keep a close eye on her..."Tsunade: " An excellent fighter... she will go far."Kabuto: " She will come in handy when it comes to getting Sasuke."Komahonaru " She was mean to me, but she is dating that guy cooler than boss so she must be strong."Itachi: " So my liitle brother has a girlfriend. She will die infront of him."Kisame: " Itachi wants to kill her... I am looking forward to it."Zabuza: " If she was trained by me she might match Haku."Haku: " She went through a lot. I sympathize for her." Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
Kinda chubby with the legs there...
What Colour Are You? (9 Results With Beautiful Anime Pictures)
 Yellow! Yeah. Bright and happy. You love to be around people and love to have fun all the time. It's hard for you to calm down at times. You can't be taken seriously because you always think life if about fun. You can never see the world with bad people in it. Everyone loves to hang out with you for your joyfuliness.Silly quote: There is no such thing as a stranger, just a friend you haven't met yet! ^_^Qualties: Happy joyful, lovable, fun loving, and hyper active. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
 Your element is Water. You have a calm aura around you and are in tune with the world around. You observe it but rarely interfere. Because of your shy and timid nature you will not have so many friends in your life. But then again, large crowds aren't your thing anyway. You are comfortable on your own and are reserved to others who you don't know or know very little of. You know everyone out there does not want to be your friend, and knowing that is good. However, people who don't know you that well thinks that you are cold and distant since you don't want to talk to them. Although you mean no harm, you can't always be perfectly understood in the world. No one can. Life in general are you quite serene with even if there are some things you don't like. Your love-life is not so full of boys/girls, but if you flirted more with the ones you were interested in I'm sure something would happen. The hobbies you choose are calmer ones, you are no party person that likes to drink and make-out with three or more guys/girls in one night. Reading a book or swimming is more your thing. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
Result Posted on 09/16/07:
What Spirit Resides in you? (Beautiful, Detailed, Banner Results!)
Result Posted on 09/16/07:'s okay i guess
What Anime Stereotype Is Yours? (Lots of Beautiful, Detailed, Banner Results!)
Result Posted on 09/16/07:
What Do the Kingdom Hearts Characters Think of You? (Girls only)
 Your boyfriend - CLOUD!Your best friend - AERITH!-WHAT THEY THINK-Sora: Likes you a little."She's really sweet and pretty."Riku: Doesn't really trust you... not sure why."She's almost too sweet."Kairi: Wants to be just like you."She's so nice and kind. She's my role model."Selphie: Doesn't know you."Who? Is that the girl Kairi wants to be?"Wakka: Doesn't know you."Who?"Titus: Also doesn't know you."Huh?"Leon: Thinks you are a good match for Cloud and is like a big brother to you."She's great... have you seen my Gunblade?"Cid: Thinks youre a lot like Aerith."Sweet kid."Yuffie: Thinks you and Cloud are cute together and also likes that you don't tell Leon when she hides his Gunblade."She's wonderful and so understanding."Aerith: Is your best friend. You two are like sisters."She's really good for Cloud. I wish them both the best."Cloud: Loves you so much. He found his light."I have found my goddess of light... I love her so much."Maleficent: Is afraid of you. (good job!)"Just keep her away from me."Ansem: Thinks you're not as innocent as you look."I bet she has one really dark past."Sephiroth: Is planning to kidnap you (and not just to get to Cloud)."She's gorgeous... and Cloud loves her. This is almost too perfect."I hope you liked it! Please rate! Thanks!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
Kingdom Hearts Life GIRLS
  Name~ Azure Age~ 17 Color~ Blue Boyfriend~ Leon Best friends~ Hollow Bastion Restoration Commite ******What do they think?******Sora~ She's cool helped me out a lot when I was first starting outKairi~ Whenever I go over there she's is super sweet ^.^Riku~ a responsible person, I can see why Leon fell for herRoxas~ I haven't met herSelphie~ Sora and Kairi seem to like herYuffie~ SHE IS THE BEST! if only she were more energeticCid~ A good engineerTifa~ Leon and her are the best, they are perfect for each otherCloud~ I have to say that she is very cute...Leon~ I love her she is of great help around the townAerith~ she works well with somputers, oh! and LeonYuna, Rikku,& Paine~ She's cool she was very kind eveen when we got mad at herKing Micky~ An indipentant womanDonald~ She's bossyGoofy~ She looked at my head after I got hitNamine~ kind and likeableHayner~ who?Olette~ um, sorry I haven't met herPence~ she's the hottie at Hollow Bastion right?Seifer~I don't know herDiz~ resposible and well kept ~~~Organization XIII~~~Xemnas~ She will not interfer for much longer...Xigbar~ We were sent word to take her heartXaldin~ I don't care reallyVexen~ an interesting characterLexaeus~ strong mindedZexion~ strong willed tooSaix~ She would make a powerful nobodyAxel~ hmm, she's hot, almost a shame that we have to get rid of herDemyx~ I don't want any part of taking her heart, she is too tough Luxord~ I don't know herMarluxa~ I hear she is powerfulLarxene~ who?  Hope you liked it! PLEASE rate? just kidding!Love~Twilights Lily Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
What is your Kingdom Hearts romance story?(pics included)[girls only]
you got..Roxas!"Nooo you can't have him!!!Roxas is mine all mine!I totally own him!"*sighs* I'll let you borrow him but you better remember that I own HIM!!    How it happened:You guys were already friends from the start.One day you and Roxas decided to go to the river to play since it was a hot,summer day.You and Roxas were sitting on a tree branch.Then all of a sudden you slip off and start falling.But Roxas came to rescue you in time.As he held you in his arms,you kiss him gently on the lips to thank him.He kisses you back and you guys fall in love. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/16/07:
what the kingdom hearts characters think of you! WooP! (girls ...unless your gay!)
 YOU!bf: Roxasbff: OletteSora: she seems really nice! But she is very shy! she blushes when she sees me! wonder why?Kairi: she looks so sweet and innocent! shes really nice once you finaly know who she is!Riku: i've seen her a lot of times but she always seems to hide from me! am i that scary!??Roxas: im in love!! shes so cute and lovable!im gonna go give her a hug! Namine: she stole my Roxie poo!Axel: PAHA! Roxie poo??!! oh yeahs she really good for Roxas! I like shy!demyx: shes al lil quite!Hayner: er, yeah shes nice! (me: he likie you!)Pence: *Blush*Olette: shes great! my bestest best friend!mans- err xemnas!: i wish people would stop calling me that!Demyx: *sigh* shes sweet!marluxia: who?Zexion: what he of organisation:who??Donald; iufwh36&^&h3uh (me: O_o)goofy: shes ok i guess. Take this quiz!
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