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| Hikari Yamashima
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Which G2 Character are You?
Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Which anime girl are you inside? beautiful anime pix! ^^
 3. You are an anime fire bringer. Inside you are full of desirable love. Your lust glows throughtout the universe. You make the sun shine, and earth rotate. You bring out the love in people, no matter what it takes. Without you the world would be loveless Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Kimoshi, I promise I'm not getting the same thing on purpose! <3
What color are you anime eyes? Cool anime picks!
 1. you have brillian blue eyes. Which shows that you pure and innocent inside, with a beautiful heart. You care for others and love everyone. You love to be held by a loved one, sit on a bench under the stars, dreamign about tomorrow. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
-_-' Again, I get the same one as Kimoshi-san
What Would Naruto Stars Think Of You? (36 characters tell you what they think!)
 Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Age: 12 Weapon: Katana Rank: Chuunin Attitude: Oh god, you're the female Naruto I swear it! You're a ditsy, hyper-active, knuckle head that would rather be running around and training than you would be taking orders. REBELLION! You probably love ramen, and sweets! You're peers in Sunagakure find you hilarious and fun to be around, when you aren't being overly annoying! Your ideal boy is Naruto, Deidara, or Kiba! You get along best with Kankuro, Lee, or Jiraiya (oh dear my)! Your enemies are Gaara, TenTen, and Itachi! Village: Hidden Sand Village Most Admirable Trait: Adaptability Least Admirable Trait: Your inability to SHUT UP! Naruto- Loves to play pranks with you! Sasuke- Finds you incredibly annoying! Sakura- Thinks like Sasuke. Kiba- Likes when you scratch behind his ears! Hinata- Secretly hates you for stealing Naruto! Shino- Thinks you're not so bad... Ino- Thinks you're funny... Shikamaru- Hates you for waking him up at school every day. Chouji- Is mad because you tried to steal his foot but got your hand bit! Kimimaro- Admires you in a sense... Tayuya- Doesn't admire you in a sense... XD Sakon/Ukon- Can't keep up with your ever-changing sugar levels. Deidara- Loves how hyper and funny you can be! Itachi- Wants to put you in Mangekyou Sharingan so you will suffer a fate worse than death. Neji- Believes Fate and Destiny will one day crush you under a fish bowl... o.O Rock Lee-... Loves you like every other pretty girl... *sighs* TenTen- Hates. Your. Guts. Temari- Loves how easily Gaara can get pissed off around you! Gaara- Wonders how the hell you can still be alive after so many Sand Coffins! Kankuro- Is in awe of how much Gaara hates you more than others. Haku- Has never met you. Sasori- Wants to turn you into a puppet! Kisame- Will never look at pizza the same! *sniffles* (What did you do to him?!) Iruka- Wants to cry because you and Naruto run him crazy at times. Kakashi- Usually sweat drops around you... Zabuza- Finds you to be incredibly insane... Kurenai- Has no response... Jiraiya- Thinks you will be his favorite student! Orochimaru- Gets easily annoyed around you! Tsunade- Was to drunk to answer! :P Sarutobi- Loved you like a daughter! Yondaime- Loved you even more like a daughter than the Third! Kabuto- Same answer as Oro! Asuma- Will never buy you anything again! Genma- Will NEVER give you pocky again! Hayate- Regrets coughing in your face... -_-* Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
 You are the Spirit of Innocence. Always with the sweet smile of a child, you know how to have good clean fun, you have a natural vunerability about you, which makes you able to make friends very well, as they are drawn instinctively by the urge to protect you. But even though you look as fragile as a child inside you are very strong with your easy look on life. When you get a partner (because there is no way you cant!) your life will be perfect. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
What Kingdom Hearts Guy Is For You? (Girls Only Please! ;p)
 OMG!!! You got Roxas!! He's such a little sweetheart! He's shy, and he's kinda quiet, but when you're in trouble, look out! You're enemy's gonna get his ass handed to him! When he tries something new, he's cautious, trying to prove himself, but not trying to mess everything up. He loves to go to the beach, eat sea salt ice cream, and watch sunsets. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
Your Kingdom Hearts Love story!(Detailed story results, and pic!)
 Your perfect match isROXAS!Your name is SakuraWhat they thinkRoxas: I love her with all my heartSora: She's pretty, but she isn't my type.Riku: It's nice that Roxas has someoneCloud: She is niceAxel: Hmph, it's nice that Roxas has someone he can trustDemyx: Oh! Her? She's pretty******~~~~Your Story~~~~*******You were sitting in the back alley. Seifer's gang was looking for you again... You had never really gotten along with anyone in Twilight Town. You had been brought here when you were eleven. Now you were fifteen, but those four years had been tough. The only person who had ever talked to you was Roxas. The only problem was Hayner and Pence didn't want to hang around with another girl, and Olette felt threatened by your presence. So you and Roxas only met on special occasions. Today was one of them, but you weren't at the sandlot, your normal meeting place. You didn't believe in violence, and that was why you were avoiding Seifer. You were worried, if you weren't there, what is Roxas thought you were ditching him! You stood, and left the alley, heading to the sandlot. You ran because you were already late. When you got there, you found Seifer and the others fighting Roxas. Olette, Pence and Hayner were no where to be seen. "What're you doing with out your little followers?" Seifer taunted."It's none of your business!" Roxas yelled at him, blocking one of his relentless attacks. "You're waiting for that girl, arent you? The one that never talks? HA! I knew it by the look on your face; she is perfect for you, a freak!" He laughed at his joke. I was hurt and so was Roxas."She is not a freak! If you took the time to talk to her you would know that! Youre the freak!" He yelled at Seifer. You stepped out from the area you had been hiding in. "Seifer? Stop it now, or else." You said calmly. He looked at you like you were a subject in a Petri dish."Why should I listen to you?" He smirked evilly at you and turned back to Roxas, swinging at him."I said stop." You just as calmly as before, this time though, there was an undertone of force."What'll you do, quiet me to death?" He and his group laughed at his joke. That was it!"I said STOP!" You yelled at him. He froze, you voice had scared him. He turned back to you and the look in your eyes said not the mess with you. Not being one to take a hint, he came charging at you. You jumped up, spun away, and kicked him. He fell and glared at you from the ground. You smirked. He stood and cam at you again. This time, you side-stepped and punched him in the face. He howled in pain and ran off with his tail between his legs. Roxas came over to you. You smiled shyly. "I'm sorry for stepping in, but he shouldn't treat you like that" You trailed off, afraid you might reveal your true feelings. You looked down. He placed his hand under your chin and pulled it up to look at him. He smiled, then he kissed you lightly. You kissed him back and it soon became more passionate. You pulled away and rested you head against his chest. You were smling brightly, for the first time in a long time, you felt home."Sakura, I-I think I love you" Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/15/07:
What Is Your Soul Trying To Tell You?
 Your Soul Is Hurting and Trying To Tell You...You've been hurt in the past by someone who you thought to be very close to you. There's always something reminding you of them and you feel lost on the inside but you hide it.You try to be assertive but find yourself being pushed towards certain conclusions by your friends. You aren't that fond of being passive so you try to make up for it by attempting to be a leader. You can be quite shy sometimes but when you're amongst a very familiar group of friends you can be open.You have a few very close friends who you trust very much. You've been told you're kind and caring but sometimes you feel like lashing out at others. The pain you suffered before sometimes hurts you more than you'd like still and you feel like it's changing how you act. Inside your a little bit afraid of hurting those close to you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/14/07:
Yeah! I gets to hang out with Zexion!
your kingdom hearts story (sorry guys, girls only, its detailed and really cool)
here's what they think of you:sora: she's a weird girl, ill give you that, i don't think ive seen her hanging out with anyone, i don't even know her name, i wish she would talk to me kairi: she seems so sad, i wonder what made her that way....riku: i think id like her, she seems to be battling the darkness in her heart or something like that, i want to meet her.donald: ive caught sora searching for her a couple times but other than that i dont really mention her at allgoofy: same as donaldking mickey: shes strange, i wonder what her purpose is....hayner: i wish i could talk to her, shes very mysterious, she also seems really sad about something.....pence: i heard of her from hayner, ive never actually seen her though, she seems weirdolette: its so sad, she must've been through something tragic, i wonder what though....... HOLLOW BASTIONleon: she seems pretty cool, i wonder if shes with the darkness or light....yuffie: just hearing about her takes some of the joy out of my day, its just so weird, but its like a weird kinda weird, y'know?aerith: its just heartbreakin to hear of a girl that disturbed, i so wish i could help hercloud: i think shes like me, searching for her light, searching for her darkness, she just doesnt know which way to go....sephiroth: i think i would like her, maybe as a minion....cid: who???merlin: if only she would talk to someone... ORGANIZATION 13xemnas: i think she should come to our side, she would be a perfect memberxigbar: i think she would be a pretty good fighter, not to mention obediant, whatever she's been through probably made her sad and she'd probably do anything to save someone now....hhhhhhhmmmmxaldin: i really don't know who you're talking about.....vexen: i wonder...she would make a good speciman, hhhhhmmlexeaus: hmzexion: ive met her once, shes kind of like me, shes smart and is searching for something, ive become her friend and i think im her ONLY friend, she seems sad most of the time...saix: just a pawn, nothing more (me: jerk)axel: i heard she talks to zexion, i wonder what they talk about, maybe i can find out...demyx: shes scary, but i dont think ill ever have to fight her, it seems she would go to dark or light if someone told her too, no need for forceluxord: uuuuum, who?marluxia: she wouldnt be good in castle oblivion, probably mess up my planslarxene: she needs to toughen up, she'll never make it in the organization if she doesntroxas: shes kind of cute, i wonder if shes talked to anyone, i really want to know some stuff about hernamine: i think shes kind of like me, quiet, hidden, no one knows much about her....YOUR STORY: long ago, a person you hated murdered the person you loved right infront of you, ever since you haven't been the same, you havent really trusted anyone. you don't know whether to go to the dark or the light. you've just been wandering through worlds and dont talk to anyone. then, you met zexion, he seems to be like you, you've talked about books, tragedies, heartbreaks, and other stuff. you've grown to like him as he's grown to like you. one day, maybe, you'll break out of your shell and talk to other people, but zexion will always be your special friend. who knows, maybe you'll join the organization and help spread chaos, or you'll join sora and the gang in helping stop chaos. Take this quiz!
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