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Ummm...since Aki got me addicted.
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Kingdom Hearts
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| Hikari Yamashima
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/14/07:
Result Posted on 09/12/07:
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
Result Posted on 09/12/07:
*sigh* I ALWAYS get the same result as one of my fwends!
Who's your naruto bf, friend, story ,long results!
 Gaara!! Your Name:(Your Choice)Age:Like everyoneVillege:LeafYour BF:GaaraYour BFF's:Everyone!Personality:Your a kind and cheerful person who has so many people who love you.You have no enemies at all,they ended up being your friends.All the Sesei's like you and you don't like to pick fights or be in one,everyone else will do the fighting for you because your important to them.Your Story:When you were 5 yrs old your dad took you to the hidden sand villege because he had a mission there."I'm going to meet the Kazekage, ok sweetie?" "Ok daddy, I'll be in town" so you left your dad and went exploring.When you reached a park, you saw all the kids making fun of a brown headed kid "Your a monster no one would want to be your friend!"one of them said "Yeah why don't you just dissapear!" "Hey!You leave that boy alone!"you shouted at the kids "Who are you?The monsters friend?" He said "You better believe it!If you don't leave him alone, you'll regret it!" and you started to make hand signs.When you made the last one,there was a falcon on your shoulder."Hah!ohh I'm so scared!The Falcons gonna peck my eye's out!"the kid said making fun of your friend."I wouldn't say that!"you said with a cute smile.The falcon turned into a huge birg that was soon engulfed in fire.As a cue to the kids they ran when you thought they were far away you made the falcon dissapear leaving you and the brown headed kid to talk "Why did you do that?"he asked "Because they have no right to pick on someone who's smaller than them" "But I'm a monster,everyone hates me"he said,he looked as if he wanted to cry. "Well, tell me why do you have a monster then?"And he told you his brief past."I don't think your a monster,your a sweet guy, we could play together!"you said with a big cheerful smile "Really!Do you really want to be with-" "Come on,do you really think I care if your a monster!As long as you and I are firends,you being a monster doesn't bother me at all!"you said."I'm Gaara""I'm _________,nice to meet you Gaara-kun!"and that's where I leave you~~~~What everyone thiknks~~~~Naruto:She's fun to play with and she's a nice person!Sasuke:a good friendSakura:She nice Shikamaru:She's alright not too troublesome,it's nice to watch the clouds with her. Choji:*munch,munch,munch*She really nice she once gave ma a bag of chips!Ino:She's fun to go shopping with!Kiba:She's nice and likes Dog's! she fun to hang out withHinata:S-She's nice and we sometimes hang out.Shino:A loyal friendNeji:She maybe be weak but she is very loyal to all her friendsTenten:She's fun to hang out with Lee:SHE HAS SO MUCH YOUTH!I ENVY GAARA!Gaara:She's the only person who treat's me with love and really cares for me.I would protect her with my life and give her anything in the world to make her happyTemari:Everytime she comes over Gaara seems to be happy and doesn't go on a killing spreeKankura:As long as she keeps Gaara busy~~~~What the Sensei's think~~~Kakashi:She may not work hard but she does care about her friendsGai:SHE HAS MORE YOUTH THAN ANY OF MY STUDENTS!Damn Kakashi,she should be on my teamKureni:Who?Asuma:Who?Iruku:She never payed attention to class at all!She just sleeps, but she does care about her friends and she's alittle playful. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/12/07:
Awws! cute.
Result Posted on 09/11/07:
So pretty...
Result Posted on 09/11/07:
Will u share a papou fruit with... Riku? (KH II) girls plse
 After the show...Me: Riku go talk to her. Tell her what you think. While I get to see Sora about the swordfight.Riku: Fine, but you better not start with out me.Me: ^^You: Sorry if I wasted your time.Riku: Well... Actually... Look, Sora, UltimaGirl and I are just hanging out tomorrow again having a sword fight. Do you want to come as well?You: Yeah sure. ^^ so cya tomorrow.Riku: *Kisses you on the cheek* Uhh... sorry I was a bit upfront.(He leaves running)You: *blushes and watches Riku leave with a smile on your face*--- PAPOU MATCH ---Hey if you can't see the image above, just send a message to me on quizilla so then I can find another pic to put up in the result. ^^ Thanxs Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/10/07:
Same as Kimoshi-san!
Your Kingdom Hearts Life (Girls Only!)
 You would be the fun, sweet keyblade warrior! You're a lot of fun to be around and you can brighten any situation! All of the good guys from KH are friends with you, but watch out! All of the bad guys might try to kill you! But don't worry, you're a keyblade warrior, and a strong one too! You and all your friends could easily kick their butts! And watch out for Kairi, because Sora has a thing for YOU! ^_^*What the good guys think of you*Sora: Wow, she's awesome! She's cute, funny, and a tough Keyblade warrior!Riku: Sora's lucky...she's a perfect match for him! But I'm also happy for him, too...Kairi: She's really nice! We're really good frien...*notices Sora blushing and looking at you* I HATE HER!!! HATE HER HATE HER HATE HER!!!! She stole Sora away from me!!! T.T (me: Great job! You made Kairi mad! ^^)Roxas: She's pretty cool...we hang out sometimes. She can be a bit moody sometimes though.Namine: She's really sweet!*What the bad guys think of you*Xemnas: We better be careful, she has a strong heart...Xigbar: Ugh, she's so annoying...I challenged her to a fight one time but it was hours before we even did ANYTHING because she just kept talking and talking!Xaldin: I hate her...she shaved my head one time while I was asleep T_T (me: LOL, good job!)Saix: That idiot tried to dig a hole in my head saying, "X marks the spot, Saix!" >_< (me: ROFL!)Axel: She's funny...she called me a Killer Clown...Demyx: I HATE HER! SHE STOLE MY RUBBER DUCKY!!!!!Luxord: She can't play poker! Heeheehee! (me: O....kay...-_-)And all the other Organization 13 members hate you...So...*Overall*You're sweet and funnyYou can be VERY emotionalYou're really good in battleYour friends: Almost every good guy in the game!Your most likely bf: SoraYour keyblade: OblivionYour enemies: Organization 13 members (ESPECIALLY SAIX AND DEMYX!!!) and Kairi Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/10/07:
I cant decide between this one and the one on top of this one!
Your Kingdom Hearts Life (Girls Only!)
 You would be the kind, shy Keyblade warrior. You keep a lot to yourself and have a weak heart. Your friends with everyone and the Organization doesn't think of you as a threat. You used to be a member of the Organization until you were kicked out due to lack of strength. Later, Roxas left the Organization to find you. One day you were washed upon the shores of the Destiny Islands and now Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, and Roxas watch over you and help you fight the heartless. You try to do the best that you can, and all your friends are there to help you, especially Roxas, since he loves you! (me: Aww...that's so sweet...*sniff* T_T)*What the good guys of you*Sora: She's really, really nice. A little quiet, but she's always there for us.Riku: She has a very weak heart, so we have to make sure she doesn't get too hurt.Kairi: Me and her are really good friends! She's always there for me, and I'm always there for her!Roxas: I feel so sorry for her...she's very weak, but I love her and will do anything to protect her.Namine: She's kind, but...I'm jealous! >_< She's also a good artist...*What the bad guys think of you*Xemnas: She's so weak we had to kick her out of the Organization...Xigbar: She was SUCH a wimp...Xaldin: She was okay...she was nice.Saix: She almost never won a battle...Axel: She and Roxas were together most of the time they were a part of the Organization together.Demyx: She was my friend because she never stole my rubber ducky! :DLuxord: Never played poker with her...And the rest of the Organization doesn't know much about you.*Overall*You're very shy, but kindYou can draw VERY well.You're not that strong in battle.Your friends: Almost everybodyYour most likely bf: RoxasYour keyblade: OathkeeperYour enemies: Organization 13 for kicking you out. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/09/07:
Result Posted on 09/09/07:
Yays!! Zexion!
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