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On my bed.
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Getting on the computer.
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Ummm...since Aki got me addicted.
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Kingdom Hearts
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Reading, listening to the radio, internet, and making character profiles
Uh, next question.
| Hikari Yamashima
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/12/07:
Result Posted on 10/10/07:
whos your naruto soulmate? your rival? (girlz only plz)
 Sasuke Uchiha! That's right, the coolest rookie yet! You are a very quiet ninja, and you are secretly a Jonin level ninja from the sound village! Oh well, you still love Sasuke. An evil flute helps you in life...oh, and your rival is Ino, Sakura, and Kin... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/10/07:
what naruto guy are you most compatible with?? Over 20 guys! (4 grlz &gayz)
Result Posted on 10/05/07:
*is luffing picture*
What is your element? (anime pics) (girls only)
 Your element is . . . fireYou are a total hothead the littlest the can anger you. Sometimes you can be calm especially when your sitting in front of a fire. Your personality makes it ideal for you to live in the desert. Your spirit animal is a pheonix. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/05/07:
What kind of animal are you? (girls only)
 You are a . . . Fish!You love to feel the rush of cold water when you jump into a pool. You can get scared easily by things that are bigger than you.You can make friends as easily as you can glide through the water. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/05/07:
What anime personality do you have? ((Anime pics. Girls only!!))
 Wow, you are the Shy girl. it seems that you get trouble by peoples comments at you and how people see you. Not much confidence is in you and you cant help it. You are used to being quiet and not expressing yourself, so people tend to see right through you. You don't tell anyone what you think and you try to stay in style with other people rather then your own. You are a follower much more then a leader. Try changing and getting more confidence. Block out what people think and think for yourself. Don't let people boss you around. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/05/07:
What Is Your Anime Personality? [With Pics & Boyfriends from Naruto] (Girls only)
 Your LOUD, OBNOXIUS, AND PLAIN ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!! You NEVER mind your own business and LOVE to tell everyone about yourself!!! You LOVE playing pranks on people. Your goofy and is always seen smiling. You can make about anyone smile or laugh. Youre a great friend. You may be annoying and loud, but thats what makes people smile. You like to show-off and you always see the brighter sight of things. All you really want is for people to treat like an equal. When you fight, you fight head-on. Which sometimes isnt the smartest thing do.. Your type of guy is loud and annoying and loves playing pranks 2, he is hot-headed too. And has a lot of confidence which is what you like about him.Your Naruto guy is Naruto!! (No suprise) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/02/07:
Result Posted on 09/30/07:
Result Posted on 09/30/07:
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