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On my bed.
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Getting on the computer.
Anime Fan Since
Ummm...since Aki got me addicted.
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Kingdom Hearts
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Reading, listening to the radio, internet, and making character profiles
Uh, next question.
| Hikari Yamashima
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
Result Posted on 09/29/07:
Result Posted on 09/28/07:
What kind of fairy are you??? (pics!)
  You're the water fairy! You're calm, sensitive, smart, and you can tell what other people are feeling. You tend to be very laid back and you go with the flow.this took me a while to make, so if u would just rate... thanks! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/28/07:
WhatWho is your Fairy? Girls, Pics-Longish results
 Your fairy is the crystal water.She's pure and innocent, just like you. You love reading and drawing and you're usually happy, but a bit loner. You love spending time with your friends, but you only have a few you know you can really trust.People never knows what you really think, but they're attracted to you because of your smile.Your ideal guy is sweet and caring, always understanding and he loves kissing you. He's quiet, but when you're sad or angry, he can easily make you laugh and forget your pain or anger. Your fairy loves him as you do and she feel comfortable with him, even if you're the only one who can see her.Your animal is the cat: suspicious and loner, it can be also sweet and caring. As it, you need love and somebody who takes care of you.In your spirit form you dance in the moonlight under the rain, calling for your love. Your fairy is always with you.Hope you liked it ^_^Check the other results for the pics, they're wonderful >,< Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/27/07:
What do you look like if you were an anime character ? (girls only!! >.<)
Result Posted on 09/27/07:
What would you look like in Kingdom Hearts ( girlys only )
Result Posted on 09/27/07:
What do the kingdom hearts characters think about you?(girls only)
 You are fun loving!Sora-Oh yah I know her she is cool my best friend! If kairi and I didnt go out id toataly date her.Kairi-Grrr! I heared that Sora!! I hate her now she cant have my Sora!!!Riku-She called me a girl one time, I nearly killed her(me-O.o)Leon-She blew up my computer!Cid-Grr I hate interviews...Yuffie-Disaster follows her! Neyer give her a shurikin -_-Aerith-She is very hyper and fun but she is very clutzy...~Orginization 13~Xemnas-Gahh who?Xigbar-Dude! Shes the one that gave me the scar!Lexaeus-...Marluxia-SHE IS CRAZY!! she made fun of my pink hair and tried to die it blond in my sleep....Larxene-Way to nice for my tasteLuxord-She is bad at cards! I love playing strip poker with her I always win! ( comment)Zexion-She isnt emo enoughAxel-Erg I dont like her...Demyx-Wow we are shopping buddies!Xaldin-God she helped me sharpen my speares one timeVexen-She made my experiment blow up...Saix- who?Roxas-I love this girl!Namine-ermm I never really met her...~overall~You are disaster prone and clutzy. You shouldnt handle any wepons! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/27/07:
What is Your Element? (Pictures, descriptions, and the element you mesh best with!)
 Your element is water. You are very funny person and you have a handful of best friends. You go with the flow, and you don't make a scene. You do okay in life and you don't try to overexcel. You live life in the present and you are okay with that.Your perfect match is fire. you two balance each other out and you love each other to death. Keep each other close. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/26/07:
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