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| Hikari Yamashima
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This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
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Result Posted on 09/26/07:
Your Life In The Naruto World - Life Story? Love? Ability? [With Pics And Long Results][For Girls]
Name: Hidako SasaraAge: 26Rank: Tokubetsu Jonin; former ANBU memberVillage: KonohagakurePast: Sasara was born the second child and first daughter to the leader of a small clan in the Land of Rain, its hidden village being Amegakure. She grew up with only seeing war infront of her doorsteps and had to learn earlier how to defeat herself - thus achieving jonin rank with the age of 13. Her older brother already being an ANBU squad leader, it wasnt till long until she ran the same path as him, becoming an ANBU member with the age of 15. After the civil war broke out in Amegakure, the Hidako Clan was forced to leave their village to protect the lives of the elders and children and were allowed to settle down in Konohagakure. Hidako Arata, Sasaras older brother, quickly got in with the Konoha ANBU again but much to Sasaras dismay she wasnt put into his squad but under the orders of Hatake Kakashi. Although they couldnt stand each others personalities - Kakashi being an emotionless idiot to Sasara and Sasara being an annoying b*tch to Kakashi their team work was amazingly aligned and they perfectly balanced each others weaknesses and strenghts out. A few years later Sasara left Kakashis ANBU squad only to achieve the rank of Tokubetsu Jonin with 23 years and becoming the youngest elite teacher of pre-Chunin ninja ever. Being a specialist in the areas of chakra control and elemental jutsus, she is currently assigned to Kakashi as a subordinate to help him train Team 7. Personality: In early years Sasara hated it to be called an annoying b*tch by Kakashi but figured that he started to take a liking in teasing her and now takes it as a complement, stating that its true. Sasara is a very confident and lightheaded person and thus a lot of people class her as arrogant though shes exactly the opposite. Sasara appreciates her life a lot and is still a rather happy person considering after all she had seen in her life already. To that she is very playful and loves to tease Kakashi by either stealing his book or trying to remove his mask in public thus she also enjoys to prank people with Naruto. But apart from this, Sasara is a very tough and strong shinobi that would risk her life without thinking twice to protect the ones she loves. Her specialities are to perform the four elements, some even with one-handed seals, giving her the nickname Kouyou ninja no Sasara (element ninja Sasara). On top of this, Sasara is always anxious to teach younger shinobi and pass her knowledge on to them. Although Kakashi and Sasara are good in hiding their feelings and relationship to each other in public, they are dating since more than four years already. Chunin/JoninNaruto: Sasara is awesome. Shes like a mom, sister and friend in one and its so much fun to hang out with her and prank people. But she can also be very strict and her punches hurt a lot more than the ones of Sakura-chan. Oh... and Sasara-sensei and Kakashi-sensei make a great couple. *winks because he knows it*)Sakura: She is so cool! Her chakra control is so amazing and she is a specialist in elemental jutsu... she can even perform a justu that combines all four elements with each other and then the sky gets all foggy and then she turns the wind into a tornado and fire shoots out of the ground and- *so on! o.O*Sasuke: Shes alright... Her skills are great and she wants to help me control my fire techniques better even though I dont need her help! *hes glad you train him* Hinata: Sasara-sensei is a very nice person. She helped me... train a few weeks ago... and I won the battle although I know she... let me win. *smiles warmly* Kiba: Its strange to say considering our age difference but... she is the hottest freaking shinobi in all of Konoha!!!Shino: She said Im a friggin cool guy...?! *blushes a bit ^^*Neji: She gave me a few advices of how I can fully use my techniques without that I drain too much of chakra. I have to admit that she really knows a lot about chakra control and isnt a Tokubetsu Jonin for nothing. TenTen: She is the youngest Tokubetsu Jonin in the history of this lands and... I want to be like her when Im older! *cheers*Rock Lee: She found her own way of youth and that makes me so happy... *starts sobbing*Temari: She showed me a technique especially for wind shinobi that use a fan. Shes my wind sorceress! Sasara-san is pretty cool and not such a cold brick like the senseis I know... Gaara: She challenged me... and during we fought she showed me how she controlls her earth techniques without using too much amount of chakra. I think... I like her... Kankuro: CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE THAT SHE SHOWED GAARA HOW TO CONTROL HIS SAND BETTER??? ...come on, thats scary... but shes hot! *winks* Ino: She has a great fashion sense and I really enjoy to go shopping with her. She is really cool... although she told me I shouldnt change my occupation from ninja into fangirl. *rofl*Chouji: She calls me her squishy?! o.O Shikamaru: *sleeps*Sensei'sKakashi: I lied several times about all people that mean something to me being dead. Sasara means a lot to me, to be honest she means everything to me and manages to turn my world upside down with every day. Sometimes she can be rather elusive so you'll never know with what shell come up next. Sometimes she can be bossy and still likes to be an annoying b*tch from time to time but... all those things make her such an exciting woman. I love her and so it was the next logical step to me to ask her a certain question... *squeals <3*Gai: Ha, my all time favourite rival and his stunning lady that knocked me into a tree once because I wanted to- *you dont want to know what he wanted :-P* But Kakashi is a lucky bastard!Tsunade: I love Sasara! She a great shinobi and does an excellent job as elite teacher. Its a lot of fun to spend our weekly Friday nights with drinking sake, gambling and chatting about everything and anything... but its even more fun when we stumble our ways back home. *grins brightly*Third Hokage: One of the most talented and strongest shinobi I had the pleasure to meet. There are many people that dont like her for being such a free-thinker and that she freely shows her emotion, thus she stands out of the usual ninja ways but I guess thats exactly what makes Sasara-san so extraordinary. Its her way of the ninja.Jiraiya: She is the reason I absolutely love the Sexy No Jutsu technique! She is a sexy no jutsu!Asuma: Kakashi always teases me and Kurenai if were on a date or why we spend so much time together... what is he doing?! I know theyre dating. I know it... really... I do. *he doesnt.* Kurenai: I will get major problems if Sasara finds out that I told you this but... she soon will change her last name if you get my meaning. AkatsukiPein: Kouyou ninja no Sasara hn?! Very interesting shinobi that could cause immense problems to the Akatsuki so I will keep my eyes on her. Itachi: I usually hold my opponents cheap but she is a single exception. They say her skills are deadly and supposedly its impossible to defeat her and Kakashi-san if they fight together... Hn, well see about that.Kisame: If she is an elemental ninja she also uses water techniques. Ill be interesting to see of what shes capable of when well ever fight in my element.Hidan: I dont care how strong she is. Im immortal. *goes back to praying*Kakuza: Is she rich?Zetsu: Leader? Can I eat her? *NO!* Tobi: Tobi has heard about her... and Tobi says he's scared of her!Deidara: The name rings a bell yeah... Isnt she the one that is capable of using all four elements at the same time? I also heard that she is one of the few shinobi that can perform one hand seals yeah? Tough girly.Sasori: I could make use of an elemental puppet.Orochimaru: I hate her father! I hate her mother! I hate her brother and I even hate her two little brothers... But most of all I hate her!!! *in the past you killed three guys that should become his containers; more explanation?*Liked it? Let me know...Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/25/07:
Result Posted on 09/25/07:
To all my fwends: Take this quiz so I can see who u are!
What is your inner soul color?(Kingdom Hearts Pics)
 BlueYour color is blue. You are calm, cool, and don't anger very easily. Blue is truly the most beutiful soul color of all. Your power is be healing.Your element is WaterFriends:Pink, White, greenEnimies:Black, Red, GreyPeople will try to take advantage of you, because you seem so innocent. Be careful of shady characters, and try not to let people take advantage of you.(I got blue too :P) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/24/07:
Which Kingdom Hearts 2 Guy would like you? {Girls and Gays}
 What they think:Sora: She's... kinda cute.Riku: She believes in me.Kairi: She's a friend wrecker!Hayner: She's actually normal.Pence: She understands me.Olette: We should go shopping sometime with Pence and I.Xemnas: She would be a good decoy for the keyblade bearers.Xigbar: She maybe useful for our plans.Saix: Is she what we were looking for, for Kingdom Hearts?Axel: I'd tap that.Demyx: How can she be so nice when she's been through so much?Luxord: She never has fun.Roxas: What is this feeling I have? Is this what it's like to have a heart?Your uber nice! You think ahead and you plan your observations. It seems Sora, Riku, Axel, and Roxas took a liking to you... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/24/07:
Dang it, I got Demyx.
what would you be like in the kingdom hearts world? [girls only! =P]
 bf is demyx!bff is namine!you're kinda the quiet one. you enjoy lying on the beach by the fire listening to demyx play his sitar, drawing with namine, and sitting on the edge of a small pond watching the fishes swim around. demyx loves you, your sweet nature makes him feel comfortable. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/24/07:
What Naruto couple are you? (you will have surprises!~)
You have...Sasuke & Hinata! Lovley couple...(i hate sasuke but he goes better with hinata than with sakura). You are both wery shy and you don't speak one to the other very often.But the feelings are right on your faces when you look into the other's eyes! Be more brave and speak more to him! Be sure he's got feelings 4 u too!  Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/24/07:
Result Posted on 09/24/07:
Result Posted on 09/24/07:
Result Posted on 09/24/07:
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