You are Kato RenDescription: Very long red hair with bangs. You have dazzling green eyes. You were a white top with a jacket over, matching. You wear a skirt and boots. You hold a long, heavy sword.
Life story: Kato Ren... A hot-tempered girl from the start. She doesn't like trouble, but ends up causing it. Her parents abused her ever since she was able to walk. They would use her to take their anger out and boss her around to keep the house clean and cook for them and order her to do anything they were too lazy to do, which was everything.
She lived in the Sand Village, but as a result of running away, she ended up in Konoha. She started a new life, pretending to be an orphan and had to share an apartment with another orphan. His name was Naruto. He was annoying, loud and pranked Ren many times.
Ren didn't like Naruto very much because he got in her nerves a lot. She sent a complaint to the owner of the building and got her own room. However, Naruto still bugged her when they would bump into each other.
Ever since Ren started Ninja Academy, she's had a crush on Sasuke. Hence, a lot of other Sasuke fangirls didn't like her because she was another competition.
She graduated the academy with ease even though she was only eleven (she started it early).
During the Chuunin exams, her parents found her and forced her to come back home, but she refused and resisted. Since Ren was with her teammates, they attacked her parents, but she didn't want them hurt even if they did all those bad things to her.
She had to quit the Chuunin exams to get away from her parents, and her teammates understood. She ran away to another village.
Three years later... She's now fourteen and came back home to Konoha, missing all her friends there. Her old teammates welcomed her with open arms. She was sad to hear that Naruto and Sasuke left. Well, mostly Sasuke.
When Naruto came back, she bugged her like hell, but she missed him so she didn't care... sometimes. She went with Naruto to find Sasuke...
What do they think of you?Naruto: Hmm... Ren always seems to care about Sasuke, even though he never even showed interest in her. I always give her attention, but she never wants it. -blushes and plays with fingers- But I remember when we lived together and I KINDA saw her you know... -whispers- nekkid. -clears throat- JUST DON'T TELL HER!
Sakura: Ren's okay. She's a little mean and harsh, but she's okay. I think she's WAY too obsessed with Sasuke-kun though.. I mean, well, WAY more than I'll ever be ^__^;;.
Sasuke: She's a nuisance. Can't she see I don't like her? And still she looks for me... Why?
Me: Having second thoughts about her?
Sasuke: ...-walks away-
Me: I think that's a yes.
Kakashi: She's one of Sasuke's fangirls, that's for sure. But she has so much strength. If she could focus more on that rather infatuation, she'd be a great ninja. Although, I hear she's running away from someone... Hmm.. I wonder who it is.
Lee: She's beautiful and strong, but she admires Sasuke. -sigh-
TenTen: She's one of those brats who likes Sasuke. But I have to admit she's strong for her age.
Neji: I feel that her destiny is sad. It's like she's trying to hide from something, but what is it? It's none of my business; I'm just curious.
Gai: She's youthful! I love it! -grins- -shimmer, shimmer-
Shikamaru: -sigh- Her? She's pretty cool. She doesn't bother me and she keeps Naruto around her, so everyone's happy. -lays down and closes eyes-
Chouji: -munch- She quit the Chuunin exams! What made her do that?
Ino: Ren is a strange person. She also like Sasuke-kun. Pfft, like it'll happen... But I do see how Sasuke-kun stares at her... -frowns-
Asuma: I never see her train, but I hear she doesn't have to. It's true, she's a great fighter.
Kiba: Hmm.. I guess I can say she's cute. She likes Sasuke, though, doesn't she? Sucks. I would've totally liked her back if she liked me.
Akamaru: Arf! (no translation available)
Hinata: ...I think Naruto-kun likes her... but... um...
Shino: She loves bugs, like me. I guess that's all I can say..
Me: Really?
Shino: ...she's cute..
Me: That a boy =D.
Kurenai: Cute girl, too obsessed with Sasuke.
Gaara: ...Ren? Wasn't she from here? Why'd she move?
Me: Ren got abused by her parents.
Gaara: That's awful. But now that I know, I can get rid of those dumb people and she might come back here.
Temari: I used to know her. I thought she looked familiar when I saw her in Konoha! I'm not crazy after all :3
Kankuro: Ren!? No way! She was my friend! I thought she moved away, but it was because she was abused, right? Yeah... she told me.
Me: Ren's a Sasuke fangirl =__=. But other than that, she's awesome :3
Sorry, guys, but no Akatsuki members for this quiz. Tell me if you likes it or if I made any mistake.Take this
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