[background] url(http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h214/mangamaniack21/megaman/447610-20060924205238.jpg) fixed [/background]
Hiya ^_^. I'm on a lot of other forums like REO. My screen names are usually either mangamaniack21 or marihikari. 
Welcome to my account page thx 4 visting ^_^. My hobbies include anime, being hyper and insane, playing my guitar, working on a manga i'm trying to create, and sometimes fan fiction. My name is Margaret, and i'm currently in 8th grade at Pennwood middle school. U can call me Mint, Mari, Or Lippy if u lkke ^_^.Have a nice day. I am lan hikari's crazy wife!! Bwa ha haaaa. *goes to happy hotel* Beware of my insanity. I'm warning u. i really am crazy. Netto-kun is soo cute but no one agrees with me ^_^. Nice to meet everyone. I like anime, obviously, harry potter, writing, drawing, and reading lotsa books. I am usually sugar high (big surprise T_T). XD. My hair color is dark brown and my eye color is hazel.

My favorite animes are (in order) megaman nt warrior, cardcaptors, sailor moon, maburaho, and galaxy angel. Sayonara *bows*!