.:Hikaru Hitachiin:.S-so... many comments... I feel so... LOVED. n_n *ish suddenly surrounded by tons of hearts* Well, thank you all so uber mucho grande much! ^^ To save space, I'll only reply to some of them, but I want to let you all know... I deeply appreciate every last one of you o_o *big group hug*
Nina: HELL! My favorite hang-out spot! n_n *joins you* *glomps you back! o.o*
LostChild: *tear* Y-you stole m-my rum... :'( But it ish okay! n_n Glad that I'm a member of the Host Club now (wow... that sounds weird, considering I already was ^^')
Wings of Dream: Haha, well... um... it's kinda weird, but my new year's resolution is to have more willpower ^^'
Jaguar: Yay!! *huggles* Glad you're back! n__n
Kaoru: *tear again* Y-you s-stole my r-rum, too... ;_; everything is no longer sporkey dokey, hunky dory, or peachy keen!! ><
Bbast/Brittany: Thank you ^^ I still *heart* you oodles!! n_n *huggles you*
Dark4893: Thanks! Good luck with your's too!
*sigh* Well... that was a lot! n_n But I still love you all! Okey... so, today, I finished pre-making all of my future themes for this site (sweet!) and I watched Fantashia's movie on Lifetime (Isn't it like... network for women or something? XD). It was sooo sad! But, very informative o.o But mostly sad... so, yeah! Oh, and HARUHI!! (in all caps to get her attention ^^) my mom said they don't have any anime calendars at Borders except for InuYasha and um... they're all 50% off now! n_n
Picture time! Today's is another of Tono and Kyouya-senpai. Why, you ask? Because I'm running out of pictures x.x' Lol, but, really... I like this pic! ^^ It's cool... *cough* no, really it is... -.-' You can click on it to see the full thing!