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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Is it just me or are all the image quizes from quizilla have been broken on everyones site for quite awhile. I hope they get it fixed soon because a great deal of my images are from there.
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Holy, theres sure been a large wave of theifery now a days. I swear in the last couple of weeks i've seen atleast a dozen. Many of them from MyOtaku aswell. Some are dumb enouh to simply steal from the anime artbooks themselves and others to simply steal anoters art.It is even worst for them when that user is a skill and well known artist at Myotaku. It's pretty disgusting. If you don't have the guts to post your own artm, no matter how good it may be, then you are no better then a lowly coward.Its simple as that.
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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
OK well my team placed 2nd in Provincials..the final score was 3-2 so it wasn't that bad.:)I also just submitted some new art and am waiting for it to get accepted.Remember to give some feed back abotu my art adn ways for me to improve!It would really be apreciated!..Ok what else is going on in my life...My english class just started speeches.:(I HATE SPEECHES. I'm ok witht the writing part but once I actually read it in front of people I wanna faint!I'm actually trembling and my stomach feels all weird and my voice cracks..its soo horrible...haha
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Well well...
Well..I won't be updating for awhile I'm leaving for a ringetet tourny today. And for those of you who don't know what rinegtte is it like hockey xcept instead of playing with a hocky stick and puck you play with just a stick without and end and a ring. The ring is shaped liek adonut except a bit bigger!Its mostly liek hocky except its for girls and has less body contact and fights. My team is going to provincials.:) Wish us luck!
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Friday, March 12, 2004
Sure been slow...
Theres hasn't been alot of art posted latly and this is making me sort of bored. There use to be and average of atleast 8 pages of art. But now...theres only about 3 everyday...I hope people start submitting more again.
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Wel Springbreak is over.:( Gotta get back to school tomor.Wel I guess I accomplished some stuff over the drawing posted...watched about 10 movies...did nothing?Haha ya my life is exciting.^^
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Man, I feel so betrayed. My best friend and I agreed we weren't gonna go to this party because she had practice and there were a couple people we didn't like there.We usaully do everything together so I thought it wouln't be as fun without her there anyways. But little did I know right after the practice she went to the party without me!Without even a call ot sumting!...I felt so betrayed. She didn't even tell me after the party. If my other friend hadn't called and talked about it I wouldn't of knowed...I just thought we told eachother everything, if I knew she would coome after all..I would of gone too...:(...Why didn't she call me?
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Friday, March 5, 2004
Hey you know what I really love about the time I've spent at the Otaku Fanart. It is to see how much artist who at the begining start off with just "good" drawings and slowly develope their skills until the drawings are "awsome". Sometimes if you look at the first posted picture adn the most recent you can really see the way that person has developed their art style. I've really discovered this myself. The first couple months when I began to draw I was afraid to take risk in my art. I was scared if I did something it would mess it up or give it and odd look. However, eventually I just let my self try new things and techniques. This really let me broaden my horizen and I'm glad other "artist in development" liek myself, are gaining from their experiences too.
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
Wow I haven't updated in awhile. Well i'm happy that I was finally able to sumbit ONE of my peices. I think I may of figured out the problem for my Clestial Legend art. I guess I'll know tomor if its acepted or not. :)
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Monday, February 16, 2004
For some reason I keep submitted my art is a "Celestial Legend" peice ..but it is not getting accepted!!!I don't doesn't have anything bad like swears nude etc...I'm getting very frustrated!!!I need the file I sent screwed up?I sent about 3 times...once evryday for the last 3 days...but nothing!!!
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