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myOtaku.com: himurakensan

Sunday, May 2, 2004

Yesterday I subscribed at Deviantart.com It oviously is a much larger commuity with not only anime art but also alot of other forms of art. I'm really enjoying it so far. Though the controls and interface are a bit hard to master, I'll understand eventually.However, I was sort of hopping that they would have a rating system. Unfortunatly not.However, submitting art there is alot less hassle. No waiting for anything to get accepted, very enjoyable indeed.There are so many things to enjoy there, but it is so difficult to find every good artist. They do not allow searches unless you "subscribe"($$$) to their website, not only register. Because of this it is also difficult to loacte a particular anime.
Overall, I really think it is another amzing place to post my art. I t will be harder to become known due to the mass amount of people, but I am determined. And eventhough I have discover this new place I won't stop posting here. I love Myotaku.com dearly.It was the first place I evr submitted art too, exsposing me to new ways of improving and getting constructive critism.
OK well I guess enough rambling!-cheers!

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