
Greetings, you made it to hinaru's myOtaku, thank you for stopping by. Anyway, I'm a 22 year old college student, currently living in NZ for, well college actually. I obviously like anime and manga and also video games. I play guitar and draw too, I'm not too bad either, I think. And that's pretty much all there's to know... for now.
Anime series I like include Hellsing, Ergo Proxy, Bleach, Naruto, Trinity Blood, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop... and more.
Video games I like include the Final Fantasy series, Devil May Cry series, Onimusha series, Metal Gear Solid series, Guilty Gear, Kingdom Hearts... among others.
Anyways, enjoy your stay.
Here Without You - 3 Doors Down

Hey y'all, sup? It's been a while I know... but yeah, I've been pretty busy this last few weeks, still kinda am actually. Sorry I havent stopped by tho.
Anyways, as to what's been going on... last week was the last week of the first term and we had quite a few tests and such. We had this week off but it's no holiday for we are taking our first set of exams next week... well, starting tuesday. So yeah, this whole week was pretty much spent studying... everyday, all day. -_- Tomorrow's the last day before the exams... let's just hope this goes well... and that my cold will be gone, bleh. One thing's for sure, the stress level will be quite high, heh.
But enough of that. Before the actual study-like-crazy mode took place, I watched quite a bit of anime.
-Finished Witchblade, which was awesome, of course... and Maria kicked ass. XD The ending wasnt what I expected tho... it does fit the story, I just wished it ended differently.
-Still keeping up with Romeo x Juliet, saw 5 eps out of 7 downloaded... this series is looking good.
-Anyone heard of Claymore (pic above)? It rocks... it's my anime obsession of the moment. Heh, hot chicks kicking monster asses so yeah. XD But it's got an interessting plot I swear! Ahem, anyway... 9 eps came out so far and I cant wait to see more.
-Another new anime that looks promising is Seirei No Moribito... check it out.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say... just letting you know I was still alive and kickind and whatnot. Now I'm gonna study a bit more *sigh* 6 more days and it'll be over... in a way, I cant wait to take the stupid exams, to get it over with you know?
Have a good weekend! ...to those of you actually having one >_> lol.
Shutting up.
See y'all later.