Saturday, October 8, 2005

Hey y'all! Wassup? Having a nice weekend so far? Mine's alright I guess... last weekend before classes start. I think I caught a cold or something... heh, that's what I get for walking in the rain... oh well, it's not too bad... dont worry. Anyway, what I've been up to... oh, TV was fun last night! 'Who's Line is it Anyway?' was on... needless to say, I laughed my ass off, lol. And then, Family Guy! Yeah, it got back on TV here... anyway... it was very funny of course, yep. And then the 24 re-run... I saw it from the start this time (missed it on the first run). Other than that, I played some Phantom Brave on the PS2... and spent some time on th computer.
Hey, I saw Unleashed! It just came out this week... and well, it was great! Jet Li kicks major ass! The fight scenes are awesome! I enjoyed that movie... yes indeed. Tho I dont get why it's R18... it wasnt that violent to me... well, there was lots of fighting, which was cool but yeah... meh, rating doesnt matter to me anymore anyway, heh.
Okay, that's all I can think of right now... oh, I hear chapter 198 of Bleach is available... have to get that... well, have a great weekend! Shutting up now.
Lisa: Dad, I think you're overreacting.
Homer: I think you're UNDERreacting.
Lisa: This session's over.
Homer: This session's UNDER.
Lisa: Goodbye.
Homer: BADbye.
(The Simpsons)
Anyways, see y'all!
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