Monday, March 20, 2006
 This week's series: Beck
Hey y'all! How's it going? My day was alright... tho the weather is a bit hot... been like this for a few days now. And you'd think that summer woud be over by now... oh well.
Anyway... um... we had to work in groups during class and then do a little presentation of our subject (each group had a different one) at the end of the class. It wasnt too bad... tho I dont like presentations. This assignment is not over yet tho... the groups have to do more research and improve on what was done during class... put it on paper and hand it in by the end of next week... that's just great (note sarcasm) oh well, at least my group is pretty good.
This week's anime series is Beck. I only saw the first episode of it and I never read the manga... but it does look pretty good... and I heard some good things about it too.
Tanaka Yukio, better known by his nickname Koyuki is a 14 year old who feels disconnected from life in general. Through the act of saving a mismatched dog, he meets guitarist Minami Ryuusuke, and becomes involved in Ryuusuke's new band BECK. Koyuki's life starts to change as the band struggles towards fame.
I definitely want to see more of it.
That's pretty much it... oh, thanx for checking out the collab art I submitted! If you havent... well... what are waiting for? Lol
Anyway, have a great day everyone!
Shutting up.
Hyde: I have got a solution to this whole you being a pain in my ass, we sharing a room thing. You move out.
Eric: Of my room?
Hyde: Yeah.
Eric: Well, uh, that's just not going to happen.
Hyde: Fine. I'll move out, you big baby.
Eric: Still friends?
Hyde: I need time to heal.
(That 70's Show)
Anyways, see y'all
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