Monday, March 27, 2006
 This week's series: Gunslinger Girl
Hey y'all! How's it going? I'm alright I guess... let's see... the weather is still the same (see previous post... or not, lol). Anyways, class was okay... wrote stuff down for 2 hours, meh. Good thing my buddie the wall was there lol... got a good seat down the back as well.
Other than that, I spent my time on the computer either on YouTube watching vids or working on the new layout... it's still far from finished.
Anyway, this week's anime series is Gunslinger Girl. I saw the first few episodes and it's pretty good.
The Public Corporation for Social Welfare is a shady government agency (aren't they all?) that runs an experimental program (don't they all?) involving the use of young girls as elite operatives/assassins. These girls are augmented with stength and ability enhancements (called "conditioning"), and are paired with a trainer. With this somewhat uneasy setting, this title explores the situations surrounding the trainers and their gun-slinging girls...
Pretty good... oh and the song The Light Before We Land (opening theme) is pretty good too.
And that's all I got for now... well, have a nice day everyone!
Shutting up.
Patrick: How much is it?
Mr. Krabs: Five dollars.
Patrick: All that I have is seven.
Mr. Krabs: Deal.
Patrick: Patrick Star, you are one smart shopper.
(SpongeBob SquarePants)
Anyways, see y'all
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