Monday, May 24, 2004
Back to class !!
Yes, it was back to class this morning. Man, mondays suck. Anyways, here's what happened:
First (and only) period: Materials Science. The teacher begins by handing back reports we did nearly two months ago... I got 60%! Woohoo! I was so happy when I saw that score cause I thought I had failed this report cause I did a crappy job. It was supposed to be a group report too, we had to work in pairs but I did it alone cause the number of students is not even (poor lil' me). I did it alone and I passed, I quite happy, I think that I'll....*does the happy dance*... hehehe
That's it, I did a pretty good job on that report and only one class. I'm starting to think that mondays dont suck that much (not that much but still do)
Anyways, see y'all!^_^
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