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Monday, June 27, 2005

Hi! I'm back, the library here closes early on fridays, and them I can't get on til monday! Ughhh... So, yeah! I think I did pretty good on my test, I get it back later today I think, so I'll let you all know either later or tomorrow, depending on when I get it... We have a talent show today, and everyone has to go, I'd kinda rather be on the computer, but I'll get over it... Oh, I come home on saturday! I should be home that afternoon! I'm happy, but I'm gonna miss this place... This is the last year I can come! It's sad... So, I hope everyone's doing well! Nothing too big happened this weekend, I played a lot of dodgeball and did quiz bowl, but my team didn't make semi-finals, ahh well, we won 2 out of 3 games... And I had the dance, I pretty much just hung out with my friend Jenna (Miroku37) and Kris... But yeah, I gotta go! I'm going to write a short essay for that FMA contest, I doubt I can win, but, ya never know! I want to go to Japan! Lol, later!

Edit!! I got a 100.5% on the test! Yay extra credit! I missed the same amount as last time, I just knew the extra credit this time, unlike last time... :D!!!!!

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Friday, June 24, 2005

Hey, umm... I'm being incredibly bored! No one's updated yet...ah well, I don't have anymore icons to put up... I'm glad you all enjoyed the last ones though, my faves have to be th ed go round and the geico one! They're amazing! The skit competition was okay, we did a 'deleted' scene from Aladin, and it wasn't very good. I gotto be a guard! I stood and did absolutley nothing, while trying not to laugh at the people behind me... To make a long storyas short as possible, aladin and Jazmin are on the balcony, when her father knocks on the door, Aladin gets pushed off the balcony so he isn't seen, and falls to te ground because Genie and Carpet are both off having a coffee break... Then the balcony falls on him too... So, yeah. It sucked a lot though... Oh, and I have another Latin test today... I'm afraid, at least I know my vocab... So, wish me luck, I just might need it! And I think htat's all I have for you all today! Talk to you soon!

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Hey! Casino night was awesome, and I got a sugar rush! Yay! Although when I got back to my room, my roommate was in bed sleeping... She was sick... So, I had to spend all of my night in the dark! It's not that I mind the dark, but I'd rather be able to at least do something... So, yeah... I definitely found a few more icons! Yay!

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So, you can tell I was bored huh? Tonight we get to do skits for no apparent reason... I'd rather spend my night on a free pass, doing what I want to do... Like order Chinese and get on-line some more! But alas... Ah well, since you all probably don't want to listen to me ramble, I'll talk to you all later/tomorrow!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hiya everyone... Ummm... I'm bored, and I have absolutley no news really... The only thing slightly cool is that we're having casino night at camp! We get to play for candy, no money... Better than nothing I guess! Alright, time for a random change of topic! I'm looking for more FMA avatars... I have nothing better to do, so... If I find some really cool ones I'll post, but if not... Then yeah. Okay..... So... How was everyone's day yesterday? Not too bad I hope! Ah well, gotta go soon... Talk to you all later!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Well, Marz asked me a very important question yesterday... How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Now, I say 42, but if anyone has a good answer for that, then let me know! So, yeah... I'm glad everyone's Father's Day went well! Umm... yeah, my friend found another Ed avie! Yay!

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I thought that was one of the best ones ever! It's great! Well, I don't know what to syu, so I'll talk to you all later!

P.S. - I gota 98.5% on my Latin test! Yay!!! :D!

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Monday, June 20, 2005

Hiya there! How was everyone's Father's Day? Mine wasn't too bad, I didn't get to see my Dad, but he lives a couple hundred miles away from me... so yeah! Umm... I saw these on random sites, and thought they were cute!

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Well, I don't really know how I did on my test just yet, I'll find out when I get to class... So I'll let you all know then! Umm... Now to questions! :D Thanks everyone for asking some!

-If you could go anywhere around the world. Where would you be?
-I'd probably go to England, I'm not sure why, I'm just kinda fascinated with it

-What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
-Well, I like to read, draw, watch anime... Oh yeah, and SLEEP!!

-Do you have any siblngs?
-Yeah, I have a younger sister

-What's your favorite color?
-GREEN! Though I do have to say I like blue, orange, nad purple a lot too...

-What do you dream of becoming when you grow up?
-Some kind of research doctor, or a chemist. I'm all too sure why either, but I love chemistry so far, and can't wait to take more of it next year!

-What is your fav FF character?
-Sorry to say, I've never really played the games... *ducksrandom throwing of objects* Sorry, I plan on buying one of the older ones, but I'm not so good at video games...

-How long have you been drawing??
-Well, not too long, I started trying to draw around my birthday when my friend Autumn showed be how to draw eyes, and after that, I took it into my own hand, and love it now!

-Do you have a big family?
-Well, in intermediate, it's just my mom and my sister, my dad lives far away... But if you include aunts and uncles, I have a bunch on one side, and very few on the other!

And I think that was all of them! So... If I didn't answer your question, or you want to ask anymore, just comment/pm me and I'll answer asap! So... yeah... I'm almost under 5000 on the rating list! I'm happy, not much of an acheivement to some of you guys who are like, number 13 or whatever, but it feels like it took forever to get there... So, yeah, anyways... This is a really long post, so I'll talk to you all tomorrow!

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Friday, June 17, 2005

Back again... How is everyone? I'm not doin' too bad myself... Well, this isn't cool, not many people asked me any questions... If I don't get anymore soon, then I'll just answer the one's I've got, but... yeah... So, if you haven't already, will you ask some questions? Thanks to those of you who already have! :D... Oh, I have my first Lation test today, wish me luck... Alright I should go study right now, cause class starts relatively soon, but I dont' want to, I'll study on the way to class... I bad at this studying thing, huh? Ah, well! Talk to you guys some more later!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

   Salve Amices! I'm alive!!!!!
Yes, I know, it's sad to hear, but I'm still alive... I'm taking a Latin class at Truman State U right now... I had some free time, so I decided I had to update you all! Soooo.... How is everyone? I'm not too bad, kinda tired though... I still have another two and a half weeks here... I got up at 6:30, just so I could get on the computers to talk to you all today, so feel special! I can't think of anything to talk about.... I miss not being onthe computer 24/7 like I normally am... Ah well... I'll be back soon! Talk to you all again then!
P.S. - Ask me any two questions about me in a post and I'll try to answer all of them as best I can! Hope I can get almost as many as Sharingan Itachi, though I don't it... Bye!!!

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Saturday, June 11, 2005

I leave tomorrow for 3 weeks! There won't be posts to often, couple a week I guess... No art til I get back as well... One good thing though, I'll be able to comment! Yay! I'm gonna go to bed, I have to wake up in a few hours! Night!

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Thursday, June 9, 2005

Village of Hidden art!
I've finally gotten to join! :D!!

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I'm soooo excited!

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