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my mind
Member Since
Real Name
wouldn't you like to know? >:)
Anime Fan Since
welll, always, I guess. since I first saw anime pic.'s when I was little. I've just started watching it with the past cupple years, though.
Favorite Anime
wolf's rain, trigun, .hack/sign, witch hunter robin, FLCLmuch other stuff....
drawing/painting, reading, catching dragonflies

My collection of buttons.muahaha!

 buttonsclick here

the creator of the the mushroom patrole is :Sango123
Thursday, November 4, 2004
well, I guess it had to come sometime. As of now I'm on hiatus. Don't be upset when I don't comment. I'll return at winter break, maybe thanksgiving as well, but what with school and play and everything else, I've decided it's time to make it offical. I migh check back a comment abit if I have time, but I didn't want the people who come and read this to wonder where I am. So, before I go I'd just like to say thanks to color me evil, purtagory, tepocoora, sango123, dark phoenix, iluvsasuk, blue hawk and everyone else! ^_^ If I've forgotten you, don't think it's because I havn't noticed, I'm very bad with names and half the time I know people by there av.'s rather then there names (bad beth!), any way! mints for you all! *throws mints in the air* bye! see you soon! ^_^
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
I return
I return once again. Sorry I've been gone for abit, I'll check out all of your sites. hmmm, not much going on. I just watch all of FLCL! It can't only be 6 eps.'s! NIIOOOOOOOOOOO. Very good, but very odd. ^_^ anyway< My site has a new them in honor of it. ^_^ anyone like? ^_^
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
hmmm, not much happening. I have to do home work, oh! although, today IS my mom's b-day! yayy, happy birthday to her. I got her some nice organge bead earing that she had liked. she was happy to get them. tomarrow me, my brother, my sister, and my uncle are going to make her a big brunch tomarrow. should be good, my sister is making stuffed french toast and my brother is promising "a pumkin based substance". I'm excited because they've all moved out so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like. plus
yaya. There very sweet. ^_^ hmmmm, not much else as of yet. oh! here a comic from which is my fav. web comic. my fav. news paper one would have to be doonsberry. ^_^ anyway, a comic from them in horor of my mom's brunch birthday tomarrow.
SNARGHGGGGGGGGG!!!!! they won't let me put a pic. that big!!!! grrrr, just go to this link then:
do, do, "despite all my rage I am still just a rat in cage" thats all. oh! and heres a pic. to make up for the lack of the other one:

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Friday, October 8, 2004
YIKES! I've just spent 45 min. posting coments on this! I should prun down the number of people I coment on, it's just I'd hate to take any of you off the list *hugs all* ^_^
hmmm, let us see. nice sih week. some ups some downs. I got into my school's play so I'm happy about that. ^_^ it's tom jones. I am "various maids and towns people". ^_^ YAY for parts that hve numbers in them! (ie. maid4, maid 5 etc.). me and one of the other randoms were talking to a boy in our drama class and he though we said crazy maids. ^_^ we though that would be very nifty! rabid dusting and such. hee,hee, ^_^.
do, do, do. hee,hee, sorry, I'm in a good mood for two reasons. first, I just ate vetnamesse food. my all time fav. type of food. mmmmmm. ^_^ yum! also, I'm listening to brit punk rock right now, well some of it is brit. mmmmm, frans ferdinand, mmmmm, well thier scotish, but meh!MEH I say! tough! and U2 ayayyyaayy, U2 for ever!!!!!!!!
what else? don't know. *sigh* a kid I use to like and still kinda do just loged on to IM, but he loged off before I could talk to him. -_- *sigh* oh well, I guess I should just forget, we go to diff. schools now. *sigh*
ANYWAY! got to go watch the pres. debates! wee, I won't talk of my political views unless you PROMISE not to hurt me! please! ^_^ well anyway! bye! ^_^

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