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Saturday, September 25, 2004
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, *meh*? meh? mmmmmggrrrrmggmmmmrmrg! I'm sooooo freken' tired! ._< mmmgmerrerremnemnrkjhfk! I'll try to get to your sites, hmmmm, this week, what did I do this week? well, the new school is going well except the fact that I have to get earlyer, and thus if I stay up just a tensy bit after bed time, well I think an equation will sum it up better:
(Beth + homework)X lack of sleep=#@$%!!!*****##@@@#%#^$%!#$@$mmmmah! yup thats the jist of it. plus I forgot to do my french homework so I had to do it durning luch b/c the teacher told me to give it to her by the end of the day. MEH!!!!!! all is not lost. I did get to see the begining of cowboy bebop durning advising. Although the evil movie place doesn't have it so I'm going to buy a copy this weekend. hmmmm, what else? I missed the first math team meet (that would be a bad thing). but, meh. well have to see what the weekend brings. >_< how are all of you? I know I havn't been visting your site lately, but I can't use the internet during the week, sorry! *puppyeyes* please of give me *_- any way. thats it. so, ya! ^_^ bye!

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Monday, September 20, 2004
>_< school
>_< sorry I havn't been to most of your sites in a while! soooo muuuch homework. I started going about today, but got tired half way through. I'll pickup where I left off later. *achue*!!! I'm home sick today, mmmmmrrrrrr.....much sneezing, etc. >_< my web site is taking longer than I though it would to build. it should be up soon though. *crosses fingers* who know though? anyway, not much else new here! If I think of somthing I'll write, but for now, I shall go and be sick some more! >_<
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
back again!
well, I'm back again. school started last wed., thats why I havn't been on. I had a pretty good time. met some new people, got lost alot and had jeneral fun. one of the people I met likes stargate as well! yayay. oh! and we have to pick a day in which to plan an activity for our class and one girl is going to bring in the cowboy bebop movie! yayaya, though I've hurd it's bad, atleast I'll get the chance to watch it. hmmm, what else? well, theres this on person who keeps coming up and huging me and my friend. don't worrie, I've been told that he does this to alll the new students. he seems odd enough. meh. hmmmmmm, I have tons of hw already! >_< I was happy to find out that I'm not the oldest one in my french class. I'm really bad at french so I have to take last years class again! but like I said, not the oldest! ^_^ theres a senior and a junior in my class as well! ayyayayayayyaay! ^_^ giddyness. hmmm, other than that they all seem nice. ^_^
nothing new other than that (which for me is a big that). hee,hee, although me and my friend have created the cult of the hedgehog! ^_^ we listed the veriouse blasfomys in the car and scared her mother. ideas, ideas, if anyone thinks I should make this something occumponied with a nice little bottom, and web page, tell me....hmmmmmm, hee,hee,hee, bye! ^_^
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
*snifffsniff* WAAAAAAAAAAAA
I.....just.....saw the end of cowboy bebop!!!!! it's so SAD!!!!!!!! *sniff* and what happens to fay? and jet black? *sniff* and is spike! Is he really dead?!!!! *sniff* very good ending and anime, though! *sniff*
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Monday, September 6, 2004
ick! I'm going back to school in two days. >_< it's a new school too, so I'm very neurvus. I'm kinda shyso I don't know how I'll be at making new friends. at my old school I'd been there since pre-school, so that wasn't really a problem. I've never been the new kid! ohiy! atleast my best friend is going to be there with me. the other thing is I'm only going to be able to update on weekends since I can't use the internet during school. *sigh* well, atleast tomarrow I'll be able to watch the anime I taped. and season 1 of buffy (one of my friends was comming over and we rented it).
OH! which reminds me! I just got back from a con. so very much fun! we couldn't stay all weekend b/c my parents have some big changes comming up where they work and they wanted to be rested before. *sigh* eh. but it was still SO....MUCH.....FUN!!!! it was a scifi con, but they had abit of anime as well. the only problem. If I went to any of the anime things I would miss things I wasn't willing to give up. Like seeing TERRY PRATCHETT speak!!!!!!! ok, so I don't know if that name means anything to any of you, but he's my fav. auther. when he did his signing he was only suppost to sighn for 1 hour, but so many people came and he was nice enough to stay, that when I finally got my book sighned I had been in line for 3 hours waiting. but it was worth it. very much so. heee,heee,heee. I'm giddy about it. after that I was just clining to my copy of soul music (the book I got signed.) ^_^ *sigh* since the signing took so long, we didn't get to the anime or art exibit -_- or get to go buy any con t-shirts or other useless muchendice. nif. those are minor losses. I can go to another con to get those, but Pratchett only comes to the US every so often. anyway, this is gettting, long, so I'll finish.........finished. *glance* bye! ^_^;;
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Friday, September 3, 2004
ick! I'm going back to school in five days! >_< don't want to goooooo!!!!! like school, but I'm having so much fun setting up my site! yaya! funness!. hmmmmm, what else. oh I've been Having an interesting political debate over at the scifi bboard. Thats fun. it's been going on for 3 days now. hmmmmm, what else? I just found a bunch of amusing icons. I'll prob. be changing mine soon. sorry, their st-1 not anime. it's just the site I found them on. I need some trek ones as well. hmmmm, I shall search now. what else? what else? not much meh. ^_^ bye!
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
hey everyone! I'm back! I didn't end up with food poising. they say 6-48 hours, so it looks good. I guess I was lucky. I'm sorry I havn't been posting, I had alot to do. me and my parents went about to different cheese places and tasted and bought cheese there. our cheese tour. I know, sounds odd, but it was fun and very tasty! ^_^ mmmmmmmm cheese. hhmmmmm, what else. oh! my parents said that I could setup a web site for my art work. I still need to find a free host, though...hmmmmm, I havn't had much luck yet. anyone know of any? what else? what else? I watched blade runner. good movie. I would recomend it, but only to certine people. it's kind of dark so some might not like it. also bloody. but I still liked it. the only problem is it was on TV (uncut) and I missed the begining. grrrrrr, I'll just have to rent it now. anyway. thats it. I start school next week, so I'll only be posting on weekend then. -_- blah! well, thats it. sorry if I havn't been to your sites in a few days, I tried to look around, but I know I missed some! sorry! very sorry! ^_^; I be better! I will! ^_^ anyway, tata!
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
hi. I may not be here to update for about a week or so. we made chicken cord on blue (thats is very badly spelled) and my mom didn't cook it for long enough or cooked it on to high a temp. so bascily I ended up eating my chicken, thinking that it was a bit chewy and that it had cheese in the middle only to find out that it was raw. so I may get food poisining now. -_- ug! well, now I wait in fear for what I hope will not come.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
hiyho everyone!
hi! I returnith. this weeekend was fun. three of my best friend came over for a sleep over. we played risk and vidio games for a bit. Risk was fun. my friend xavier (she's a girl, she likes the name) and me formed a bunch of alinces and took the game MUCH to seriously. hee,hee, it was still fun, though. after that me and my friend silkie (nick name) forced everyone else to watch anime. unforchuetly the trigun was one where vash was acting uncharactoristicly (or so you though) and the episod was ment to make fans yell at the screen "what the hey!!!!! this doesn't make send!!!" so now they all think I'm weird for liking the show. meh. mehmehmehmehmeh!!!! meh. hee,hee, then Samantha asked for one of the marshmellows and I wiped it at her. thus began the marshmellow fight. they can acctully hurt when wiped fast enough (ach). my poor poor parents. they claim we didn't keep them up but, welllll, I don't know..... *dances in circle* I also got my very own "one ring". *continues dancing* I put it on a chain and have been wearing it since. *dancing* I promise, though, I won't make any gollum jokes. *bows head* I am SUCH a geek. well, no one can stop me!!!!! muhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha ("come pinky" / "why brain? what are we going to do today?" / "the same thing we do every day pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!"(and for you pinky and the brain AND star trek fans, click here
))I hope someone other than me got that. oh! oh! and I just got a cell phone! yayish. it has a nice camra and has voice activated diling. wheeeee..... any way. thats what is new with me. I'll be about to look at all of your sites now. and I'm very sorry, but I'm fealing very lazed and I'm not going to sp. this. so tough weasles. ^_^ bye!
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
hi everyone! yay! I just got back from visting the sites (sorry if I missed any! :)) hee,hee, I'm in a good mood! saber was nice! yayaayayaya first womans gold usa! yayaya! hee,hee, nicness. thats not the main reason I'm happy though. you see, with things like my comp, I'm very,very,very orgenised. multi-level filing systems and all. but with my room......aaaaaaaa.........that is much different. so, afew days ago, I got sick of the mess, so, I began cleaning, and I cleaned and cleaned for two days. now it is clean! I'm very happy with my progress. hee,hee, ayayay me! anyway! now I'm sitting down about to open a nice new box of oil pastels. mmmmmm, muhahahahahhaahah, I shall have much fun! +_+ *eyes sparckling* duddleiiinnnnnngggggg......
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