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myOtaku.com: hippygeek

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Arrrrrrrrggggggggggg!!!!!!! Is it just me or has rebelling against society become society. I just went shopping for school cloths and it hit me full in the face. At stores like J.C. Pennys they’re selling "punk" and "goth" clothing. When I was at school one of the people in my class who is the embodiment of girly-girl kept going on about how much she loves "punk" music and about how her new clothing is like so totally gothy *giggle* her new clothing is. ARRRRRRGGGGG! I know I'm not miss queen Goth punk by any means, I am happly a geek, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect the gothy punky view of the world. Now these posers are latching on to something that is by no means there’s. by doing just that they are degrading the true ounk and goth spirt. When anyone sees someone dress like that now they assome that they are just a teen fluff. I guess I should be happy. After all now these people are recognizing how good these things are, but that’s not the case. There just hypocrites. Last year if they had scene someone wearing something like these: click here ok, ok, so it's not the greatest example. All of the art works I could find where too gothy punky for even, (lets just call my annoying "friend" Sal) Sal to not call weird (at least something is saved). Still, what do you want to bet last year around this time if some one had scene that pic. Or someone wearing those cloths they would have mocked them. Now that would say neat! Where did you get them? Next year it will most likely be right back to where we started, punk is out and cutzy back in. grrrrr, it just makes me so mad. If they were honestly deciding to be punk or Goth then I would be happy for them, but it's just another passing fad. The people who go all out are still given the odd eye and mocked. *Sigh* why do I even try? Everyone will always just be superficial morons and no amount of shacking them and yelling about the lack of logic will help. *Sigh* so how is everyone else? Sorry about that, I'm just in a ranty mood. Hmmm, better write my reports. *Sigh* bye.

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