myO Still <3's You
Comments (3) | Permalink Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
Place & Time: Wisconsin / 11:58 PM
Date: June 30, 2006
Subject: A little bit of EVERy thing!
Wants: Ultra Ble by Utada Hikaru
I love Fruits Basket because it is as sweet as a strawberry at times other times as comical at the night show but most of all a drama and romance that is very deep and beautiful.
Ms. Wicci
I don't know want to talk about it for my life because I don't have one...sign.. So I think i will talk about want did happen to be lately even if it is about nothing! ^^ Okay I've been friends with a Chinese Girl for all the School year but she had to go back to China. So I asked her if I could be her Penpal. So we are and she frist emailed me last night and its so cute because shes bad at english so she talk in a very cute manner. So may think it is not cute or think I'm strange but I think it's very cute. And She seems very haapy to be back and I'm hapopy for her! Yes I think she is very cute but also a very nice friend!
The Mulan Theme
I hope that you all like the theme even if it is not a anime but a Disney Movie! I love it so much! Oh, did ya' know it's the 36th animeted Disney Movie Made!!! :-) Well anywho i made myself new button to link me so if any one want to update their linking button for me they can do so. Also if anyone wants me to make their button I can do that also. Hmm.. I had some fun with the buttons and this theme! ^^
The Myo Help Site front
Hmm.. I did not work on that much this week but I believe it will get do very so so I' hope you will be able to wait because It will be a treat and there will even besome MyO layouts that I willl put up on there!
I So WANT TO buy Ultra BLUE from Utada Hikarubecause I love the songs, Be my Last, Dareka ni Negai ga Kadaukoro, Keep Tyinf, and Blue!!! I think I have to buy it!!!!
Guess what Sesslover and others are going to a anime thingy and meating other peoples from Myo! I wish that I could come! But then again I don't live in Cali... But most of all I wish I could meat all of ya that I'm friends with! I wish I could go hug ya all and show you not just friends on the web but very nice REAL friends! If only all of the MyO peoples lived in Cali and then we could all see deach other. That would be sweet a MyO meating with all the MyO incrazed Peoples! :D
Hmm.. I been working on my story and now Ifm starting to quote it (looks around and yells I do to have a life) (yea right!) Any way my quote from it for this post is from Ikegiri Shori gThe shadows make the light more clear.h
The Kanji of the Day
Meanings: mountain, Great Deal
Sound: yama, san
Used in Japanese Surnames:Yamamoto, Hayama, Yamaha, Matsuyama, Kitayama, Yama and Takayama
Hirokou (日朗光) OUT!
Later MyOtakuians
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Comments (2) | PermalinkThursday, June 22, 2006
Place & Time: Wisconsin / 3:15 PM
Date: June 22, 2006
Tilte: Life/the new theme/MyO help Site
Aatsu, Watashi wa iki teiru mina! (Oh, Ifm still alive everyone!) Hi Every One! Ifm about done with this new theme for July!As you may see the post and the profile are at the same thing. Yes for some reason with the DIV codes on the MyO the Updates were moving a little away from the Profile..
So I fixed that. Other things to talk aboutc Well Ifm making a MyO help site
and Ifm half way done with that. Also I went to work on Monday at McDs and there were very little people. I
hatewhen its like that!It was somewhat borning. Yea that is what my life is like.
Oh I donft know who will be the friend of the month for July but Ifm still thinking about it. Oh, Guess what I was on youtube and I saw a some
evilyet somewhat funy AMV here is the link:Relena Bitch. Well Itfssomewhat evilsomewhat funny but mosty random!
Kanji of Day
means: love, deep affection, compassion
Sound: Ai (i)
Used in Japanese Names:
Aai, Ai, Aimi, Aimiko, Aiko, Aina, and Aika
Later Otakuians
Comments (3) | PermalinkWednesday, June 14, 2006
Place & Time: Wisconsin / 2:36 PM
H I T O R I NC N A K A S H I M A M I K A (Video)
Well, I changed my theme again. I had some problems with the comment Box but it is now all fixed! Hmm well the news was somewhat borning today and out side it was raining so I dicied to go in side and work on tis theme so that is why this is a new theme other that the theme at I had before was not very good.
Note: I guess that I better keep this one on for some time because Im getting pissed off at myself for not very good graphics. And because of that Igo a little crazy so I think it would be good for me if I just keep it this theme for some time.
INFO: Well its the same Kanji of the day as last time because few people looked at my site. The friend of the month of June (this month) is NightShade2. I cuurently have 144 guestbooks on Hiroko kun and Im some what happy!
Kanji of Day
means:Reason; Cause
Sounds:Yu,Yuu,Yui,Yo, and Yoshi
Used in Japanese Names:
Yoshi, Yoshiko, Yuumi, Yumi, Yumiko, Yoshi, Yuki, Yuka, Yuta, and Yu, Yui
ʹ OUT!
Later Otakuians
Comments (2) | PermalinkSaturday, June 10, 2006
Place & Time: Wisconsin / 10:03PM
Comments (2) | PermalinkSunday, May 21, 2006
Place & Time: Wisconsin / 10:04
Mood: Happy you could sayc
Comments (2) | PermalinkSunday, May 14, 2006
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Place & Time: Wisconsin / 10:04
Mood: Happy you could sayc
Song: Mysterious Fam. Artist: Jun Abe
Yea I changed My theme it and it looks like crap at this time. Oh well thats what you get when you don't try very hard at all. Its Tohru and the Sakura!!!! The song is Sakura Doropusu because I love that SOng!!!!! Its by Hikaru Utada! I love her!
!!! Oh, and I've been working on my shrine and it is getting more done. Thats good... -___- Hmmm... random Thoughts (GOOOO AKITO SAMA)
Oh, also I change this theme a little I moved the real player thingy code (trying to sound dumb because me doesn't Care raaa!) Well it to hard to be stupid I think I will stop that! Hmmm.. Oh, I have to write a essay today and work at my job today... Yes unlike all the others who are done with school I have 2 weeks to go of school and a summer/maybe more a a McDs job (yea thats where I work) Oh, why the way I'm thinking on making myself a Myspace site because it I guess could be somewhat fun to make I don't know if having it would be fun but yea...!!! Oh, and I've been working on my shrine and it is getting more done. Thats good... -___- Hmmm... random Thoughts (GOOOO AKITO SAMA)
Oh, also I change this theme a little I moved the real player thingy code (trying to sound dumb because me doesn't Care raaa!) Well it to hard to be stupid I think I will stop that! Hmmm.. Oh, I have to write a essay today and work at my job today... Yes unlike all the others who are done with school I have 2 weeks to go of school and a summer/maybe more a a McDs job (yea thats where I work) Oh, why the way I'm thinking on making myself a Myspace site because it I guess could be somewhat fun to make I don't know if having it would be fun but yea...!!! Oh, and I've been working on my shrine and it is getting more done. Thats good... -___- Hmmm... random Thoughts (GOOOO AKITO SAMA)
Oh, also I change this theme a little I moved the real player thingy code (trying to sound dumb because me doesn't Care raaa!) Well it to hard to be stupid I think I will stop that! Hmmm.. Oh, I have to write a essay today and work at my job today... Yes unlike all the others who are done with school I have 2 weeks to go of school and a summer/maybe more a a McDs job (yea thats where I work) Oh, why the way I'm thinking on making myself a Myspace site because it I guess could be somewhat fun to make I don't know if having it would be fun but yea...!!! Oh, and I've been working on my shrine and it is getting more done. Thats good... -___- Hmmm... random Thoughts (GOOOO AKITO SAMA)
Oh, also I change this theme a little I moved the real player thingy code (trying to sound dumb because me doesn't Care raaa!) Well it to hard to be stupid I think I will stop that! Hmmm.. Oh, I have to write a essay today and work at my job today... Yes unlike all the others who are done with school I have 2 weeks to go of school and a summer/maybe more a a McDs job (yea thats where I work) Oh, why the way I'm thinking on making myself a Myspace site because it I guess could be somewhat fun to make I don't know if having it would be fun but yea...!!! Oh, and I've been working on my shrine and it is getting more done. Thats good... -___- Hmmm... random Thoughts (GOOOO AKITO SAMA)
Oh, also I change this theme a little I moved the real player thingy code (trying to sound dumb because me doesn't Care raaa!) Well it to hard to be stupid I think I will stop that! Hmmm.. Oh, I have to write a essay today and work at my job today... Yes unlike all the others who are done with school I have 2 weeks to go of school and a summer/maybe more a a McDs job (yea thats where I work) Oh, why the way I'm thinking on making myself a Myspace site because it I guess could be somewhat fun to make I don't know if having it would be fun but yea...
Well B~Bye! (Does the barie bye to make fun of barie because has no life)
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