myOtaku.com: hishyama shark
Saturday, July 9, 2005
... it funny ,self survey take it please!!! copy and paste, fill in your own answers and comment it or pm
1. What is your name? Sharky
2.What is your favorite color? Red
3.Why? It represents blood and violence.
4.What is your favorite day of the week? The day I don't have to take out the garbage.
5.Your least? The day I have to wake up in the morning
6.If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be? Your mom, is she hot?
7.Who is your favorite movie star? Syllvester Stallone
8.Why? Because he kills people, and gets payed doing it.
9.Who do you have a secret crush on? hmmmm, it's a secret
10. What is your favorite food? Flesh, lots of raw flesh
11. What do you think your purpose in life is? After taking half this survey, probably to hunt you down and kill you...
12. Do you think someone is in love with you? hah hahahahah hahahahahahha hah hahhh ha ha......
13. Why? *snicker* hahahaha hahh hah hah ah h hh aha hah ha hhhaaaaa, heh heh. Because I laughed so.
14. Who is your favorite rock star? I like the little dipper, or Orion's belt. I never knew there was a rock up there. I wanna see!
15. When was the last time you ever took a someone out on a date? When was the last time you forgot your dentures you fu**ing petefile. Sorry, I cant say that freely anymore. But I was thinkin it!
16. How old are you? Old enough to kick your ass.
17. What is your favorite movie? The one where that one guy at that one place, ....., killed that one guy , because he made him take a stupid survey....heh heh, I love that one.
18. What are your career goals? potato
19. One word that describes you. IamevilandIamverysickofthissurveywhenisitgoingtobeoeverImhungryIwanttogotothecandystoreIwannawatchtvIwannagoswimming....
20. And finally, The name of the person you are dying to go out with. Yeh, uh, I'm too emberassed to say it. I don't know her well enough yet, so I'm not even going to say anything yet.
21. What is your favorite flavor of applesauce? Apple..
22. Who is your role model? My big sister Britney. You might know her as the girl who sang oops I did it again
23. Name one famous event you celebrate that happened the year you were born. President Ronald Raegan was shot. RIP brotha.
24. If you were in a western, what would the title be? How the Easton was dun...
25. What was your favorite ride at disney world? All the ones I didn't throw up on...
26. Who is your best friend? oh god. Uh. My toothbrush?
27. The most catchiest commercial jingle. Did somebody say, kill Ronald?!
28. Who inspired you to become what you are today? Bacteria.
29. Do you believe in God? No, but I believe in Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
30. Who is the hottest girl you ever met? My cousin Shawnei. heh heh.
31. If you could kill one cartoon character, who would it be? Spongebob
32. Why? His laugh makes me feel all cozy and psycho inside...
33. If you could select and make extinct one type of insect, what kind would it be? George Bush
34. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? mitten
35. What do you like most about the summer? It's nice and hot out! Ooh yeah!!
36. What is your favorite season? Hurricane season
37. If you could make out with one celebrity, who would it be? Ewww, kissing is gross..
38. What about computers bugs you the most? Pop-ups that ask you if you hate pop-ups.
39. If you were stranded on an island, and could only take two things with you, what would they be? A boston and a ton of gasoline. Boso
40. What is 9 times the square root of 77 times pie plus the average distance traveled by a roadrunner moving at an average speed of 18 mph within 50 ft? Q
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