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In my little world far, far away
Member Since
Daydreamer (but I will become a veterinarian some day)
Real Name
Stephanie but I also have been called Kaza, Ninja, and hey you. I really don't like the last one though -_-;;
I beat FF 7- X-2 (87%), Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts, all 4 .Hack// games, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, and Devil May Cry
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
D. Gray Man, Saiyuki, Godchild, Trinity Blood, Excel Saga, Nightwalker, and Full Metal Alchemist
To not fail school, to become a exotic veterinarian, and to own a hedgehog
Playing video games, drawing, going online, singing, and reading
playing video games drawing, reading, and well i'm not bad at singing too.
| HISKKGLVN fanatic
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Otaku is raised!

It's been a while since I posted last. I still put in my recent arkwork though. I was looking around my Gaia bar above my avatar and saw my website button. It's my Otaku so I desided to find out what had become of it. 3 Comments and a new friend that was more then a couple months worth for me.
Recently I've been so busy with Honors Chemisty, College Algebra 2, and other school homework/stuff and I've barely found time to be on. I've created more CD's as well. And I've been playing a lot of video games. Mostly FF Tactics (for the PS 1) and FF 10. I can't pick up Kingdom Hearts. I guess it just kinda bored me compared to Devil May Cry 3.
Recently the only thing I've been reading new is Redwall books. I've just got Rakkety Tam to read and I'm done till he produces a new one.
I'm still really nervous about my Skill's Center clases. This is my first time, and I'll be away from school and stuff. Vet. Medicine is gonna be really tough, but I'm gonna try my hardest. I mean if they choose me I'm good enough.
Yep so here I am in the middle of the night. On Gaia and updating my Otaku. Maybe I'll update again. Until then....
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Woot new picture!
Yes I seriously have nothing better to do, and I thought "Hey why dont update my Otaku" I made a new CD Friday, and just posted a newly drawn picture today XD.......I think that's about it. >.<
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Friday, March 3, 2006
It's lunch time and I really have nothing better to do. The school's blocked Gaia again so I can't go there. Today really doesn't feel like a Friday, and the day goes by so slow. I stayed up really late last night doing homework, so I'm kinda tired. Nothing else to really report.
Just saying I'm still here.
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Not much to talk about
I'm real busy what with my exams and all. And this Teen snow outting I'm going to next week. (But really Like noboby cares. A brick wall would accually care more then everyone else.) but hey you're busy people too. I'm trying to change my wallpaper here but Photobucket's being a crap. That and I'm part of another fanlisting: Albel Nox *hugs* I luff him soooo much.....I play too much StarOcean -_-;;
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Hey ya'll it's Christmas Eve and I wanna wish everyone a Merry Chirstmas....Okay and a Happy Holidays so I won't get sued lol. ^^ I hope great things in the New Year because I'm never on and so I'll wish it to you now.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
I'm all done (for the most part) with my project. And I'm reeeeealy close to beating FF 8 so me-sa Happy! ^^
....And that's about it...*hugs Cain* Huggles for ALL!! -^^-
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Well it's been a slow day
Nothing much I'm kinda grounded by I have this project for American History and I was reserching it. I'm finally getting to send in my anime Chirstmas picture I drew last year. So I'm happy. I'm always drop by every now and then to check up so I'm still here. ^^
Ps. Enjoy the Vanilla -^^-
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Well nothing much
I get the feeling that I'm not gonna be on and updating much. This is due to my lack of free time. I've been mostly doing my homework. This is also due to the fact that I do not have internet on my comp. and use my dad's. So until this problem is remedied. I'm not on much. But I've drawn alot of stuff therefore there will be alot of art from me soon. I can always go her on the school comp. (which I am doing at the moment) But this just goes to show I'll still be here just don't expect me to be on all the time. (not that anyone really cares anyway) Oh well ^^
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Friday, November 11, 2005
In the distant land...
"I beat Devil May Cry yesterday." *talking to Chin Yisou* "Is that really all I did?"
"Wow I thought I had more to talk about. OH the fanlistings. Joined more: see up above. That and I am offically bored to death. But on a different note sowwy to those homophobes out there. Just had to put something ShidoXCain up before I went insane. He made me do it." *points to Cain*
"Len told me to do it"
"Sure blame it on Len"
*Cain blushes* "Ah Lenny"
"Yeah the fate of Len rests in the rest of Yu-Yu-Yasha!! Read and be afraid be very afraid."
"I'm sure that if anyone read that they'd think you're crazy" replied Chin Yisou
"Hahahaha I am crazy already."
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Just a quick question...
Oh and a Nightwalker goodie....

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