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In my little world far, far away
Member Since
Daydreamer (but I will become a veterinarian some day)
Real Name
Stephanie but I also have been called Kaza, Ninja, and hey you. I really don't like the last one though -_-;;
I beat FF 7- X-2 (87%), Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts, all 4 .Hack// games, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, and Devil May Cry
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
D. Gray Man, Saiyuki, Godchild, Trinity Blood, Excel Saga, Nightwalker, and Full Metal Alchemist
To not fail school, to become a exotic veterinarian, and to own a hedgehog
Playing video games, drawing, going online, singing, and reading
playing video games drawing, reading, and well i'm not bad at singing too.
| HISKKGLVN fanatic
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Friday, March 11, 2005
it's a friday Yay!! the school comp.'s not being so mean, we get free day, and around 200 students are gone from the school because they're in Chigago because most people are in Spanish class. not me i kinda wish i could go. my sis is getting very cranky. we had to search for her last night because we couldn't find her downstairs. we found her sitting up curled in a ball between the a large wooden toy box and an old baby crib. we still don't know why she was there but she was angry cuz she had to watch my little brothers and sister and they were horrible. oh well it's only gonna get worse before it gets better.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Blah blah blah blah
i showed my dad foamy he thought it was really funny i'm glad that they have some new cartoons. i got to watch Foamy's new rant and now they have an even newer cartoon. We watched Nuts to You and my dad laughed so hard. i'm now 82% though X-2 wow a whole new % more then the last time i wrote about it. i'm gonna change the my wallpaper when i get online.(school comp. won't let me on to photobucket) i'm thinking of changing it to Mikhail but i'm not sure. i'm also gonna get my new picture i drew of Di Gi Charet up some time when i get the time. me and my little sis are trying to beg dad to go to Borders he owes me $28 and my sis $30. i want to buy Leave it to Pyoco (i think i spelled her name wrong wrong >_<) and i hope my sis can buy the second Happy Lesson it's a really good manga. Yay i have a 10 min. Anime Club metting today! it's to dissus the Anime Fest we're having soon.
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Kayrei found someone...Finally...well maybe
|Kaza| I can't believe it Kayrei's gonna finally get married!
|Gojyo| Are you sure that daughter of ours will be faithful to him or act like her mother. You know she still has feelings for Hiei and Nataku.
|Kaza| I see your point.
|Yami Bakura| Well she seems to be a good enough woman for him but the question is will HE be faithful. I mean he a perv.
|Kaza| then maybe their made for each other like me and Gojyo. Were both pervs.
|Gojyo| Uh what is his name anyway?
|Kaza| it's Chuprose I think.
|Gojyo| Chuprose!! I don't want my son in law called Chuprose!
|Kaza| Hey she's in love. Don't forget she loves Hiei too and he's her uncle.
|Gojyo| I know that's just strange.
|Kaza| Don't worry I'm sure things will turn out just great.
|Yami Bukura| Don't worry even if your don't watching her I'll be. It's not if I have anything to do just waiting.
|Harry McDougal| I guess that thing are going okay with Kaza the Yami Bakura.
|Irvine| I still think it was a bad idea for her to put on that Millenium ring.
|Gren| Your just grumpy.
Yes I've had alot of new members to the household. Like Kayrei, Grath, Veil, Craklyn and Piknim, and Songbreeze. I'll be sure to write up on how they're doing in future posts as well as Tayme, Kentrus, and Van as well.
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Well back in school
We've had 2 accual SNOW days and now we're back in school. bah. oh well. i've been playing the Sims and creating my own sims and i've made a realy good looking Hyatt and Watanabe Sim and i'll eventually make more good ones (hopefully). and i've been playing alot of FF X-2 again. so far i'm 81% yay! only 19% more to go until i'm completly done. i'm missing 5 dresspheres and i think i have and idea where a few of them are. but anywho i'm kinda bored right now. and class is getting started so i'm going.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Blah i'm sooooo bored i can't go online at home now cause something's wrong with our modem so i can only go online at school. i'm glad of that at least.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Ran rararan Ran rararan Yan yayayan yan Yayayan!!!
My little sis just got the vol. 1 DVD of Dragon Half YAY!!! i've watched it twice already. She also bought the 5th Steel Angel Kurumi manga and a Happy Lesson manga. I got the 6th Saiyuki and Excel Saga manga. I've already finished Saiyuki and Excel Saga and almost finished reading Steel Angel Kurumi. I finally finished watching the Soul Hunter box set. and i'm got great ideas for pictures so see ya.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
my sister bought the Soul Hunter box set a few days ago and we've watched 3 of the 6 DVDs. i've rented Dark Cloud 2 for the 3rd time. and i've been watching FOAMY!!!! Foamy good Foamy funny. if you no know Foamy go to site and watch cartoons: FOAMY!!!!!! toasted human hand.....
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Friday, February 11, 2005
FMA Yay!!
i rended the Full Metal Alchemist game Tuesday and i've already beat it Yesterday. *sigh* i'm hooked. i also rended Dark Cloud 2 but i bearly play that aheeheehee... ^^;;
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Friday, February 4, 2005
I AM NOW A........ 
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Friday, January 28, 2005
i got grounded a week ago but i have comp. class and we can go online the last 5 minutes of class to i can still check my otaku and look for pictures. hehehe. anyway i'm soooooooooooooo happy I beat FF X-2 it only took me a month i think and i bearly played that game the hardess thing in it was Ixion because it took me a few times to beat. i practically beat the end boss with Rikku. it was really easy and short. hahaha so happy.
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