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In my little world far, far away
Member Since
Daydreamer (but I will become a veterinarian some day)
Real Name
Stephanie but I also have been called Kaza, Ninja, and hey you. I really don't like the last one though -_-;;
I beat FF 7- X-2 (87%), Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts, all 4 .Hack// games, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, and Devil May Cry
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
D. Gray Man, Saiyuki, Godchild, Trinity Blood, Excel Saga, Nightwalker, and Full Metal Alchemist
To not fail school, to become a exotic veterinarian, and to own a hedgehog
Playing video games, drawing, going online, singing, and reading
playing video games drawing, reading, and well i'm not bad at singing too.
| HISKKGLVN fanatic
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004 it usless to live?
my life sucks, i feel like utter shit, and i have to sit there while my friend suffers it's more then i can stand! *tears streaming down eyes*
(Simple and Clean plays in the background)
i can't take it anymore *runs crying into Yami Bakura's arms* make me feel no more pain and suffering.
Bum bum bum.... it comes out i love Yami Bukura. but i'm really not kidding i do really feel this way like shit and so helpless......
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Another very odd post
(Everyone is eating dinner)
|Master Gear| Not hotdogs.
|Kaza| Hey it was Lagato’s turn to choose what’s for dinner and he wanted hotdogs, okay.
|Master Gear| But he always chooses hotdogs.
|Kaza| So. Deal with it!
(Stinger comes in)
|Stinger| Sorry I’m late.
|Sora| Wha- I thought you weren’t coming! Go away!
|Kaza| Don’t be so rude.
(Only available seat is by Sora)
|Stinger| *walks over to the seat*
|Sora| *Sits on both seats* Seat taken!
|Stinger| Kaza Sora’s not letting me sit down.
|Kaza| Come on Stinger you can sit where Harry’s sitting.
|Stinger| Thank you. *sticks his tough out at Sora*
|Sora| Why you little! *attacks Stinger*
|Kaza| *sighs*
|Moonstone and Gojyo| Go Sora!
|Kaza| Your not helping the situation! *turns Yami*
|Yami Kaza| Bwahaha! Now I think I’ll go steal the Millennium necklace now.
|Tayme| Mom’s been turned Yami again.
|Kentrus| Yep.
|Tayme| Guess that means……Food Fight!!!
|Kentrus| Yeah!
|Van| I’m not sure this will be a good idea. I mean what if mom finds out.
|Kentrus| Oh your such a mommy’s boy.
That’s why it’s best to not get Sora and Stinger in the same room. ^^;; Oh and this is the first post where you meet new characters Tayme, Kentrus, and Van. They’re my kids. (in my world) Tayme is Vincent’s daughter. Kentrus is Karasu’s son. And Van (called Bane by his father) is Naraku’s son. Tayme is 11 years old, Kentrus 7, and Van 6. I’ll probably have more on ‘em in future posts.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Boooooord -_-
ZZZZZZ...*suddenly wakes up* huh wha-! oh never mind. ZZZZZZ.... Okay so maybe not that board or that one either. but i do have a mystery crush and so far only my sister and her friend and a few other kids know. I'll give ya a hint for anyone who wants to guess it. it starts with a Y and ends with an A. ;)
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Friday, October 1, 2004
I've been good but i got no time to talk
i'll be off in a few min. got a 99% in Geomatry and in Spanish. mom punished me by taking me out of the anime club till next year. beat Parasite Eve again. (and close to beating it a 3rd time) not much else to say.
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Strange i know...
i made it in meh free time showing just how bored i really am ^^;;

They are coming. You have been warned. Oh and the background i to meh site i made too. ^^
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at school
looking up some things in Spanish class. Oh i forgot to say Monday i joined the Anime Club! Yay!! ^o^
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
i'm fine
just finished my homework in geomatry and watched X-play i also sent in 2 new pics.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
practicly just woke up. my family waz watching The Legend of Speepy Hallow (maybe watching Halloween movies early i don't know) but sooooo bored. Only thing that really happened waz that i beat Sonic & Knuckles again this time with Tails (first time with Sonic about a week ago) Now i'm trying with Knuckles but it's too hard and i'll also try with Sonic and Tails (which i'm close to beating) Anywho, anywho, oh i don't really know what to say i'm still tired. OH yeah Wolf's Rain and Inuyasha were awsome!! Go Darsha score one for the Wolfs!
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Monday, September 13, 2004
??? yet again
sorry but i waz having to resize something and had to put it somewhere. now i don't need it so i deleted it off here.
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i'm at school writing a summery on a geographer.
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