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In my little world far, far away
Member Since
Daydreamer (but I will become a veterinarian some day)
Real Name
Stephanie but I also have been called Kaza, Ninja, and hey you. I really don't like the last one though -_-;;
I beat FF 7- X-2 (87%), Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts, all 4 .Hack// games, Shadow Hearts 1 & 2, and Devil May Cry
Anime Fan Since
10 years old
Favorite Anime
D. Gray Man, Saiyuki, Godchild, Trinity Blood, Excel Saga, Nightwalker, and Full Metal Alchemist
To not fail school, to become a exotic veterinarian, and to own a hedgehog
Playing video games, drawing, going online, singing, and reading
playing video games drawing, reading, and well i'm not bad at singing too.
| HISKKGLVN fanatic
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Monday, July 12, 2004
*Grining from ear to ear*
me: Hello everyone as i said i'll frequently write days in my world beginning now. Hey Harry.
Harry McDougal: Hey Step--- *I cover his mouth*
me: Idiot you can't say my name here!
Harry: Why not?
me: There are strangers out there.
Harry: Then what can we call you me is to bland and HISKKGLVN fanatic will kill your hand having to write that.
me: How bout Kaza.
Harry: Okay Ste--I mean Kaza.
Kaza: *Singasong* And it's a great day to be alive i know the sun's still shinin' when i close my eyes it's a high time in the neighborhood oh why can't everything be just this good!!"
chaos: Hey Kaza why you feeling so good anyway?
Kaza: cause me got some bat wings i wanted and my first weapon that belongs entirely to me it's a dragon dagger. *Hugs chaos*
chaos: Not so tight can't breath.
Kaza: Oops sorry chaos.
(Kaza and chaos see Jr. chasing Irvine around)
Jr.: Give me back my gun!
Irvine: No it's so cool.
Jr.: Fine i'll have to get it the hard way. Come A.G.W.S.! *starts shoting at Irvine in his A.G.W.S.*
Kaza and chaos: uh hehehehe.
Kaza: They both love guns and women yet they never get along.
chaos: Oh well.
For those reading this post who don't know what a A.G.W.S. is it stands for Anti Gnosis Wepon System. Oh and now i'm in my chaos phase. He's new here.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Extremely bored!!!!!!!
it's 5:15 now and i'm so bored i resorted to playing my Spongebob Supersponge game and i never play that. got Ixion in FF10 named that one Sunflash. goin' to Macalania temple already. well starting next time i write i'll been writing daily stories of what goes on in my head (don't worry they won't be too creepy). think i'll go to go-Gaia now haven't been there in a while. if anyone wants to know i'm the HISKKGLVNfanatic there too.
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Yo it's 3 am
waz playin' FF10 Started a new game i'm already to the part where the Luca Goers beat me (i'm really bad at blitzball and i mean really bad) i've been playin' about 5 hours not sure. Well not that anyone cares but i'll tell you what i named things so far. Named Tidus Veil (sounded cool even though Veil is much cooler then him and Tidus doesn't have 6 fingers really) i named Valfor Skarlath and named Ifrit Swartt (hey Ifrit is Tidus father oh never mind you wouldn't get the joke) oh well bored now......
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Another Phase
Now into Gren, Gren again! *sigh* *clings to Gren* MINE!!
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Friday, July 2, 2004
clearly bored
just trying different sound out.
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
For those who missed it
I have the Future of the Inuyasha cast it was on SlashBladeQueen's site but for those who missed it here it is
 Animation from Bang!In the future....
-- Naraku falls down the well and destroys Kagome's world. Then he gets stuck in a infinate amount of doom with the well.
--Kagome gets killed by Koga. A canibal demon takes over his body making him eat her.
--Inuyasha marrys Kikyo. Then he finds out that she is his sister.
--Shippo finds out that Koga is his uncle.
--Sesshomaru becomes a rapper. Named the Fluffy Fo dizzle. Rin becomes his manager. Jaken gets eaten by Kirara.
--Miroku steals Sesshomaru's sword and brings back the Dark Priestess Issaru.
--Sango comittes suicide, because Miroku falls in love with Issaru.
--Kagura becomes a pyro and tries to burn the feudal era with Kanna as her helper.
--Totosai gets eatten by Koga as well.
--Mioga drinks momo blood and blows up.
--The rest of the momo gets eaten by Koga.
--Kirara marrys Shippo.
The End
BY: SlashBladeQueen and HISKKGLVN fanatic  Animation from
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Monday, June 28, 2004
The Bellmaker
i waz bored onoff so i put a chap. of my story i'm waz reading on here. When they talk about hogs they mean hedgehogs. Oh my pics might be up tomarrow.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
i just practically woke up. i have to babysit my younger 2-year old brother and he's a pain but i only have to watch him for until 12:30. i waz just gettin' some more help with Lupin the the site (i'm stuck again) i waz playin' Xenosaga Episode 1 again Jr. sounds like Tskasa and there's some person who might have sounded like Kiba but chaos is so COOOLL!!! Lunar Seal!
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Heeeeelloooooo..... is anyone out there? anyone here?...oh well i finally got onto the Lupin stratigy site and got the help i needed. um Kiri 9 i can't get on your site it says there is no such member :(
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Pulled another allnighter last night this time i waz playing Xenosaga fun game. i stayed up to 8 something and woke up at 3:03 now i'm looking for help on the net to help me get farther in the Lupin the 3rd game i just can't get the lock combination and now the stupid computer won't let me onto the official Lupin strategy guide web site will there be any help for me
PS choas rules!!
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