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Thursday, November 4, 2004
err...projects... I'm still working on my projects, but they're coming along well. Thanks for all of the good luck wishes! ^^
Oh yeah, so Bush won the election because Kerry conceded. Actually I was surprised. I thought Kerry would win. anyone disappointed with the outcome? Hm..I wasn't really leaning toward any of the candidates..
Well, sorry for not getting to everybody's sites. I did read all the posts though. ^^; guess I'm just too lazy to make a comment. lol
Take care!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
I'm sorry!!!!
Wah, i'm sooo very sorry for not getting to anybody's site. -_-...
I actually haven't used the compy all day until now..which is very unusual...
err, these projects..
plus, i've been getting into the presidential's pretty close. so far Bush has the most electral votes.
oh yeah, you know when other users come by and say that they've heard good things about you so the decided to drop by?
How do they hear about you? ^^;
Just makes me wonder...
Well, I'll try not to make this long. I've go to study for a test. Sorry again! *hands candy*
Take care!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
so, do you guys like the new look? I decided to change it, since it's nov. now.
Anyway, Hehe, usually MyO changes to the different day at 9pm, but now it changes at 10pm because here in AZ, we don't have daylight savings..that makes it a little harder..
Well, school was good today. We mostly watched movies and stuff because our teachers were being nice, and knew that we were tired from halloween. ^^
Oh, and I got a note from my teacher...guess what it said about me?
"she has a bright future in school and in whatever she chooses to do in life"
Wow, and that's only a little part of the letter..
well i have to go now.
Take care everybody!
Comments (14) |
Monday, November 1, 2004
Good day...
Did you guys have a good halloween? Hehe, I didn't really do much since we had our party on the 30th..
Hm..and I didn't get any trick-or-treaters...
probably because the porch light was off. ^^;
Anyway, again, I'm sorry that I hardly got to anybody's sites. I've been kinda busy with all my projects coming up this week..err, and it doesn't really help that I'm so lazy.
Sorry guys!! I'm pretty sure that after this week I'll have much more time on my hands.
Well on to the day...
went to was kinda fun.
Later, I went to the store to buy some project supplies. I still don't have all that I need though. Then we got some frostys.
Hm..and that's pretty much it.
Sorry again! Take care everybody!
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!

There are 4 b-days today:
horsesrule1234, KennyLives, SessLover18, and my cousin. Happy b-day to you!
Anyway, I'm sooooo very sorry for coming to hardly any sites. I started at the bottom of the list and went to some, but then I decided to go to the rest after the party....
wah, but the part lasted for about 8 hours. Gomen to everybody!! and I'll try to make the post short..
well, I'll have to say that the party was soooo much fun. There were about 30 people over. Haha, me and my sis were all dancing, and me and Alex did the chachacha. Wow, and the food was soo good.
err..but then it wasn't good when my dog bit one of my cousins friends. He was all screaming and stuff., my puppy was just playing though..that's how he plays.
and again, sorry for hardly getting to sites. I'll probably be able to today. meh, who cares about projects. lol
Have a great halloween everyobdy! Take care!
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
Woah, a lot later than I usually post. ^^ hehe, I was watching space jam with my little sis. You know, that one movie where Michael Jordan plays basketball with the looney toons.
Anyway, I'm sooo glad that it's friday! ^^ err, if only I didn't have a huge project to do..oh well.
Oh...and my cousin's b-day is on halloween. He's having the party here at my house. I mean, he's bringing all his friends here and having the party. That makes me kinda mad. He's just using our house to have his party...-_-
well anyway, the other day there was a fight at lunch. It was like on the movies where everyone yells "fight, fight, fight!" Hm..I didn't bother watching though.
So now I have to finish my project. Take care everybody!
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Wow, today was so rainy and cold. Hehe, that's one bad thing about eating out on the picnic tables at lunch.
Well anyway, it was also a late start so I got to sleep in 2 hours.
Oh yeah, my art teacher hung up my picture. Hm..I wasn't really that proud of it, but oh well.
I also figured out that at school we're not allowed to dress up for halloween. Usually they let you dress up and they give you prizes. It's because it fell on a sunday this year...
My sister and I also found a lost puppy named shadow. Too bad I couldn't take him back to his owner.
Hm..and now my aunt and uncle are over, playing scrabble again. ^^;
Oh yeah, and did you guys know there was this 1,079lb. guy? I read a article about it. Heh, sorry that was random..
Hope you guys had a good day!
Take care!
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
So, did anyone see the Lunar eclipse? Hehe, my sisters and I spent forever looking outside for the moon. we even decided to be adventure seekers lol, and drive around town to see it. You know, the next one is in 3 years. I'm gonna check for it again later.
Anyway, today was a pretty good day. health I have to do a report on Herpes..
Well, after school Alex came over because near his house there was a bee infestation, and they couldn't go inside. Yeah, and my 2-year-old neice was over too. Hehe, she's so cute. She stood on top of the fireplace, using her lollipop as a microphone and started to sing "baa baa black sheep" and stuff like that. ^^ aunt and uncle also came over and the watched a baseball game and played scrabble.
Oh yeah, late start tomorrow! ^^
Well, I have to go now. Thanks for all the comments yesterday!
Take care!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Tired... was a pretty good day. Nothing out of the ordinary except in Health..
we started sex education. You'd think that my classmates would be a little more mature. Hehe, but some of the remarks that were made were kinda funny. lol
Oh yeah, earlier my sis and I were watching scary movie clips. We were watching the one in the ring where the girl comes out of the tv. You know how the phone starts ringing in the movie right before she comes out? Yeah, right when the phone in the movie rang, my phone in here started ringing. Hehe, just freaked me out. ^^;
Oh yeah, I have to apologize for not coming to everybody's sites. I usually at least try to get to everyone who comments, but I didn't even get to do that. Sooo sorry guys! I'll try today!
Well, don't want to make this long, and plus my sis is waiting on me.
Take care guys!
Comments (18) |
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
today was a pretty good day..didn't do much though..
Hm..well my cousin is over doing her hw.
And my sis just came in, laughing histerically because she saw a naked homeless kid on tv.
woah, kinda mean...
well, besides that, school was just tiring because I slept so late.
and my art project's due tomorrow..^^; I didn't get to color it..but oh well. It was that angel/devil pic I told you guys about if you remember. Wah, I'm so lazy. If I get it back, I'll show it to you guys maybe.
Well, not much to talk about. Sorry that I didn't comment on too many sites..Hm..and sorry that I have nothing interesting to talk about.
Take care guys!
Thanks for all the comments yesterday!
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