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Thursday, September 23, 2004
okay day..
Okay, so I finally got that cell model done..
and now I have to present it tomorrow. Hm..I'm not entirely sure how we're supposed to do that..
Hope I don't get a bad grade. ^^;
Anyway, other than that, I think school went pretty well. Haha, was kinda tired in lots of my classes. Hm..I don't even think I go to sleep very late. 11:30 that late?
So anyway, Alex was over most of the day. We worked on our cell models. Yeah, then at like 9:00 we had to go to Walgreens for some supplies. Hm..I went in like my pajamas...thinking no one would be at walgreens at that hour..but suprisingly saw some people from school. Yeah, this one girl told me she's making her cell model out of a cake. heh, sounds yummy. lol
Okay, now to more serious matters. LadyMalik says she's gonna leave myO. She's kinda going through a rough time. You guys should go visit her...
Well, that's about it..
Take care guys!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tired...a little..
Ooh..*hits myself on the head* I know I didn't get to much sites..hardly any actually..
I'm soo very sorry!
Anyway, I'm still working on my cell model. Hehe, the paint I used didn't melt it this time. I'm actually working on it right now...well, taking a break actually. yeah, Alex is over working on it for me. Hm..I also still have to find a piccy to use for art...but yeah, I guess I still have time for that.
Um, so school was good today. ^^ I really need to get more sleep...again, I almost fell asleep in a few classes..haha, but then again, that's my fault.
Well, I'm kinda in a rush. Wait hold on, my sisters calling....
Ooh! Hehe, we got our new cable working in our new house. Bwahaha! Inuyasha is showing *hugs tv* haven't seen it in forever...
O.O Sorry that was a little weird.
Anyway, That's it for now.
Take care!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Okay day..
Yeah, a pretty good monday. Even though I practically fell asleep in most of my classes. Hm..I think I need more sleep.. ^^;
Anyway, today didn't consist of much. I know that I hardly got to anybody's sites.. I'm sorry!
Today pretty much was working on my cell model. Ergh, I didn't think that it would take me this long...but then again, it probably wouldn't have if I didn't have to start over. -_-
Yeah, I decided to spraypaint my model...bad idea....
Hehe, the spraypaint like melted my model..
Oh well, I'm over it. Started over and it's coming along well.
Well, that's about it. I don't really have much time to update..
Ooh, one ore thing, we are finally getting cable at our new house!!! Hehe, yes!!
Okay, so I don't want this to get too long..
I'll leave you with yet another inu doujinshi pic.
Take care!
Poor shippou got his pocky taken!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
End of the weekend...
Yep it's back to school for yet another week... Oh well, I'm actually starting to like school. Sometimes it's good to be away from home..Ergh, my mom gets sooo pissed off, so easily..
Hm...and it's only been like this ever since we moved. I think she's stressed out about something..
Anyway, I think I got to everybody's sites...mostly at least.
Okay, well today I went to church. It was actually quite fun. Hehe, in youth group we played this trivia thing. Yeah, the boys won..but it was still fun.
After church we head to a Chinese restaurant. Haha what fun. Our group was so big, I think that we were really loud. Yeah, we had some pretty interesting conversations. Like about dating and stuff.
Hehe, then when we get our fortune cookies we read our fortunes..yeah, then my cousin had to add "in bed" at the end of each one. Like mine was "you will have to make important decisions." and my cousin adds, "in bed" Um..okay, isn't that quite perverted?
After that, checked out my cousins new apartment, then went over to Lanie's house and watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Yeah, but I was watching Orlando..
Lol Just kidding!
Okay, so now I'm home..haven't finished my Cell model yet.. -_-;
Oh well, it's not due tomorrow, I just really wanted to get it done and out of the way..
Eep! this thing's getting long!
Sorry about that. I'll end it here.
Oh yeah, for some reason I've been putting alot of pics up..Oh well, here's another one.
Take care guys!
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
so busy...
Hey guys. ^^
Sorry about not getting to some sites. I've been kinda busy this weekend. Last night, I stayed up real late (4 am) working on my project. I finally finished it awhile ago, but now I have a little report to do, and also a cell model. -_-
Eergh, and also I have a progress report to show my parents. Hehe, it has a whole bunch of 100s then on one of my tests I got a..C.
Oh well, at least I still have an A in the class. ^^
Anyway, not much happened today. I woke up at 10, and did a little commenting. Hehe, then my dad bought me some POCKY! I luv that shtuff. ^^
Yeah, then I worked on my project...went shopping for some supplies, and bought some new shoes!
Well, that's about all of my day. I think I'm gonna finish my cell model tonight..I'll try at least. Yeah, right now my cousins are over playing Tekken 4. Hehe, we're having fun.^^
Hehe, does it seem like I'm busy? I actually goofed off alot today.. ^^;
Anyway, that's it. today was pretty fun except for my mom being all pissy. -_-
Well, I'll leave you with a pic!
Take care guys!
I won Natsuku's contest with this pic!
Comments (14) |
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Good day
It's my cousins birthday! yay, he's turning 17. ^^
I actually just got home from celebrating it. (It's still aug 16 here...well, 1 am on the 17th..) We bought him one of those huge cookie things. He's always wanted one of those. yeah, and since you can't put candles on them, we just carried a whole bunch of these huge candles. Hehe, then we went into his room carrying his gifts, and balloons, his cookie cake thing, and these huge candles. We sang to him then he blew out each candle.
yeah, then we ate pizza and had his cookie cake with some milk.
Afterwards we watched some movies.
Hm..since it's his b-day today, he's probably gonna do something else..
Anyway, that was quite fun, and it looked like he was enjoying himself. ^^
So, I finally got to read some manga. Tsubasa vol.2 and D.N. Angel vol. 3. Hehe, quite good.
Well, that's all for today. I'm gonna stay up late and work on a report and start on some of the projects that I have. sorry if I can't comment later!
Okay, well I'll leave you guys with a pic. (sorry if it's kinda blurry, I resized it.)
Take care guys!

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Friday, September 17, 2004
Good day
Hey! So today was a pretty good day. In Spanish we had our party. It wasn't too bad. In the beginning we played bingo...-_-
Then, I got called to make the smoothies we were gonna drink. Haha, I got to miss the dancing. I mean everybody was just standing there not dancing...and it didn't look like they were having much fun. hehe, so me and Crystal just made smoothies. Yeah, and when people drank them, they said that they were really good. ^^ Hehe, this guy even drank four cups of what I made.
Then, I got to miss most of last period cause I got to stay late drinking smoothies. Bwaha, then when I get home I get more smoothies! Guess, it makes up for the ones I spilled on my jeans.. ^^;
So anyway, I just got back from my cousins house..I was supposed to help him with something, then we ended up not doing, we just watching a whole bunch of movies..and now I'm home.
Okay well, that's just about my day...sorry for the longness.
Sorry if I can't comment and stuff this weekend..I have to make a cell model. -_-;
Take care everyone!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Okay day..
first of all,

Here ya go. Hope you like. ^^
Okay, so my day didn't start out to well...
when I was eating breakfast, I accidentally spilled my smoothie all over my jeans. (and my favorite ones too..-_-) Yeah, so I had to clean it up, change my jeans, and of course had no smoothie left..;_; lol
but you know that wasn't too bad.
Anyway, today at school was a half day. Yeah, we still went to each class, but they were only 25 minutes each..
Hehe, and tomorrow we're having this party thing in Spanish. There's gonna be dancing and we're gonna make Lincuadas..or something like that.
I'm not really sure if that's gonna be fun or not.
Well, I don't want to bore you guys with this boring day.
Lastly, I finished all the Cow-ch stuff...I'll try to get all of that sent.
Take care everybody! I'll leave you with this!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I'm sooo sorry!
First and foremost I must apologize for not getting to your sites. Gomen!!! Tomorrow I'll catch up on everything. *hands candy*
Ooh, but I did get to those buttons!

I'm sorry if they don't look very good. I kinda rushed..if you guys want me to do it over again, I will. I will get to your button soon BlankLover 1.
Oh yeah, I also did get to starting the Cow-ch stuff. I'm sure it will be done soon. Sorry again!
Anyway, today at school was pretty fun. Yeah, except for the fact that I was sooooo sleepy in like all of my classes.
Hehe, but in Biology, we watched this show about kids in a bird call contest, and it was kinda funny. I mean, boys screaming and beating their chests..hehe, and girls like making these weird know, to get the bird call out right..I guess. ^^, my cousin just went home..he's been here all day.
Well, I don't really have much mom's a little angry..
I'll probably get to sites because of the half day!! Ergh, but so many quizzes... -_-;
You guys take care!
P.S. My puppy turned 1 today! ^^
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Good day.
Hey guys! Today was a pretty good day. It went by kinda fast.
So anyway, I'm sorry, but I didn't finish all the buttons. I started them though. I'll try to get them all done soon. Oh, and I'm working on all the Cow-ch stuff too. I don't really have much time because of school. I'll probably get them done on Wednesday, when I get out early.
Anyway, I just got back from shopping. Hehe, it was fun. I was so hyper for some reason. ^^;
And on the way back home, there was this guy on a motorcycle who was like racing us. Then we stopped at a red light, opened the window, and said hey to him.
Hm..not much to talk about. Right now, Alex is over playing some PS2 games with us.
Okay, well that's about it. Thanks for answering my question yesterday. How about another one...
Um...what color is your eyes? don't have to answer that if you don't want to.
My eyes are dark brown.
Okay, well you guys take care! I'll get all that stuff done soon!
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