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myOtaku.com: Hisui

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Another late night post....

I really need to get to bed earlier...^^;

Anyway, I think that my mom had a good birthday. I hope she did at least. She did have to work, but when she got home she seemed really happy. My sisters and I made homeade lasagna, this really good salad that she likes, and french bread. yeah, it's all that we know how to cook really..
but also we had carrot cake and cheescake. It was good.
I wanted to make smoothies, but my sis didn't buy the bananas..

So, today was a pretty good day. We're watching Radio and Jurassic Park in some classes. Heh, it was funny. My teacher edited Jurassic Park. There was this one part where a T-rex was attacking this guy, but my teacher put a toy Barney attacking a toy guy instead. ^o^
I think he edited it, at least. that's what someone told me.

Well, I'd better go.
Take care!

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