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i drew a reeeeaaaalllly cool pic of snake from MGS 3, snake eater, does that count?
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Inu Yasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni kenshin, samurai champloo, DBZ, One Piece, G Gundam, and, uhhh, well there is more, they have currently slipped my mind tho...
to move to Japan, y'all! and also to enslave you pathetic wretches, and make u suffer!
drawing, TV, sports, more TV, hangin with my friends, then killing them for not worshipping ME ( i mean, come on!), computer, readin, and playin video games!
drawing and bein violent
| hitman-of-ankoku
Monday, July 4, 2005
still MGS: the basics

First of all, the Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid series are tactical espionage games, with a great story in them, all of which are directed by Hideo Kojima. In each game,the player usually has to infiltrate some sort of facility or area, without being detected by the enemy.The player has to carry out some sort of operation within the facility or area. Also, the facilities are always guarded by enemy soldiers. If an enemy soldier spots you, he calls for backup. Since the player doesn't stand much chance outnumbered in battle, the point of the game is to not be seen. Even though it's fun to scare the living hell out of the enemies and to try out different ways to kill them,the actual point of the game is to not get into a situation where you'll have to kill them. In fact, at the beginning of each story, you're given a tranquilzer gun,with a supressor, in order to knock out enemy soldiers. This is because if you kill a soldier and are not seen at first, another will come over and see his body. That soldier will then call for backup, trying to catch whoever shot their comrade.So, even though it's fun, ya should try to not kill your enemies. One last thing: Y'all are probally wondering what the titles, "Metal Gear" and "Metal Gear Solid" refer to. Well, each of the games storylines revolve around a weapon of mass destruction,called Metal Gear. Metal Gear is something like a bipedal(walking) tank. it is feared because it has an arsenal of deadly weapons, including the ability to launch nuclear missiles from any terrain. Usually the main character, Snake(i'll get to him later) must stop this weapon from being used as a form of terrorism. Ok,now onto Snake. Snake is just a codename, given to the main character.This is gonna take a while to explain. OK, After WWII ended, the Cold War began, between Russia and The U.S. This was when the weeapon Metal Gear was first being assembled(of course, fictional). A unit that was kept secret from the government,called FOX sent a highly trained man, one who possesed the abilities of a spy and a soldier, To infiltrate Russia in order to stop the weapon,from being made. This mans codename was Naked Snake. He was sent on the mission with no weapons, hence the term, "naked." All in all, Snake succeeded in preventing the weapon, (name the Shagohod, instead of Metal Gear) from reaking havak. Snake was then awarded the title of Big Boss, because he was now the Chief Commander of FOX. In his late fifties, Big Boss, was forcefully taken by the army. They had a plan: " To create soldiers that were superhuman, by conducting torturous experiments on the best soldiers ther mkilitasry had to over, and cloning them. This project was called "Les Enfantes Terribles" because the babies created were mostly terrible killing machines used by the army. Three clone were made of Big Boss: One named Solid Snake, another named Liquid Snake, and another named Solidus Snake. The only one who decided to not be a pawn in the militaries schemes was Solid Snake, the only one who you could say decided to be "GOOD."
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