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Saturday, January 29, 2005
More pictures!

I hate long boring wordy posts... so... here is something with very few words...
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Friday, January 28, 2005
The entrance...
This is how I make an entrance on an RP site ^.^ this is just one rp though... I don't enter them all like that...
K-san slides down the hall, wearing his trench coat and sunglasses, holding a pistol pointed towards someone. He slides past Michiko and then stops and fires the gun once. People screaming and someone saying "Call an ambulance" can be heard, the mall has just been made into chaos... He looks around and puts the gun away, doing nothing more. He smiles casually and waves to Michiko while the people run around screaming.
Now for the screenshots ... some which no one bothers to take... except me cuz I have not life and a huge hardrive...

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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Okay. Here tis teh stuff.... >.>
Okay, I seem to post more and more posts like this... but... yeah, Go look at my fanart. It is a T-shirt contest thingy... tell me what you think please. I really don't care if you vote, but please comment...
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Monday, January 24, 2005
New Fanart! Again-ness
Yeah... you heard me! Go look... there is a link up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
still -_-;

There was something else i wanted to say.... I forget what.... Oh yeah!
Zeeky Boogy Boog!
Copy and paste that to figure out what Zeeky Boogy boog is...
*exploades again*
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Since no one likes long ... boring ... posts.

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Friday, January 21, 2005
New Fanart!
I got new fanart, go look, and vote, honestly or else. And I love you all! Yes, All of you!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Someone is going to DIE! Is it you!?
Okay! Someone went through and voted no on most of my fanart, and I know.. yada yada, but not all of my fanart sucks! If you have to stoop that low, then you should not call yourself and otaku or anime fan, or even someone who semi-likes anime. You are a disgrace!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
I need help! Comic Party!
I am trying to find out where to download an anime called Comic Party! NO NOT COMIC PARTY REVOLUTION!
Please help if you can!!!!
Here are some pictures of one character. He is awesome.

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Monday, January 17, 2005
Ohayo Con piccys!
My pictures from Ohayo con...
I am the K-san/Mr.K, with the dark blue (it looks black cuz my damn scanner) pants and tie.
Since I know you all wanted a pic of my chest...

I just like this pic. I'm the one on the right. Duh.
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Nope, Unlike my last post. I am not saying good morning, and I'm not not saying it. O_o
I got to go to Ohayo Con! The anime convention in Columbus Ohio!!! I met lots of cool people... I went as K from gravitation. I hung out with Tohma and Ryuuichi all day Saturday... It was so awesome! We got our picture taken a lot!
Okay, I'll have pics up as soon as i can!
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