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some where in japan during the tokugawa shogunate
Member Since
assassin for the chosu clan
Real Name
hatsuharu sohma
building up a reputation
Anime Fan Since
like five or six years ago
Favorite Anime
Lupin the Third, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Witch Hunter Robin, DNAngel, Orphen, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, and theres many more, but u'll have to ask me to know the rest
to pass high school
reading manga and watching anime
i can eat extremely sour things with out making a strange face
| hitokjribatousi
Hello there, welcome to my site and i hope you will enjoy it here, please sign my gb and leave comments, sayonara!

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Sunday, March 26, 2006
slide show hehe
srry, but the code only works on myspace, but i made a slide show and if u want to see it heres the URL for my site and just scroll down past the contact me box and ull see it, itll take a couple seconds to load, but its cool, thats all for now, l8rs!
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
a poem i wrote, hope u like
I lay here on the ground bleeding from
my heart, a bloody dagger still in the palm of
my hand,
My vision is fading and the only thing
that i see is the night sky completely filled
with stars,
A puddle of blood surrounds me
as i lay here waiting for death to come
for me,
The only thoughts running through my head
are why did he break my my heart, why did he
do this,
My vision finally dies and i all i see is black,
a black as dark as my wings that are broken
as well,
I lay here in a puddle of my blood, a feather
here and there from my broken wings, i close
my eyes,
My breathing finally stops, as does my heart,
death has finally found me and given me at last
A chance,
To finally,
Rest In Peace.
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Look at Yesterday
do wat the title says, yesterday i put up my opinion of high school drama, enjoy!
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Friday, February 24, 2006
High School Drama
High School Drama
High school drama, in my opinion (which is just like every one else’s), is just way over rated. I mean you have people going on about their problems (that some people, even me) have made up some of the time and that stirs up a lot of drama at their high school.
Let’s go to my high school, Huntington Beach High School, every one was at peace and in balance, then a freshman (her name will not be mentioned for her own safety) who thought she was all that and could rule the school came into the lives of some very unfortunate victims and changed who they were completely. Basically, in simple terms, she turned every one to the dark side. Also, she caused the death of two Angels, holy beings, she didn’t even shed a tear for them (yes one of the Angels is me but there is another that no one except me knew about). She disturbed the peace at our school and unfortunately, I played a minor past in that. If she had just minded her own business, this would never have happened, I’m not placing the entire blame on her, but 99% of it I am. Our school was at the normal level of drama for a high school, then she came and turned it into a fucking soap opera. I swear, if a person from Hollywood came to our school, he would say, “Screw Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach High School has that real drama going on!”
Let’s take a look at one of the poor victims shall we, his name is Roman Serra Dobson, he may not go to our school any more, but he is a victim of this girls’ dark ways. Last year, he was a great guy, he quit smoking and drinking when he found out how bad it was for him and even offered to help others quit these horrible habits. But then, he met the girl and she seduced him into cheating on me (after stalking him for a few weeks first) and then he continually cheated on me behind my back for a month, then decided to break up with me. Of course, not after forcing me to give up something to him five times the second day after he and that girl got together. She doesn’t believe me, but I have proof of it and he is going to cheat on her and leave her, just like he did to me, but she won’t listen to me and my friend Sam (another ex of his), and we know what we’re talking about, she’s just a stupid delusional freshman that won’t listen to any body.
Maybe I’m being a little over dramatic, or maybe I’m not, but this is me just getting my opinion out there. I realize that after posting this I am going to get a lot of hate mail and probably get attacked, but I don’t care, as long I get a chance to get my opinion out there.
You can also leave your opinions and even chew me out if you want, I don’t care, I’ll take it.
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
im doing the same thing on myspace as well, its just i know some of u dont like myspace, so i will post my stuff here as well. i will be posting my opnions on everything and every one, u can leave ur opinons, in fact, i welcome them, and u can even chew me out for something i said too. i welcome any critcism u have to throw at me. L8R
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yay! i lv this quiz! its so cool!