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Sunday, December 18, 2005
i cut my own hair
with s lil bit of help from my sis, but still i had fun and i did this when every one was gone and out of the house, of course my sis had a fuss over it so i let her touch up the back for me, well yeah and ;ater this week im going to dye it purple ^_^ and i will be sure to post a pic of it but until then heres a pic of my new hair cut

weel, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
look at yesterdays, nothing new has happened besides the fact that i want to snipe the ref we had yesterday after i posted
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Friday, November 25, 2005
hey there
well nothin new in life besides that last saturday (11-19-05) was mine and my BFs one moth anniversary, and school sux, im probabaly going to become a high school drop out and thats just about it. sincei have nothing else to put, enjoy some quizes
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
hey everyone
srry i havent posted for awhile, its kinda been hecktic around here, cuz were getting our house tented and between that and school, i just havent had time to go on the comp, im srry.
to fill u in breifly before i go, i have a boyfriend, weve been together three weeks now, school is evil and all the teachers (except one) are trying to screw me over and give me bad grades. my friends are doing fine, my knees are a cut up and bruised (i will post pix of this) halloween sucked for me because half of my small neighborhood was asleep and we barely got any candy, and me and my friend must still carry out our plans to murder our english (aka the witch) and make it look like an accident
there you have been all caught up on the happenings in my life, next chance i get, i will put up the pix i mentions in the paragraph above
Well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
bye *black smoke comes up and covers me*................*cough cough*....okay screw the smoke, bye peoples.......*disapears through a portal*
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
im so srry i havent been on in awhile
srry guys, things have just been hecktick for me these past few weeks. im going to fill u in on some happenings in my life so u guys dont feel left out, here we go-
basically i was busy with soccer practice and games and school was fucking hell! i fell asleep in class again and the teacher just said get more sleep and dont let it happen again. i also now have a boyfriend, to see a pic of him go to my myspace profile and for those of u who dont have it, ill post a pic of me and him in tomorrows post.
so yeah any way, i have now written a song in the process of trying to get it recorded and when i do, ill find a way to put it on here so u guys can hear it and i hope u will like it. so yeah thats basically it besides the mountain of homework ive been getting.
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
PS heres a music video for u guys, "ugly" by The Exies
Video code provided by Music Video Codes
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
good news at last
well every one, im doing a lot better, im off the motrin and everything (if u still dont know wat im talking about, go down to the next post and then down to the post before that one, srry bou tht econfusing directions). my heads not hurting any more, and if it does hurt it a tension headache and nothing more. just thought that i would tell u all im doing better and i have to g2 school now.
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
im still not feeling any better but i had to take four of the motrin stuff yesterday and if u dont know wat the hell im talking abut then look at yesteradays post
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
i think i should just be an indipentdant individual
at the beginning of the this week i told a guy that i liked him and he said it wouldnt work out but he still liked me as a friend and just the other day i saw him with a another girl and i think he kissed her and now im just all bummed out and going crazy cuz of the 600mgs of motrin im on (technically im 800mgs cuz my head hurt worse than usual) and its a funny story as to why im on motrin
i was playing a soccer game on wednesday nite and i just got put in the game, not even two minutes go by and this girl slide tackles me and i tripped over and her a face planted it rite into the gound and it kinda looked like i did a summersault too. but any way i did not get a concussion or a bloody nose or anything and then thursday nite i went to the ER and the doc said it was just a minor head injury and to drink plenty of water and gatordae adn to get rest and to takle three 200mg pills of motrin and to take four if it really hurts.and my chiropractor said to avoid contact sports and it my head hurts when i do exercise then i cant exercise or anything and soccer is the love of my life (but thats another story for another time)
any way back to wat i first started to tell u, one of my friends said that me and him would make a cute couple and that we belong together and that if i cant see the chemistry between us im stupider than she thought. but i dont think he sees it either, so wat i have planned to do is to just stay friends with him, cuz when he was over one time i just saw this look on his face liked he really needed more a friend than a girlfriend, but i guess it mite now be true but im going to be a true friend and if he needs to talk or rather if any of my friends (including u guys) need some one to listen and to talk to whether it be online or on the phone i will be there, i guess im just my purpose in this world is to just be a friend to others and thats it.
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
long time no post, i know
srry i havent been around for awhile, its been really hectic around here, i mean betweent getting one of my friends away from his house for a night or two and soccer practice, its just been really crazy. so first things first.
how have all of u guys been?
the first thing that started this whole pshycotic (i cant spell) after work summer of mine was my friend moving away to a different city and then getting in trouble and so on, im not aloud to say anymore becuz they will not allow me to and i promised i wouldnt.
then i had to deal with registration at school, that was horrible, it took us an hour and a half just to get into the gym where they were doing every thing, and my friends got in and out there before i even got close to the door. so yeah i get in i take my pic and everything, then i get my schedule, im supposed to be taking auto with my friends this year, but no, the class was full and it turns out only one of my friends got into auto, so yeah another year of caring my guitar around school campus, but i ace bandage wrap for the days i dont feel like taking my guitar. i mean, i am very accident prone, rather injury prone but still, the point is i keep injuring myself and i dont mean to it just happens and in soocer im not guarenteeing that i cant walk away from that game with out some sort of injury, i always get injured when ever i play soocer, any way enough of that
the next thing was the bonfire, one of my friends had a bb gun and it was really cool and thats not important, but wat is, is that my friend who was throwing the bonfire got pissed off along with her mom and now my one friend cant come to anymore bonfires. she got all hissy over the phone saying "if some had saw him with that and reported it to the life guard , then they wouldve called the police and we wouldve been surrounded with guns pointed at us and we couldve gotten shot" and then she says thatshe doesnt want me hanging out with him (the one that brought the bb gun is a guy friend of mine). but i told her that i am loyal to my friends and that ill take my chances being friends with him, cuz she said that he would get me into serious trouble, but i dont care, it seemed like he really needs a friend rite now and i will always be there for my friends. also this guy is her exboyfriend so i think that also had something to do with it, oh well
well that was my exciting phsycotic summer after work, i hope u enjoyed the show, also if i could maybe here wat u guys think about my friend telling me not to hang out with him, is she rite or should i still be a true friend to him? im just curious of ur opinion, but i still am going to be his friend, i dont care wat any one else thinks
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
cant think of a title
well, first off i want to apologize to my friend on myotaku (u know who u r) that i was talking to last nite and siad i had to get off cuz i had to go to work, im very sorry, i forgot today was sunday and that i had sunday off, so once again, im very srry!
well, nothing new really, i just found a really cool song by 3 doors down called let me go, i like that song now, its cool if u havent heard it and u want to heres the link for it
if it isnt underlined and then just insert it into ur address bar, aparently they r not giving codes out for music videos any more so that i can insert them on my site, which really bites now, oh wells
so today is not all that fun, later today i have to go and buy concert tickets and drop stuff off at my friends house so yeah, those r about the only things im doing today besides sitting infront of my comp wishing one of my friends would call me when they said they would but dont call, i just hate that, but i learn to live with it, i just call them instead, lol
well, thats all from my world, mata ne!
heres a pic of me at the Galaxy vs. Real Madrid soccer game

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