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myOtaku.com: hitokjribatousi

Thursday, June 2, 2005

hey wats up?
i just got back from seeing the longest yard and that movie is the coolest!! it was very funny. also on sunday i got to see STAR WARS EPISODE 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH!!!! that one tops all of the other star wars movie i have seen, i just love that movie so much!!!!

any way enough about the movies, so wat did every one do on monday? im just curious (dont try to tell the "curiousity killed the cat" thing i already know) i just cant help it. well i had a couple friends over and just when we were about to get out of the pool, a big huge swarm of bees come out of no where and fly over us (no one was hurt thank goodness) but me and my friend sheila were pretty spooked and really freaked out. when the bees were a good distance away, we made a break for the house. man we had a nice scare that day.

well thats all thats new in my world, mata ne! enjoy this linkin park song, its my fave and it really describes me in a way.

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