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myOtaku.com: hitokjribatousi

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

hey everyone
srry i havent posted for awhile, its kinda been hecktic around here, cuz were getting our house tented and between that and school, i just havent had time to go on the comp, im srry.

to fill u in breifly before i go, i have a boyfriend, weve been together three weeks now, school is evil and all the teachers (except one) are trying to screw me over and give me bad grades. my friends are doing fine, my knees are a cut up and bruised (i will post pix of this) halloween sucked for me because half of my small neighborhood was asleep and we barely got any candy, and me and my friend must still carry out our plans to murder our english (aka the witch) and make it look like an accident

there you have been all caught up on the happenings in my life, next chance i get, i will put up the pix i mentions in the paragraph above

Well, thats all from my world, mata ne!

bye *black smoke comes up and covers me*................*cough cough*....okay screw the smoke, bye peoples.......*disapears through a portal*

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