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Aspiring Artist and Fanfiction Authoress
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I've kept my ideas for Mangas going for over a year without giving up on them.. I suppose that counts ^ ^
Anime Fan Since
I first saw Pokémon *hearts*
Favorite Anime
Bakuten Shoot -Beyblade-, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Weiss Kreuz, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Digimon, Full Metal Alchemist
To be a successful Artist and a good person *nodnod*
Drawing, writing, hanging out with my family and friends, surfing TheOtaku
Making friends! And people say drawing too..
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Hehe, last night I fell asleep right after my family ate dinner. And at around ten'o clock, I felt something hit my head. ( A manga my bro tossed at me > . <)
I opened my eyes, and lo and behold - I was covered up to my head in books. My sister and brother had buried me in all the books in my bookshelf while I was sleeping. I tried to sit up, but the books where so heavy I couldn't!
It was probably the strangest thing that ever happened to me.. Plus, I was totally stuck there until they made sure everyone in the house had seen me.. It was bizarre. My sis even took a picture.. I have a very weird family. ^ ^
Hum-dee-dum.. I'm preparing for school to start, since that's in just a little while. I'm kinda looking forward to it!
I'm also looking forward to the premier of Naruto! It's gonna be great! I hope I'll get to see it!
Oh yeah.. I think we should all pray for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.. I don't think many people are hurt, but the damage of it looks pretty bad..
I guess that's all! Bye!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Hey guys!
First of all, I want to thank you all for being so nice all the time. Thanks for yesterday too ^ ^
Guess what though? I think my sister found some tickets for sale, so we have a really good chance of going to AI Live afterall! *happyhappy* It's so awesome! I really hope it works out! But thanks a huuuge bunch for being so.. nice!
My brother says I have an annoying attitude sometimes.. Do I bother you? ^ ^ If I do, I'm sorry!
Well, my Grandparents are here today! (So many visits lately..) I snuck onto the computer for a while to visit everyone's sites!
Oh yeah.. I saw a movie yesterday ( not WotW, unfortunately, I think it's out of theatres T_T) It's called Red-Eye. Gah, it was soooo scary! Brilliant, but scary. ^ ^ I was shaking pretty badly when we got out of the theatre. I felt like a zombie! My legs didn't work so well either, since I had been sitting on them. I don't like sitting with my feet on the floor when I watching a scary movie.. I feel like someone might reach out and grab my feet..
I guess it's just a wierd thing I do. I was dying to see a scary movie for a long time! I looove horror films, and the last time I had seen one was The Village. I don't think I want to see another one for a little while ^ ^U
Well, I better stop now, before this post gets too long.
Oh yeah.. I submitted some pics a long time ago, and it hasn't been showing up. I don't think that's supposed to happen, right? All well, I'll just ignore it for now..
See ya everyone!
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
What a beautiful day!
Life is just grand, isn't it ^ ^ I'm really happy today! My Dad is coming home! I missed him alot...
I've been reading the HagaRen/FMA mangas all morning. So much fun ^ ^ I really love them! Time flies when you're having fun, they say. Unfortunately, it's been a rather long week - _ -U
September 8 is getting closer.. *sob* That means that the ' American Idol' tours end. I really wanted to go to it.. But due to money problems, we could never afford tickets for all of us in the family.
I was hoping I could go so I could meet Anthony Fedorov and Carrie Underwood. But I don't ever want to say it to my parents, because they'll feel really gulity. I don't want that, really.
I'll stop complaining.. It's spoiled of me.. Gomen.
I've rather run out of things to say.. So I suppose I'll see you later!
^ ^
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I'm back!
Hello everyone! ^ ^ It's very refreshing to be back here on theOtaku again. *big group hug* I missed you all! <3
I've been awfully busy lately (I'm pretty sure you knew that..). School starts in a short while, so I've been preparing for that. I'm taking quite a few new classes. I can't wait to start my French and Spanish lessons though!
I was totally inspired to start French after my friends went back home.. It is honestly one of the most beautiful languages I've ever heard, and I just felt this longing to understand whenever my friends spoke to eachother.
But since my week has been quite busy, I'll stop talking about school and fill you in on what's been happening around here (if you care, that is).
My father is on a business trip. I really miss him, but he'll be back before I know it. We where all a bit sad about him leaving, even though it's only a short while, so my Mom brought my sisters and me to get some new clothes. I really love the ones I have ^ ^
I would really appreciate it if you could pray for my Dad's safety on his trip.
Other than that, my Uncle sent me a manga preview book. It's a Tokyopop one filled with short snippets of different Tokyopop mangas - like Soul to Seoul, PhD, Tarot Café, and DearS. It's cool, and I really liked one manga in it, called Alichino. It's cool, and the art is quite impressive.
I've also got a new favorite band! They are... *drumroll* The Click Five! I honestly fell in love with their music. I know they might not have music that appeals to everyone, but I really like their songs, like Pop Princess, Just the Girl, and Good Day.
The titles are a bit deceptive. You'd think they're the typical Boy Band sappy love song( don't get me wrong, I love boy-bands), but there's really something different about them. Or maybe I'm imagining it?
Eh, I'm sorry about this long post. (it seems long at least) > . < I guess I'll go check out everyone's sites! See ya later!
Have a nice day everyone!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
My apologies everyone!
This week I've had aproximately an hour of computer time ^ ^ I'm not complaining though! I've had a blast!
I just want to apologize to everone who's updates and posts I've missed. I've just had no time at all to check up and stuff. I hope you can forgive me > . <
I'll see you all again on wednesday. ( Did I spell it right?)
So until then... Have a great time and take care of yourselves! ^o^
~See ya!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Gotta make this quick.
Hello everyone!
Okay, so the visit with one aunt is over, but now my other aunt is coming with her two sons. They should be here in about *checks watch* Fifteen minutes.
We'll be spending the next four days with them. I'm actually really excited to meet them. It'll be neat ^ ^
Thanks to everone who commented, and I did have a great time with my Aunt! I also met her mother, who couldn't speak any english, so she spent the time talking to my Grandmother, who can speak Spanish very well.
I stayed with the kids, who where very very sweet, and could speak PERFECT english. It was very cool.
I guess that's all for now.
Gasara - My manga ideas.. Yeah, I am kinda working on one right now! Not the manga itself, but you know, designing characters and making up the plot. ( Which I've been taking a very very long time doing - _ -U) I have a few pics that I'm pretty fond of that I'll post ^ ^ Unfortunately, I can't right now.. Soon though!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Be back later!
Hey guys, I'm leaving to go meet my Aunt in just a little while. ~Yay! I can't wait to see her again!~
So, I'll be back and check on your sites later - maybe 10/11 o' clock.
And if I can't make it today, I promise I will tomorrow! ^ ^ See you everyone! Have a great day and take care of yourselves.
God bless ^ ^
~ Hizuara
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
Hey guys!
I've been cleaning all day! *wipes brow* I think my aunt is coming tomorrow! It'll be nice to see her again! Last time I saw her was three years ago, and I didn't get to meet her children that time. I was thinking I wouldn't be able to see her, because one of our cars was in the repair shop, and only seven people can fit in the one that was working. ( There are nine people in the family, by the way)
But now that the car is fixed, we can all go! Since my sis will drive one, and my dad will drive the other ^ ^ So that's all good.
I'm hoping my friend will sign up here on theOtaku. I did my best to convince her to ^ ^ I won't try and force her though (that wouldn't be nice). I think I told her about it once before, so she might be familiar with it. She's a big fan of Beyblade, so I told her about the Beyblade hub. *crosses fingers* I hope she signs up!
Other then that, it's been a pretty uneventful day. (Booooring)
Maybe I'll ask my sister to drive me to Barnes and Noble to get a new manga with my Bday money. I've been dying to buy a new manga for ages.
There's one manga my little sister collects called " The First King adventure" and it is sooo kawaii! I really love reading it when she's not looking. The art is so cute!
Here's the cover of one.

The actual manga inside is way cuter than that though. I wouldn't say it's the BEST manga in the world - it's a little bit kiddy. But it's just so cute to look at =D
The boy on the front is Varumu. He's the main character and he's soooo darn cute and sweet.

That's Yutaka, and he's the other main character. He's my favorite! *glomps them* They're so cuuuute! It's possibly the cutest manga I've ever read. Even the childish plot makes it so adorable and charming! My sister is probably gonna buy all the volumes, so I'll be able to read all of them!
Hopefully she'll buy them, at least. Why don't I buy them, you ask? Well, my mom and dad like it when I buy one manga at a time, so if I got that manga, I wouldn't be able to buy another one, like Naruto.
Sooo, if my sister buys that, I can read hers and mine! XD
Plus, she won't complain about not getting any manga. She's a bit controlling with her mangas though, so sometimes I have to wait until she's asleep to read them ^ ^ I know it's a bit childish and stuff, but it's fun~!
I just wasted your good time, didn't I? Eh, my apologies ^ ^ I guess I shouldn't bother posting when I have nothing to say..
On the bright side, I suppose figured out how to post images.
Okay, I'll stop talking now, since you're probably getting increasingly annoyed as the seconds tick by. Am I right?
I'll take that as a 'Yes'.
See ya around! (perhaps later today when I actually have something of importance to talk about ^ ^)
I'm off to the sites!
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
I have absolutely nothing to say XD
Hello everyone! (Am I imaginitive or what?)
It's been the most boring day EVER. Honestly, if something eventful doesn't happen sometime soon, I'm gonna keel over and die from bordom.
Okay.. maybe that's an exaggeration. I'm not THAT bored ^ ^ I'm actually doing quite well. I hope you all are too!
Well, I STILL haven't seen War of the Worlds, because my family headed out the door to the movie theater without me yesterday. How very kind of them � �
I really really want to see that movie.. I mean, I've been waiting for it for a year or something. > . < I'm sure I'll see it eventually, but I'm a little bit impatient.
Patience is a virtue though, so I'll try to be so. ^ ^
Anything really awesome happen to you guys lately? I hope so.
Oh yeah, I took some quizzes today.
 You're a complete sweetheart! You always seem to be in a good mood. You try to be nice to and help everyone, even when they don't deserve it. That's great, but don't become a doormat! Your idol would be someone like Reese Witherspoon.
What Kind of girl are you? (pretty results!) brought to you by Quizilla
I like that result ^ ^
 You chose brown eyes.
Brown eyed people are normally very romantic. You love to daydream, and sometimes you get confused with your own fantasies over reality. You are pretty outgoing, but some days, all you want to be, is alone, reading, or thinking by yourself. You have many talants, and you will probably have a very important job when you're older.
The Eye color personality test brought to you by Quizilla
That's a little bit strange.. It's kinda accurate too 0 _ o
 Many people see you as Truly Nice! Congradulations on being a nice, smart, and generally a happy person! It's hard to find nice people nowadays!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
^ ^
~*~Result nr 11~*~
src=""> Your power is: Transportation
Explanation: To simplify matters you can, all in all, transport your way to places. This helps you get to places faster and be more efficent. In combat that is also good since your enemy will not know where you are and you can get suprise attacks on him/her. For evil purposes you can break in to bancs etc and rob places. For good purposes you can save people kidnapped in places (if you know where they are) etc. As a person you are always on the go and don't like not having anything to do. You see boredom as useless and try to avoid it. Therefor you have many friends that can keep you occupied. Other characteristics are that you're a nice and easy-going person, and maybe even popular. You are impulsive, energetic and just someone looking for a fun time and adventures. People can't be bored with you. Negative aspects: You have a tendancy to not stick with people and can get enemies when you're not loyal. You can also back-talk people which will make you less liked.
What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
Okay.. That's kinda neat..
Yeah, I had a bunch of fun taking quizzes! Jaa ne everyone!
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Friday, August 12, 2005
( insert cool title here )
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! How's everything going with yall?
Well, things have been busy here at my house. We're cleaning and stuff, preparing for some visitors. My parents' friend, and my Spanish aunt who isn't really my Aunt but she's my mother's best friend so we call her our aunt ^ ^ Ooh, so awesome! Since they both have kids about my age, so I'm gonna enjoy meeting them.
It's been four days and my pic still isn't up.. I'll resubmit it, since it obviously got lost or something in the process.
I didn't get to see War of the Worlds last night.. You see, my little sister wanted to see a movie with me, since it was special because it was my B-day, but I wanted to see WotW. She was too young to see it, so my Mom told me I could see it later at night, and I went to Charlie and the Chocolate factory with my sis.
It turned out I couldn't go late because my Mom was worried about me being in the Movie theatre so late at night. It was for my own safety, so I didn't care much. I'm seeing it today, since my Mom and Dad are going to see " The Great Raid" later, when Dad gets home from work.
I guess that's all I can think of..
Everything else would be boring babble..
Sooo, have a good day everyone! ^ ^
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