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Monday, March 28, 2005
Whowza indeed... It's been a long time since I've Updated...
Dududududuuuuuuuuuu... Yeah... What to say... what to say... Yeah.
I'm starting to fall in love with Scott again... We haven't talked in months. I guess you don't know what you've got til it's gone.
I dunno what else to say... So... Fare thee well... I MUST DO THY DISHWASHER!
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Monday, December 20, 2004

Say sorry to the cow... I know I did!
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Downloadable Music?
Hey, does anybody know any GOOD and FREE music download sites? I'm looking for some Sum 41 and Three Days Grace. I can't get enough of those bands...
I'm listening to 'Hit That' by The Offspring. That song's awesome! Wop wop wop wop wop wop!
And I know you're all DYING to know the next part of Hashmeer, Peanuts, Hot dog and I. And This one has Blade and Scott in it!

And I was hoping my parents would go to my uncle Steve's so I could stay home alone and scream along to Three Days Grace... Fuckers.
Quote of The Day: "Think Before you make up your mind. You don't seem to realize (sp?) I can do this on my own. And if I fall, I'll take it all. It's that easy after all." - 'Some Say' by Sum 41
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Monday, December 13, 2004
The First Update in... Forever
HI! I haven't been on theOtaku in... a long time... I am now osessed with Group X. My favourite songs are Peanuts (Toot toot) and Can't Touch that. Now, I will bore you with my Christmas List.
Group X's new CD
Jakalope's CD
Sly 2
Karaoke Revolution 2
New Clothes
Spongebob stuff (I saw some Spongebob underware at the store and I wanted them...GO SPONGEBOB!)
Web Cam (I have MSN now,)
Skull Slippers (I saw those too and they were awesome.)
Skull chokers and necklaces and earrings and bracelets
Guitar chokers and necklaces and earrings and bracelets
Big Shiny Tunes 9
More downloadable music
And more stuff that I can't think of right now...

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Saturday, November 13, 2004
I'm so Happy!
I haven't posted in a LONG time... Oh well...
Last weekend was my birthday. I'm finally twelve... Go me.
Yesterday my friend Sarah was over here for a sleep over and I got MSN messenger now. And I was talking with all of my old friends from my old school! YAY! It was funny cuz I kept sending e-mails to Caleb on Sarah's account and then whenever I checked to see if he was online, he was away. AWAY. For the whole fucking night. But in the morning he was on and I talked to him. He asked 'Who gave Hollow my e-mail adress?!' and I told him that Sarah did and then... he was gone... But he said he'd be back later.
But Sarah sent him a subliminal message and said that it was from me and it was all backwards writing and she said, 'Hollow has a crush on you' which (sadly) is true. And I sent Tory an e-mail and on his profile he is such a liar... Yeah right... You are so NOT a pimp.
And I was talking to Joel and he kept asking for more pictures of me... I think he's obsessed with me.
GET BACK HERE CALEB! He was just online and now he's offline again... Grr... I bet Crystal is there... His screen name is 'Crystal is my girlfriend doo daa doo daa!!' I'm jealous of Crystal now...
I want CJ to come on MSN...
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
I am Scared For Life...
ALBINO BLACK SHEEP IS EVIL! I was so scared I cried... Last night I clicked on the Flash thingie and then I clicked on pranks and then I clicked on 'Say It'... BAD CHOICE! It started off smooth but then... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LINDA BLAIR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Anybody that knows me knows that I am terrified of The Exorcist chick... And she had yellow eyes and green skin and she was smiling and... and... [Cries.] WHY MUST THE WORLD SCARE ME! After I seen it I started sweating and then I called my Dad and he came down and watched it (When I had my back turned and I had my eyes closed and I had my ears covered...) And I started crying. I went upstairs for the rest of the night and Dad even had to sleep on the floor next to my bed in order for me to get to sleep...
Other than being scared until I'm thirteen, only one more day until Hallow's Eve... I can't wait. Scott's coming over and so is Katie and all my cousins. We're going trick-or-treating and we're going to get three pillow cases full of candy.
And today my cousins are coming over and sleeping over. Oh Joy.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
My Mother Gives Away Clues...
I just got done having a super long lecture about me being a Goth with my mom and dad...Bleh. I'm too lazy to write it all so I'll write it tomorrow...
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Argh... I can't get up fast or else I'll get pounding headaches... I stayed home from school again today. And I went to the Orthodontist and he tightened my braces and they hurt... Very much so...
We have a Halloween party on Friday at school and my cousins are coming over on Saturday to sleep over and then that faithful day... When all hope is lost... And terrifying things happen... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN! IT'S HALLOWEEN! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I will post some pictures cuz I want to:



Hit on you own species why don't ya!

Pikachu is horny...
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I am so Angry at Myself! Grr!
Fuck man! I am very sick... And tonight is the Halloween dance! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! And my Halloween Contest isn't going very well... WHERE IS LESLIE WHEN YOU NEED HER?! ARGH! Leslie was supposed to e-mail me... four months ago... what a friend she is. And Sarah was too! GRR!
All is well in the Halloween festivities at home. The Corpseulator is finished and is the most beautiful thing we have ever made... We have named her Lizzie after Lizzie Boder... Y'know:
Lizzie Boder had an axe
Gave her mother forty whacks
When she realized what she had done,
She gave her father forty-one!
I have got to stop doing so much hard work... I make excellent fan fictions that nobody reads and good quizzes that nobody takes and... I am so stupid...
And I am angry at Courtney and Nicole... Damn them... They said that they were going to come over with the Halloween Party Banner for school and they didn't... They made a bad choice to cross me. They shall pay.
Courtney & Nicole: WE SHAN'T!
THEY SHALL! So... if I don't add pictures then none of you guys will read my meaninless posts... Oh woe is me... A raven sat o'er my chamber door... Here are thy pictures...

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Sunday, October 24, 2004
I know I haven't updated in a while but I have very important annoucement... It is officially Halloween week. And I have a proposition for you. A "Contest" if you will. Whoever can deliver the most Halloweenish myOtaku site will win my award. Rules apply:
1.) Must have assorted things related to Halloween.
2.) Must at least have the subject of Halloween in every one of your posts.
3.) Whoever IMs me with bribes will be disqualified (I dunno how to spell that).
4.) Winners will be annouced on Halloween (P.S. I am the ONLY judge)
5.) You may trash talk to other competitors. The more trash talk the better.
6.) In order to be included in this contest, you must leave a comment saying that you want to be in the contest at the end of this post. You may start the Halloween festivities as soon as you enter.
7.) You may have any amount of Halloween related things. The more the better (P.S. The scarier they are, the more chance that you will win)
Here is an example of the Halloween award:

It's only a sample and yeah I know it sucks... But it's the Halloween stuff that matters right?
Everybody is ellegable to win if they enter and have things related to Halloween. The places you can win are, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Hope you guys join! I can't wait. If you have any questions, leave a comment or IM me.
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