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Monday, September 27, 2004
Again I am Swirling in a Whirlwind of Depression...
Uhm... How can I phrase this? Two shocking things I found out on Friday.
1.) My real name isn't Hollow.
2.) I have a half aunt.
The real shocker to me was about my name... My real name now is Carly... It's a sissy name. Why didn't they tell me my real name was Carly? After all these years... of calling me Hollow... And really naming me Carly... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY FAMILY?!
And about my half aunt... her name is Judy. When my Poppy (Newfy for Grandpa) was fourteen, he was a Dad... And he didn't know since he went to join the army. And then he got married to my Nanny (Newfy for Grandma). They had my Mom then my aunt and my uncle. AND FOR TWO FUCKING YEARS OF KNOWING I HAVE A FUCKING HALF AUNT, MY DYSFUNCTIONAL PARENTS NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT HER! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
I am really angry and depressed so... I'm ready to bite someone's fucking head off! [Bites Hilary Duff's head off.]
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
My Pathetic South Park Comics...
I said South Park Comics... But not yet. I was playing the Emogame last night and they insulted NICKELBACK! And I said, 'I'm going to kill all of my dudes 'cause they made fun of Chad...' And I freakin' killed Creed... Er... Alter Bridge... But, they made fun of Chad's voice AND THAT'S WHERE THEY DRAW THE LINE! I think Chad's voice is beatiful and... fantastic. SO HAHAHA STUPID EMOGAME! HA!
Well, my South park Comics... theOtaku won't accept them so... I'll post them. They're really crappy though... I can't draw South Park!

My Dad calling me a Fart Sniffer... He does call me a Fart Sniffer and I call him Johnny Poo Poo Pants.

Dad having a Hair Fantasy... He just actually had one yesterday... My Dad looks like Stan's Dad...

This was at the time when I woke up at 4:00 AM and couldn't get back to sleep 'cause I saw a ghost... Or was it an Alien? I forget...

Camping with my cousins... My worst nightmare.

Stephanie and RETARDO'S Wedding (Retardo is actually Madardo... But I like calling him Retardo)...
I told you they were crappy!
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Er... I'm just chillin' out eatin' a Kit Kat and listening to Nickelback... Just got finished watching all of Good Charlottes videos AT LEAST three times (Except for 'Predictable'. I watched that one about eight times). And since I want to here are PICTUREZ!

Dun, dun dun dun! Dun dun dun dun! DUUUUUUUUUUN! He's comin' to bust your ASS!

A mean lookin' kitty with a moehawk... I WANT ONE!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [Takes breath.] AHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I absolutely HAD to post this! It's the best Photoshop thingie EVA!


This was supposed to be my avatar but... It didn't fucking work.

Looks like my Mom... Only with purple hair.
Well... that's it for pictures...
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Guess what, guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT! Mom bought the coolest thing EVA! Say hello to Jeeves. [Pulls out coolio ghoulish butler.] He's six feet tall and he breaths and talks... And serves beer and wine and blood punch in skull goblets! ^_^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We're going to have to coolest Halloween party... EVA!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
I Have Made a Quiz!
 So. You finally realise who the person on the swing is... Well, you don't. Not yet that is. Make sure ya rate and message me so I will consider making a Part Two. BYE! -Hollowbaye
You and Billy Martin Part One brought to you by Quizilla
It even has a picture! So you take it OR DIE. Cheerio!
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am in a very Hallweeny mood as you can tell! I changed the colours of my site because Halloween is coming in... let's see... Uh... I'm too lazy to do the Math! So... somebody can do it for me.
And on Friday, I just realised that I am very good at Bridal Shower games. I went to my soon-to-be-cousin's Bridal Shower on Friday... And I won all of the games. The first game we played was find the safety pins in the rice stack... I got seven pins. You can't imagine how hard that was. And then I won Bridal present Bingo! But the prizes I won were crappy... I won a dish cloth, a pot holder, a candle holder, and some kind of book (Which I use to record my dreams for my witch craft studies).
And today we're going to Grandma's for her birthday... My little cousins will be there... They call me big, fat boobies... Yes that's what they actually say. It's bad enough having my Dad call me Fart Sniffer... But I call him Hair Obsessive Johnny or Johnny Poopoo Pants.
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
I... Hate... MR.KIRKORIAN!
Well, Ignore the title. It's all I could think of at the moment...
BUT I HAVE SHOCKING NEWS! I know what I'm going to be on Halloween! I'm going to be ME! Yes. I scare enough people every day. I can see it in my yearbook now... Most likely to scare off the entire football team... Yay.
Stupid braces hurt so fucking much! I was crying all night because of it! I took three Motrins (The 300g ones) and it still didn't take away the pain! Grr...
And again I am stressed about school. I am going to fail Music. I just know it. I can't play the fucking trombone 'cause IT FUCKING HURTS WHEN I FUCKING PRESS MY LIPS TOGETHER! I'm going to have to play fucking clarinet...
I'm going to have to embarass my self in front of the class saying, 'Mr.Fehderau, I can't play the trombone. What inrtument CAN I play with braces?'
It's all good though... I'm going to be so pissed off if I am not able to play Bass Guitar at the end of the year. He will pick me or else...
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Uh... uh... Yeah.
Got my braces today! They're Orange and Black... Why? 'Cause I love Halloween so much.
I feel more depressed than usual... Dunno why. I just kinda miss Scottie and Leslie and Sarah... Scott's in High School now and he has to wear a uniform (Me: Awww... GOOD LITTLE CATHOLIC BOY!). And me? I'm still wearing the baggy black pants and skull shirts. Wooooo! Uh... It's Dana Carvey time!

Wayne's World! Wayne's World! Party Time! Excellent!

HAHA! Garth.

I love Garth!

Garth has a Barbie!

Wayne's World is one of my favourite movies!
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Friday, September 10, 2004
I've been VERY lazy over the past few days... So call me lazy if you wish... School has been hectic and I am struggling with my locker... Which is kinda pathetic... So call me pathetic if you must...
Besides school, I have nothing to do... so... No Homework tonight!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
My first day was OK. I didn't bring my lock money or planner money... and the worst part, I have a half locker at the bottom... That sucks. My teacher's name isn't even Mrs.Brie. It's Mrs.Tangney.
On the bright side, I got to see all of my old classmates... and we missed French class beacause we haqd a fire drill.
And I feel really bad for not saying goodbye to my Mom... I'm literally crying over the subject... You can't imagine how awful I feel.
I should get going... So, SCHFIFTY FIVE!
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