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Bass and Electric guitar player
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Guitar playing, dreaming over this guy I like, drawing, anime watching...
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
I Feel so... Love Sick.
Kay... I just got back from a sleep over at Scott's house and it was fun... Scott was kinda mean to me...
Well here's how it started. Scott's step sister invited me to go see a movie at the mall so we went to go see Little Black Book. And after, we started making plans to sleep over...
When we get to her house, Scott isn't home. Katie (Scott's step sister.) tells me that he went to a concert in Toronto.
When he got home he didn't even say, 'Hi' to me. I was getting really pissed at him at that point.
In the morning, I go downstairs and he's playing PS2. I start talking to him and he says he got flashed at the concert. (Some slut showed her boobs to him.) At this point, the pissed off meter was where it shouldn't be. At full height.
Scott: Uh... A girl flashed me at the concert...
Me: Wh- Huh?
Scott: You heard me.
Me: So now you're breaking up with me!
Me: [Really pissed. An inch away from exploding.] IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY THAT!
Scott: [Pulls me into a playful headlock.] You are a mystery.
Me: Yeah well... I'm still in awe that you love me.
Yeah. And, he was on the phone with his friend Ariel and talking to me at the same time.
Scott: How do you define a gay person?
Me: A man who is attracted to Brad Pitt.
[Laughter fills room.]
Yeah. And I was playing his new guitar which is the same exact type I have. A Raptor Plus. Same colour and everything!
Anyway, I'm rambling! Toodle Loo!
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Kay, kay, kay... MY BOYFRIEND IS BACK FROM PARIS! I saw meh boyfriend at Zellers... The bad thing about it was that I was with my cousins and my Nanny and Aunt Donna... He asked if I wanted to go with him through the mall, but I couldn't 'cause I had to go home with my Nanny. I was staying over there with no computer. THE HUMANITY! But I got The Punisher Soundtrack! Sometimes being spoiled has its perks!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Grr... So Frustrated...
We stayed for an extra day while camping and my cousins were so annoying!
I'm depressed because my boyfriend is in Paris, France! He decided to go anyways... I hate his Dad... I miss Scott...
My Aunt Donna said I have a bad attitude (Which I am quite proud of thank you very much!). My Dad's buddy from work said I was a Lesbo just because I like comic books and hockey (My Dad pinned him to the machine that they were close to... I love you Daddy!). So... My life is messed up!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Out in The Boonies... With my Annoying Cousins...
We're going camping tomorrow. My Mom, my Aunt Donna, and my annoying cousins, Jed and Kastyl... Out in the boonies with no computer... IT'S MADNESS! Kat, kay, kay... Need to calm down... ANY OF YOU GOT A LAP TOP WITH INTERNET?! And I'll be without my Scottie... WWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
I'm Depressed...
I went out to Scott's house last night. My Mom let me go... I rode my bike there. Thank God she let me go... Anyway, we hung out by his pool and we talked... talked about his situation with his Dad...
I am not feeling very well... I somehow feel like I should be at his house right now... I worry about him. He's depressed. I feel the same. I dunno... maybe I'll ask if I can go again... [Sigh.] Poor Scott...
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
[Sigh.] Today was not good. I went to the mall with Katie again today. That part was fun, but when my mom dropped us off at Scott's house, his mom said that he went off skateboarding.
So then he came back and went right on inside without even saying 'Hi' to me...
So when we went home, I called him and he said that his dad asked him if he wanted to go to France and Scott said no and his dad is really pissed because he already bought his ticket...
I'm thinking of sneaking out to his house tonight...
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Sunday, July 11, 2004
My parents went to this party and I was allowed to invite all of my friends over... we played truth or dare...
Sarah: Hollow, Truth or Dare?
Me: Dare.
Sarah: I dare you to make out with Scott!
Scott & Me: WHAT?!
Sarah: You heard me! Now you two... go into the closet and I better hear smooching!
Scott & Me: [Walking to the closet.]
Me: [Turn my head back to Sarah and mouth, 'Thank you!']
Scott & Me: [In closet now.]
Scott: Er... I think we have to do this or we'll get kicked out of the game...
Me: Yeah okay. I don't want to do it either but, I guess it's better with you and not some stranger...
Scott: [Leans in.]
Me: [Leans in too.]
Scott: [Plants lips on mine.]
Me: [Freaking out 'cause I never have done this before.]
Scott & Me: [We um... make it more deeper... heheh.]
--10 minutes later--
Scott & Me: [Get out of the closet smiling like dopes.]
Scott & Me: [Sit down beside eachother and secretly hold hands.]
Leslie: Finally! Now the game is on!
Leslie: Branden, Truth or Dare?
Braden: Um... truth.
Leslie: Is it true that the first time you saw Sarah you fell in love?
Branden: HELL NO!
Scott & Me: [Still smiling and holding hands.]
Branden: Scott, Truth or Dare?
Scott: Dare...
Branden: I dare you to admit your love to somebody in this room.
Scott: 0_o [Turns to me and whispers, 'I love you Hollow.']
Me: [Estatic.] I love you too!
Scott & Me: [BIG HUG! Aww...]
Everybody: Aww... HOW CUTE!
Leslie: [Looks at watch.] OH CRAP! Sarah! We're going to be late getting home!
Sarah & Leslie: BYE! [Rush out of the house.]
Branden: [Follows Sarah.]
Scott & Me: [Look at eachother and begin another make out session!]
I love Scott very much! He's my baby now!
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Saturday, July 10, 2004
Daniel and I went on a honey moon to Disney World! Woot! We went on all of the roller coasters and stayed in the Dolphin Hotel. It was fun! We got mobbed a couple of times until we got security to hold back the rabid tourists.
Daniel: Do you love me?
Me: YES! [Kisses him.]
Me: Do you love me?
Daniel: Yes. Very much so! [Kisses me passionately.]
Heehee... I love Daniel Radcliffe! I'm Mrs.Radcliffe now! See, we got married!
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Hollow and Daniel Radcliffe
Were united in Marriage
on the 08th day of July 2004
I love him so much. BACK OFF! [Beats off fan girls of Daniel.] I'LL PULL YOUR HAIR OUT AND KICK YOU SO HARD, YOU'LL GET A SPEEDING TICKET! [Fan girls run away from me afraid of getting beatened to a bloody pulp.] THAT'LL TEACH YA!
Scott came over AGAIN Today...
Scott: Say hi.
Me: Why?
Scott: Just say hi!
Me: WHY?!
Scott: SAY HI!
Me: NO! WHY?!
Scott: JUST SAY HI!!!!
Scott: Oh! You said it!
Me: -_-; Baka...
Another Passage:
Scott: Play 'Smoke on The Water'.
Me: Er... Okay. [Pulls out guitar.]
Scott: [Plays air guitar.]
Me: WTF are you doing?!
Scott: Jamming with you.
Me: Er... want to play My Dad's guitar?
Scott: No. See, I brought my own. [Holds out hands.]
Me: [Looks at hands.] Er... Scott, I don't see a guitar.
Scott: That's because you don't have the power.
Me: You're such a geek...
Another conversation...
Scott: Do you feel unloved?
Me: Yeah.
Scott: Do you feel depressed?
Me: Yeah.
Scott: Do you feel horny?
Me: Ye-- hey, wait a minute... HOUSHIIIIIIIII-SAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA! [Slaps him across the face really hard.]
Scott: Ouch! You're a meanie. Want to go watch LOTR 3?
Me: Okay.
Scott & Me: [Walk down stairs and put in LOTR 3 in the DVD player.]
Movie: [At scene when you see Gollum talk to himself.]
Scott: I think Gollum's on dope.
Me: 0_o! You're a sad, strange, little man... -_-;
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Yesterday was a Blast!
Yesterday I went to the mall with my friend, Katie. It was a lot of fun! We were going to go see Anchorman but it was going to play in five minutes. And it was going to be packed. So we decided to have lunch instead.
We just hung around the mall for a while after that. We bought a few things and ate a Brownie Earthquake... And she's coming back on Wednesday. We might even have a sleep over! Won't that be fun?
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Last Night...
Last night was more horrible than I have ever thought it could be. My cousin Jed wanted to just play PS2 all day and refused to quit for one minute. I seriously need to hide that thing when he comes over...
And Kastyl... don't get me started on her... all she wanted to do was, "Go for a walk". I GOT A FRIGGIN' BLISTER FROM THE WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went on FOUR walks. FOUR! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
And to top it all off, I was sick all night. I can't believe it. IT WAS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!
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